Janet: Jim Steinbach

Jim Steinbach has touched many lives in Fayette County and left his imprint in many ways. I just wanted to let his many friends know that Jim unexpectantly left us today. Right now his funeral is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday.

Janet: Oops, missed the Citizen Candidate Forum deadline...

Oops, we goofed and missed the deadline for the Citizen Candidate Forum. We felt that the Forum was very important, so we bought an ad (in the printed version of the Wednesday Citizen Newspaper). Since you can't see the ad on-line, Greg's Forum submission is posted below. Thanks for all the continued and growing support from the great citizens of Fayette County!

Janet: Janet Dunn's Blog

A couple of times a week I try to take a quick look at the blogs on the Citizen. I don’t believe in or like anonymous blogs. It reminds me of the movie the Invisible Man. He started out with good intentions but invisibility gave him carte blanche to do things he normally wouldn’t have done. People say things they wouldn’t say to your face or things they wouldn’t want their minister or priest to know they were saying. No responsibility or accountability. People toss opinions out on these blogs like they were facts. There’s no supportive documentation, no real research and no one’s identity to give any credibility to statements. Plus, it’s easy for one person to have ten different identities out here! I like the fact that Richard Hobbs and Peter Pfeifer use their own names. I wish that were a requirement for this forum as it is for letters to the editor.

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