want free food???????????

In all I have learned at $3 cafe is that you have to wait too long for your food, which will most likely be the case since they can't even get appetizers out before meals, you will get it free. If you have the time to wait, just wait it out, have a few drinks, and then demand that you see a manager. Give them a time limit, and if you are going to leave they will give you a voucher to come back.
The other way to ensure you will not have to pay for your food, is eat half of it, or hell even most of it, and then ask for a manager and tell them that everything was wrong. They will want you to come back, and will comp your meal very graciously.
Also, If you are looking for beer, stick with American. They don't have half of the ones listed on the sheet, and half the time are out of what is on tap.
You might have a wonderful server, but there is nothing they can do about a kitchen that can't get it together. It isn't their fault the food isn't being made fast enough.
So, if you have the time, go, you can't do anything but have a few drinks and not have to pay for a meal, and probably get a voucher to come back.
I know. I work there and see it happen EVERY day!!!

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Submitted by dkinser on Mon, 06/26/2006 - 10:06pm.

I have been to $3 Cafe twice now, and despite the many blogs to the contrary, I have had good food and good service.

With attitudes like yours, I'm not surprised that others have had bad service. Get a real job.

Dana Kinser

Submitted by Xcheerleader on Tue, 06/27/2006 - 1:28pm.

That was not so nice. In other words, it's fine for you to go eat there, but if she works there, he/she needs to get a real job? Sounds like you maybe have some kind of agenda?

Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Tue, 06/27/2006 - 9:36am.

Sounds like this "server" doesn't take her job seriously.

I've also been more than once and enjoyed the $3 Cafe myself.

Submitted by ang123 on Tue, 06/27/2006 - 6:00pm.

I actually do take my job seriously, the people I don't take seriously are the ones who are still trying to pull this trick. I have recognized many a customer who come in and will get meal after meal free. The smart server's won't wait on them anymore, because we are sick of it.
Do you guys even know what satire is? I know DANA doesn't, or he wouldn't have been so defensive. Men, men, men always speaking before they think. I could have been one of the servers you had.

Submitted by ang123 on Mon, 06/26/2006 - 10:56pm.

It seems most of Fayette County has figured out that all you have to do is complain and you will get your meal for free. I never said I was the server. I just said I have seen it happen on a daily basis. I also said that it wasn't the server's fault. All they are doing is waiting like you for food to bring to your table. Believe me - most of us would cook it ourselves instead of waiting, and having to keep telling our customers that the food should be out soon. You were fortunate to have no troubles in your visits there. Yippee for you.
So, why don't you try telling your next server, wherever you may go, that you don't think they have a "Real job" and see what kind of service you get.
Do you have a real job? It seems all you do is sit an reply to blogs all day. Oh, maybe you are too embarassed to fill out any applications since you don't even have a real man's name. Dana.

Submitted by dkinser on Tue, 06/27/2006 - 4:59am.

And exactly where did I imply that you were the "server"? Sounds to me like you may have been one of the managers that was let go and definitely one of the reasons that some had bad service, from the kitchen, the bar, or maybe your position, bus boy?

Dana Kinser

Submitted by ang123 on Tue, 06/27/2006 - 9:28am.

In case you missed the part where I said I work there, I will repeat for you I work there and I am a server. That is present tense, as in right now. Maybe you should come and apply for a bus boy position there- I bet they make more money than you do sitting at home blogging all day.

Submitted by ptcmom678 on Wed, 06/28/2006 - 8:26am.

Both of you calm down!! Serving is a real (and tough) job, and the server does have to take the complaints on a lot of things s/he can't control. Hopefully, the new $3 manager is working on getting the place under control, and let's wait a few weeks and then try the place again. Ang - a hint - one problem that I've had there is that the servers NEVER remember the drink refills. Quick drink refills go a long way towards ensuring forgiveness for kitchen screw-ups. Good luck to all on the reorganization.


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