Our next mission is to make sure we have another good turn-out to vote for Jack Smith in 3 weeks- keep the momentum going- we're almost dunn- er I mean done!

PTC Guy: X

PTC Guy's picture


WakeUp: Election Night Comments

WakeUp's picture

Let the other blogs run the results. Post comments and editorials here.

It looks like it is only the three amigos here now.

PTC Guy: x

PTC Guy's picture

Moved comments


30YearResident: My Thoughts on This Campaign...

Signs do a lot for a candidate, much more, than most think they do.

When walking into a polling place, a majority of voters don't give a hoot about anything except one particular race. That's the one that brings them to the polls in the first place.

CarpeDieminPTC: Maxwell 56 Dunn 44 ---Wells 40 Smith 35 Chapman 25 My Predictions

CarpeDieminPTC's picture

Election Predictions.

Lets cut to the chase with some quick predictions. No time for rambling, just give me what you got. I'll buy the next round at 3 dollar cafe to the winner.

rhino: Car Wash

Is there a good car wash anywhere in North Fayette? I went to the one across from the Ford place on 85 and was appalled

dgroce06: why bill bonner is getting my vote

Everything else aside, Dan Lakly sponsored three bills and some resolutions commending nice people around town. That's it.


PTC Guy's picture

We are seeing more and more pressure to bring things like this into Fayette County.

One hand claims it will takes some auto traffic pressures away. The other it will bring in more troubles than it is worth.

CarpeDieminPTC: Sam Chapman is a RINO?

CarpeDieminPTC's picture


Out of curiosity, why does Sam have his signs up in his own front yard of his father's bank on Hwy. 85 and immediately next to it is a Democrat named Gail Buckner from Clayton County?

Jerry3676: Death Of Benjamin Malone

Please accept our sincere sympathies on the recent death of Benjamin. We are all saddened to hear of his passing.

Kind Regards,

rhino: Query to Citizen staff

Will you be posting the election results tomorrow as they come in - as you did for the special election?

Janetoutofthebox: WHO SENT ME THIS SPAM E-MAIL?

Janetoutofthebox's picture

From: "JMac Info"

Date: 2006/07/17 Mon PM 07:15 EDT
Subject: Eric's Errors (Post 5 County Commission Race, Fayette County)

justthinking: Eric Maxwell and Matthew Autera

Reading the loud protestations of Dr. Autera reminds one of Shakespeare: “Lady, me thinks thou protesteth too much. “

loren ackerman: Everybody is Talkin About Poker

My name is Loren Ackerman. I am a parent, an educator and the author of the 1st poker book for parents called Talkin About Poker: Straight Talk for Parents and their Players.

G35 Dude: Do Not Call List !

G35 Dude's picture

Even though I've placed my number on the do not call list, I've been flooded with calls asking me to vote for every candidate running for office in the state.

PTC Guy: Finalizing Voting Choices

PTC Guy's picture

I would like some opinions on the Board of Education candidates before I nail down last two remaining votes.

Any opin

fayettesouth: It's nitty gritty time for Dunn

We are down to only about 48 hours left until Dunn and Wells will know for certain that they will be leaving the commission at the end of the calender year.

LogicAndPhilosophy: Sample Ballot

LogicAndPhilosophy's picture

After printing subject I couldn't believe several of the "Questions" at the end of the ballot.
Take #2A. Should government enforce current laws (specific intent is for immigration)? Why is this a question on the ballot?

della: Children+Restaurants = OutOfControl!

della's picture

Is it just me or has eating out become a disappointing experience? Maybe I'm a wailing child magnet but more often than not I'm inundated with loud and obnoxious children sitting too close for comfort. So far my solution is to move to another table but that doesn't always work. I don't go out regularly; however, when I do, I would like it to be a pleasant experience.

the weasel: Jack Smith

I agree with "Fireside". I too have had an opportunity to meet Jack Smith and hear what he has to say. He is very nice and very impressive, however, I did notice that on several of the issues he addressed, his suggestions and/or solutions were not possible as a commissioner. Some things are out of their jurisdiction. Two examples I can think of are: "no budget for the roads" - there has been a road plan and budget for at least 8 years as I understand it. The commissioners fought for the SPLOST to pass even though there was much opposition, particuarly from PTC. "would give more money to the Fayette Senior Citizens". While this is possible, one must be very careful as this organization is a private, non-profit and NOT a part of the county government. Many people do not know this. I didn't until recently.

doc: Bill Stephens is the real Republican's choice.

Secretary of State; Bill Stephens, no doubt.

I'm so glad Karen Handel got my attention and made me do the research. Bill Stephens is so much more qualified for this position. Karen Handel's only claim to fame is observing the corruption through out Atlanta. How hard was that to spot. Her weakness is she now assumes everyone is as corrupt as what she is surrounded by. She is unaware the rest of the State is not that way. She cannot function properly statewide.

Peter Pfeifer: Erick&Sam&Jack

Peter Pfeifer's picture

Now, the claim is … “It’s SAM’S fault!”. SAM was the one putting Erick’s signs with SAM’S signs!

Where the heck did SAM get all those signs? And, where did SAM get the magnetic, “Vote for Erick”, signs on SAM’S car?


I'm glad to see that there are thinking citizens in Fayetteville who wonder at the sincerity of those who speak of 'family values' - and then take their children to 'play' at casinos. The act of 'playing' is used in education as a 'learning' experience. What are parents 'teaching' their children when they 'play' at casinos?

SandySue: Any reliable handymen out there?

We have been trying to get a door replaced on our house for several months now. Everyone we call has been real nice about saying they will come out, but they never show up!

Basmati: 20 Questions For Bush Supporters

Basmati's picture

I didn't write these, I got these in an email. But I'd be interested in seeing some responses.

1. What are the Top Seven best things that the Bush Administration has done?

the weasel: Chapman/Maxwell

Who ever said Eric Maxwell didn't want to be closely associated with Sam Chapman should read page 11A of Thursday's edition (7/13) of the Fayette Daily News.


I live in Fairburn in a Subdivision. For 3 weeks I have been smelling an onion odor around my house. Last night(JUL 11) I almost passed out - never experienced that before and I am 52 yrs.

LindaLiberty: Fair Tax Prebate

Response to person who wrote Achilles Heel - I posted this as a response but it didn't show up so here goes again.

Your comment that giving a prebate and determining a household would be so difficult shows me that you don't understand what the prebate is nor the current complexity of the income tax system.

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