Janet Dunn's Blog

A couple of times a week I try to take a quick look at the blogs on the Citizen. I don’t believe in or like anonymous blogs. It reminds me of the movie the Invisible Man. He started out with good intentions but invisibility gave him carte blanche to do things he normally wouldn’t have done. People say things they wouldn’t say to your face or things they wouldn’t want their minister or priest to know they were saying. No responsibility or accountability. People toss opinions out on these blogs like they were facts. There’s no supportive documentation, no real research and no one’s identity to give any credibility to statements. Plus, it’s easy for one person to have ten different identities out here! I like the fact that Richard Hobbs and Peter Pfeifer use their own names. I wish that were a requirement for this forum as it is for letters to the editor.

I’m sure that all the nasty’s who go after anyone who says something favorable about my husband, Greg Dunn, or some of the other commissioners, are going to have some “fun” with the things I’m writing. I’ve felt sorry at times for the people who have tried to say nice things about Greg, or those who have opinions counter to the “regulars” (or is it one regular with multiple personalities? or two or three friends who play off each other?). The first tactic a lot of the bloggers have is to discount their words by saying “Hi Janet” or “It’s Janet again.” Just a couple of quick things about that. One, it hasn’t been me. Two, if it HAD been me, what better person to know some of the facts? Yes, I’m only privy to those facts that come through the newspaper, through documents Greg or other’s provide, and I get a healthy dose of Greg’s side of things. But I’m also a past reporter, someone with my own very strong opinions and I happen to have access to the written documents (like the court cases, etc.). And what I don’t have, I know how to get! One quick caveat: If it’s not information that any citizen could see or have access to, I don’t get to see it either.

I thought long and hard before deciding to do this. I don’t like to be attacked anymore than the next person. I know that I’m not in the league of the seemingly almost “professional” venomous bloggers who glom onto and go for the jugular of anyone they disagree with. But there is a lot of misinformation being tossed around out here. Anything I put in my little blog will be easily verifiable and I’m going to provide information so anyone can check into what I might write.

First topic is the “rumor” that’s going around about Greg “leaking” information to the AJC with information regarding a drug agent and his family. He unequivocally did not do it, and for those backbiters who’ll come back with “then you must have Janet,” I didn’t either.

I do know that Duffy gathered his information through the Freedom of Information Act which allows reporters – and any private citizen – access to certain documents. Greg point blank asked Mr. Duffy if he had told anyone he (Greg) had given him the information. Kevin Duffy said he told the agent’s wife that Greg absolutely did NOT give out the information. I talked to Mr. Duffy myself yesterday and he told me again that he had told her twice that Greg had nothing to do with it.

Greg talked to the agent’s wife and assured her he had nothing to do with leaking the information.

Greg has a very strong code of honor. I have never in my entire life met or known anyone who was as honest and above board as Greg. That strength of character and openness are a few of the characteristics that attracted me to him and I have not been disappointed. It is not in his nature to do something in private that he wouldn’t do openly and proudly.

Greg cares very deeply about and has great respect for our law officers and law enforcement in general. There is not a doubt in my mind that if I were endangered in any way Greg would defend me. Likewise, there’s not a doubt in my mind that Greg would put his own life at risk to defend those same people who are attacking him. He would never divulge any confidential information that could harm them.

I’m sure that some of the chorus out there are now going to come back and say “then why is he attacking the Sheriff.” He’s not , nor are the other commissioners, and I guarantee that most of the people who are out here writing anonymously in the Citizen blog know it. I don’t want to write a book, so that’ll have to wait for another day. It’s campaign time, plus I have a job, plus I handle a few websites for people, so I’m not sure how often I’ll be out here writing. I’d invite anyone who has a question about anything that’s said in regards to the Sheriff, lawsuits, rezonings, the land use plan or any other topic to send me (or Greg) an email (greg@electgregdunn.org or jmac_snippets@hotmail.com) or just call us at home, 770-631-9630. We’re posting a lot of information on Greg’s website also, www.ElectGregDunn.org.

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Submitted by Fayetteresident on Mon, 07/03/2006 - 9:26pm.

You said, "I know that I’m not in the league of the seemingly almost “professional” venomous bloggers... who go for the jugular of anyone they disagree with...."

That's OK. You can leave "going for the jugular" to your husband... he's good at it.

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Mon, 07/03/2006 - 6:49pm.

Janet, you protest too much.

Submitted by lifeinptc on Sat, 07/01/2006 - 5:47pm.

Those of you who haven't been reading these post will likely not see the humor in this. Those of us who have witnessed Janet's "Cybil" like multiple personalities are busting a gut over this one.

I first heard this over the phone. That call involved a lot of laughter: "Quit it, stop it, give me a minute to catch my breath. Oh no, she didn't say that. Okay stop or I'll wet my pants." ...

You get my drift if you've been here long.

These are my favorites;

"A couple of times a week I try to take a quick look at the blogs on the Citizen."... lol (on the floor) We know Janet. Admitting to reading the blogs is like riding a moped.

"I don't believe in or like anonymous blogs."... Just cause I invented them doesn't mean I like them.

[Blogs have] "no responsibility or accountability." ... Sooo look out Citizen you may be in for a forensic audit.

"It hasn't been me".... But if it was me I knew what I was talking about because my husband brings home the paper work and I read it while he naps.

"The rumor that's going around about Greg 'leaking' information to the AJC with information regarding a drug agent and his family. He unequivocally did not do it"... It just took a few weeks for us to think to deny it.

"I have never in my entire life met or known anyone who was as honest and above board as Greg." .... It's been a sad, sad life.

"...that attracted me to him"... Oh nooooo please don't go there Janet. Supper time is soon and my delete button is slow. The sentence which followed that one is more than I wanted to know as well.

"Greg cares very deeply about and has great respect for our law officers and law enforcement in general".... Specifically though he hates each and every one of them and dedicates himself to running interference on their missions.

"I don't want to write a book".... because over the last three years I have already written one by way of these blogs and my many personalities, one of which despises all that I've done.

Submitted by bladderq on Sat, 07/01/2006 - 11:38pm.

Not meaning to be picky but in case anyone is looking for info into MPD's it is w/ an S. Not to be confused w/ Cybil Sheperd.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sat, 07/01/2006 - 11:47pm.

Sybil it is.

Submitted by lifeinptc on Sun, 07/02/2006 - 4:57am.

Did the lion just call me a pig?

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sun, 07/02/2006 - 1:22pm.

Am I losing it here? Pig? Did I? ????

Submitted by lifeinptc on Sun, 07/02/2006 - 3:24pm.

I thought the rolling in the mud with the pigs comment was directed at me. My bad. Janet mades me paranoid.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sat, 07/01/2006 - 11:17pm.

Let's just say that you have been comical to watch of these blogs. Rather than roll around with the pigs here and get muddier I would like to be the first to wish you and Greg a wonderful retirement from public service. To be very kind here let's just say that eight years is long enough for anyone to serve in most any political position. Eight years should without a doubt be the max for a commission seat.

I wish you guys the very best. You should travel much, enjoy your families, and enjoy each other. Just disappear from politics. Lose the congressman aspirations. And thanks for your service.

JWM's picture
Submitted by JWM on Sun, 07/02/2006 - 11:37am.

I supported Greg Dunn the first time around. This time I don't know if I can vote for him. Many people are saying "hold your nose and vote for Greg". He seems to have lost the ability to listen to "the little people" like me. As I told Peter, while I believe that Greg has supported the Land Use Plan (and that is important) there is much more to the Commission than just that. The law suits have been divisive. Take Tyrone for example. There has been a contentious relationship there for years. Now that Randall has won in court, Greg should have apologized and moved on.

So, I am on the fence with Greg; don't know if I will go with Donald Duck though, as Git Real suggested. In the other race, I am going with Jack Smith. Smart, competent and a new face.

P.S. I agree that 8 years is a long time to serve. If George Washington considered 8 years to be he most that a President should serve, the same should hold for the Commission. Happy Fourth !

Submitted by uh oh on Mon, 07/03/2006 - 7:22pm.

JMW, What will it take to get you on the right side? Git Real was joking with the Duck comment... at least we can hope.
uh oh!

Submitted by fayetteobservers on Mon, 07/03/2006 - 8:34pm.

I think Git Real is going to vote for Donald Duck. Check the write in results and you will see.

Even though disappointed with Dunn, Git Real aint gonna vote for Eric Maxwell. Git Real don't like Leah Sears or Eric Maxwell.

PTC Guy's picture
Submitted by PTC Guy on Sun, 07/02/2006 - 12:19pm.

Dunn is also held in low esteem by consecutive PTC governments as well.

In Council meeting it was said Dunn is constantly trying intefer in PTC.

Keeping it real and to the core of the issue, not the peripherals.

Submitted by Honestly on Sun, 07/02/2006 - 9:30am.

Linda Wells has served 12 years and is way overdue to be replaced.

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