Janet: Janet Dunn's Blog

A couple of times a week I try to take a quick look at the blogs on the Citizen. I don’t believe in or like anonymous blogs. It reminds me of the movie the Invisible Man. He started out with good intentions but invisibility gave him carte blanche to do things he normally wouldn’t have done. People say things they wouldn’t say to your face or things they wouldn’t want their minister or priest to know they were saying. No responsibility or accountability. People toss opinions out on these blogs like they were facts. There’s no supportive documentation, no real research and no one’s identity to give any credibility to statements. Plus, it’s easy for one person to have ten different identities out here! I like the fact that Richard Hobbs and Peter Pfeifer use their own names. I wish that were a requirement for this forum as it is for letters to the editor.

carlsbad: nail salons

In response to you artice regarding new safety regulations for nail salons, I recommend, for starters, you look here http://www.carlsbad-syndicate.co.nr at this web site. We have come up with a preventative process that might assist in alieviating some of the issues being seen in salons today.

bad_ptc: Greg Dunn's 40 % ???

bad_ptc's picture

Greg Dunn states; “In fact, since I became chairman, residential building permits have been reduced 40 percent.”

Mr. Dunn, or anyone, can you tell me how you arrived at this number?

dawn: La Hacienda

We have dined at the PTC and Fayetteville location several times using their coupon for $7.00 off a purchase of $20.00. They play the same game with every visit. Most restaurants take the $7.00 off the total bill, but they reduce the price of one of the entrees. If you have a burrito at $8.00, they show the new price at $2.50. You say that doesn't add up and you're right. Nearly every time they take $5.50 and not $7.00 off the bill. When you confront them then they play with other things on the bill. This is one that makes us furious - we order the fresh guacamole dip and then when we question the amount that they took off for the coupon they raise the price of the dip several dollars saying that they are charging us for the extra avocado. There are not two sizes for the guacamole dip on the menu but they play this game at both locations. We have stopped eating there because it's obvious that they enjoy ripping off good customers.

Richard Hobbs: Commission Debate on June 29th

Richard Hobbs's picture

I happened to attend the "debate/forum" hosted by the Kiwanis and I was sadly disappointed. With all of the vitriol that one reads in the newspaper you would think that some of the candidates would have taken their gloves off and let it all "hang out".

bladderq: Tinsley Mill Village

Dear muddle,

I have let the ‘Old Maids’ on this blog have their say. I like that they (as usual) know more than the people involved. They have the time to comment on the most mundane points and I truly wish their wives would find out about their free time and give them a ‘honey-do list.’ This is once again a point where they have half or less correct. They are truly LIMP. I must be a fool to have lived here for 7 years and thankfully these LIMP ones can point out all that I don’t know. Is the community without problems? NO. We are one of the oldest subdivisions in PTC. We were on the cover of the phone book for years as the identity of PTC.

toofly: nail salon's

Have you ever gone to a nail salon and had a bad experience? Have you called up there and complained? Maybe asked for your money back or for them to redo the original job? Well I say hat's off to Judy's Nails in Westpark.

McDonoughDawg: How long until the new Golf Cart Tunnels are open?

It would seem to be something they would want to get open ASAP. As of yet, I've not even seen pavement up to the tunnels themselves.

dkinser: $3 Cafe

For many months (actually more than a year) I anticipated the opening of the $3 Cafe and I was absolutely astonished to read some of the accounts regarding food and service there.

ang123: want free food???????????

In all I have learned at $3 cafe is that you have to wait too long for your food, which will most likely be the case since they can't even get appetizers out before meals, you will get it free. If you have the time to wait, just wait it out, have a few drinks, and then demand that you see a manager. Give them a time limit, and if you are going to leave they will give you a voucher to come back.

Basmati: Talkin’ Bout My(Space) Generation

Basmati's picture

Talkin’ Bout My(Space) Generation

The unfortunate murder of last week has given a number of people blogging here an opportunity to demonize the MySpace generation yet again.

Celeste Pyron: My dad

You don't know how much you miss someone until they are gone. Dad was not always a constant presence but he was a strong one. I miss his smell, his voice, how he could say the funniest stuff I ever heard. God is faithful and I hope and pray I will see him again someday . I am in utter sorrow and regret for the good bye I never had the chance to say here, but God knows better than us all and I trust Him. I love you Dad.

lwomack: Re: Arrest of Youth Pastor in Tyrone

Why did the arresting officers take the news media with them to the arrest? Was there intent to try their case in the news media and find this person guilty before a trial? Has the media investigatied or reported that Kyle had not been in the chat room for over 1.5 months when he was arrested? Check the real facts! How could he have made a

stradivargal: Agreed: Eric Maxwell is Transparent

I would tend to agree that Mr. Maxwell is transparent. It is correct to say "What you see is what you get." Unfortunately, his openess on some of these topics makes clear to me that he will benefit his long time friends in accomodating developers requests that we abandon our standards.

mapleleaf: Our young brain-dead candidates

mapleleaf's picture

Of all the counties in metro Atlanta, guess which one had the highest percentage of citizens over the age of 65 in our 2000 census? Yes, it was Fayette County, with 9.01%.

Legal1: Falsely accused

It is a shame that this world has to deal with the problem of sexual predators lurking around. What is even more of a shame is that there are so many ignorant people who like to convict someone of this type of crime even if they could be innocent. No I am not trying to defend child molesters, but there has been many people convicted of this type of crime that are indeed innocent. This could easily happen to anybody at anytime. No other offense class has such lax requirements or procedures for conviction: not murder, assault, robbery, etc. all of which require corroborative evidence. Such hideous penalties demand higher evidence standards. Before you start to judge somebody please know all the evidence before you condem somebody. If there is no evidence, just because a person has been labled with this child molester title a jury will usually always convict them. This is sad that this country has come to this. What happened to a person is innocent until proven guilty. This crime does not have to be proven. I am not the person below that wrote this.I thought it possibly could open a few eyes. Please read on..

lifeinptc: Janet's Talking Points

There is a hilarious email circulating Peachtree City. Janet Dunn is sending her thought-to-be friends twelve "talking points" she wants them to print out and hand out "in their travels" - whatever that means. I wish I could share the comments that are attached to the emails but most want their comments to remain private so I will just share mine.

Gene Key: FairTax Attack

I noted with interest the letter to the editor from Mr. Ed Outlaw with his concerns for the Fair Tax plan. I have promoted the Fair Tax for several years now, and I have rarely come across anyone that was such a proponent of the present tax system. The Income Tax is out of control, inefficient, and penalizes U.S. business and manufacturing competing within an escalating global economy. The Fair Tax is a simple alternative method to fund the Federal Government that is fair, simple, and visible. As a by-product, it just happens to solve some very serious economic problems that are caused by the present Income Tax.

lwomack: Concern For Youth Pastor Arrested In Tyrone

Has anyone thought to ask, "What was Kyle's intent for being on the Child Pornography Website?" Could he have been trying to contact these supposively 14 year old misguided teens to try and turn their lives around? Yes, he might have used inappropriate language, but was this not a case of "entrapment" by the police in this particular case? Yes, I do believe their are many child molesters out there, I worked as a caseworker investigating child sexual abuse for over 5 years.

murphschick: PTC Teens

When I read this story the most disturbing thing for me was that kids scattered and failed to cooperate with police when they arrived. Further that it took a shooting for someone to call the police. My son was cited for Minor In Possession of Alcohol about 3 years ago when he was 17 and attending a similar party in PTC. The neighbors called the police when they figured out what was going on. The entire incident was all over but the crying by 11PM on a Friday night. Same thing happened, bunch of kids ran. Some were cited and their parents called. What is it about these kids that they would run when something so serious had just happened? Why didn't the neighbors call when they noticed there was a party going on? Did they not know their neighbors well enough to know the parents were out of town? Hindsight is 20/20 but I just wish a neighbor had gotten involved before it was too late. And I wish that teens today were a little less self centered than to run rather than risk the consequences of their actions.

fatdaddy721: Carziest thing I've ever heard

fatdaddy721's picture

We all know the story of the worker at the waffle house in mcdonough paying the homeless guy $5.00 to drink poison. Then the worker goes to to court and the sentence he gets is 1 year of probation and a $500.00 fine.

elaine30220: Tragedy in Peachtree City

My Deepest sympathy goes out to the family of the young man that died over a senseless murder. people need to put up their guns and lock them up.guns need to be wiped off the face of the earth.

concerned teen ptc: We aren't all Spoiled Brats!

So today I hear from my mom that a kid in our area had died recently. I get on my computer to check it out on the news, and I find out that there is this society of "bloggers" that for some reason hate peachtree city, its kids, and pretty much everything about it. [Of those family members some are "TEENAGERS" Key word: TEENAGERS (or could also be known as “SPOILED BRATS”).]-veryveryconcerned...what is THAT supposed to mean? I get online to find out about a tragedy for which i show concern and I find out that I am a spoiled brat. I did a little more reading and found that any time something bad happens in peachtree city, some jerk has to get on a blog and start a whole bunch of crap about how the parents have too much money and they dont spend time with their kids. and who are the "jones's"? and what is this about parents not wearing pants veryveryconcerned? maybe its you who should re-evaluate your family if there are members that dont wear pants. Maybe someone should knock some sense into YOUR head. everyone in my household wears pants thank you very much.

chugalugalug: HR 25, the Fair Tax Act

Heres the FINAL SOLUTION that will end the IRS problem once and for all time.

To help all Americans (ESPECIALLY the older ones on a


veryveryconcerned's picture

Peachtree City….Beautiful…comfortable… but living here I must say I’ve learned it’s like "if you have money, then you fit right in...if you don't then you need to work your butt off to “FIT RIGHT IN” and keep up with the "IN CROWD or THE JONES’S" for that matter.

Basmati: Field Guide to Citizen Bloggers For Newcomers

Basmati's picture

A short primer on who's who here:

Basmati is a leader of men, a lover of women, and a heckuva good dancer for a big man. He is first among equals among bloggers, as evidenced by the fact he was the first blogger quoted in the "Blogger" article in today's print version of the Citizen.

lorloor: Netbrad, Skyspy, et al

1. Nancy...you are so ON...as someone who works with PTC teens on a regular basis, MySpace is how all the kids knew before anyone else did...would love for the parents of the girl with the gun down her pants to see that one...

dkinser: Teenager shot in Centennial Subdivision

Sometime during the early morning hours, a 17 year old was shot in the Centennial Subdivision. According to WSB TV news, he was air lifted to the Atlanta Medical Center.

Firedup: Foreigner Concert

This was by far the best concert ever at the Fred! Good time and great experience. Could the music have been any better? It made for a great father's day the next morning.

ctkcec: Fire the cop? NO!

ctkcec's picture

To the person who wrote in suggesting that the cop who received a reprimand for chasing a bad guy be fired--What's wrong with you?

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