My Thoughts on This Campaign...

Signs do a lot for a candidate, much more, than most think they do.

When walking into a polling place, a majority of voters don't give a hoot about anything except one particular race. That's the one that brings them to the polls in the first place.

The remainder of the races will be considered by that voter by either, (1) what a friend has told them, (2) by how many signs they've seen, (3) by whose sign was in their neighbors yard. or (4) some negative thought about voting against someone because they had too many signs.

The general public rarly reads the background, attend political forums, does their research, or becomes informed prior to going to the polls. Some vote "For" the incumbant and some vote "Against" the incumbant, without knowing who the incumbant is, their record or their opponents position. Just that their "The Incumbant".

These are just plain facts that any political strategist knows, but it's a dirty little secret that is never discussed in the open.

I believe Maxwell will win handily. But, without the "behind the scenes" phoning and networking that's been done for Smith, his numbers would probably not be there, ... and may not still. I'm being optomistic on Smith being in the runoff. But I'm still afraid it'll be Wells and Chapman, and then what'll we do? I'm afraid I'd have to go for Wells if that happens..... or Donald Duck.

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