dollaradayandfound: Polarization!

Means a stand-off that can't be resolved.
This blog site has finally reached that point also, I'm afraid!
The protection of a government who is absolutely detrimental to the well being of our citizens, now and maybe forever, in so many ways, is a foolish thing to do. No man, party, or government is worth that much.

dollaradayandfound: Retirement

The last time we had $3.00 gasoline, tomatoes (medium to large) @ about $1.00 each, some onions even at $.75 each, good steak or roast from $6.99 to $9.99 per pound, and hamburger @ $3.00 per pound, green beans at about $4.00 for a pot full, and service technicians at $65.00 per hour, at least retired people on a fixed income after retirement could eat some dog and cat food to survive.

dollaradayandfound: The enemy we fight in Iraq

It is time we figured out who we want to win in Iraq. Us for sure but I'm having trouble deciding who else? In this case it is hard to see who it is in Iraq that we will have won from.

dollaradayandfound: Guns, suicide bombs, poison, fires, etc.

If there are guns and ammunition available, and they will be forever, then anybody that wants one will have one. I have three---rusting.

dollaradayandfound: Taxes (local)

Saw where all taxes would be going up in Fayette County next year. Not just the dollars to be spent over last year but also a mil increase.

dollaradayandfound: Immigrants example

I'm not going to name the town, but there is one on the Mexican border that has a population of 40% Hispanic.
The school system is complaining about the number of Hispanic children in the system. You may wonder why such a large number of Hispanics can't overrule the school board's concern, the reason is that only 10% of the Hispanics have managed to get enrolled onto the voting registration for many reasons.

dollaradayandfound: I have a suggestion for "Fair Tax"

The backers of the subject tax bill would very much like to reduce their own taxes in order to increase charges to people earning insufficient amounts who pay no, or little taxes. Except for SS (over 7%) in some cases. If they don't collect SS, how are they going to pay it out when they retire? Their theory is that a deductible allowance, in the form of a check from the government, will in the end require them to pay no taxes.

dollaradayandfound: Fair Tax?

An article today in the AJC asks the question: How much money would Neal Boortz save on his tax payments under the so called "fair tax?"

dollaradayandfound: 12 foot ladders!

We found out today that the US army was building a wall between Sunni and Shiia neighborhoods in several cities in Iraq.

dollaradayandfound: Wait a minute!

I'm fed up with this attitude that we would be a failure as a country if we admit the stupid Iraq thing was a horrible mistake and give the dumb place back to them.

dollaradayandfound: A Carnival!

What happened to the Anna Smith thing? Gone suddenly. Was it Daddy found?
Does Aruba still get high school kids there for drinks and beach encounters?

dollaradayandfound: Small and big universities or colleges

We try to educate our kids by sending them to a higher level of teaching after what we call "high school."
It is done in modern times mostly so the kids can make a better living with such an education. It wasn't always that way.

dollaradayandfound: Independent State of Iraq?

The black-robed grand pooh-pa, Sadar has pulled his group's representatives out of the Iraqi parliament. This was done, he said, because the Prime Minister wouldn't force the Americans to set a leaving Iraq date.

dollaradayandfound: Independent State of Iraq?

The black-robed grand pooh-pa, Sadar has pulled his group's representatives out of the Iraqi parliament. This was done, he said, because the Prime Minister wouldn't force the Americans to set a leaving Iraq date.

dollaradayandfound: Changing the subject

Firing US attorneys is fun. Of course the Attorney General ("Judge" to them)is the one who thought up such stuff. When a war goes bad due to lack of smarts, it is time to fire DA's. Or, point to wars that have lasted hundreds of years and killed millions of people, which our war has not done neither, yet.

dollaradayandfound: The War: again

I heard one of the Iraqi parliament members who was wounded in the "green zone" blast recently, say he was embarrassed that it was necessary for him to be taken to the American Hospital in the green zone, since there was NOT a decent one to take an Iraqi official in the whole of Iraq.

dollaradayandfound: A czar for the middleeast?

Somebody, I assume, who will take the heat off Bush and Gates, and allow the Central Commander in Tampa, and the General in charge on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the Chiefs of staff and the Chairman in the Pentagon to continue BSing and not lose their jobs, but instead win Freedom Medals.

dollaradayandfound: Imus in the morning show

To begin with, Don Imus is worth multi-scores of millions of dollars, well invested. He doen't need to make a living doing anything anymore. We have seen to that by watching and listening to him all these years. We have done the same for Rush Limbaugh and many others.

dollaradayandfound: Illegals

How does a politician stay on both sides of the illegal Mexican border incidents, illegal Mexicans and others coming across into the USA, and keep from sounding foolish?

dollaradayandfound: Values

If one dog gets shot, or one cat gets killed by someone, all hell breaks loose by many individuals.
Yet, I hardly ever see any comments or anger about the mistreatment of mental patients in Georgia's mental hospitals, nor for the poor children mistreated by the state DCFACS idiots.

dollaradayandfound: Inflation: Lies!

The administration releases reports indicating 2-3% inflation rates.
I have noticed for several years now much greater raises in prices than those numbers. I suspect some "cooked books."

dollaradayandfound: Planning

Apparently the same people who planned how to win the Iraqi war (after mission was accomplished) are now working for Six Flags over Georgia!

dollaradayandfound: trent rivers, road runner, and hutch

We could say here we have the "third men theme."
One a crazy Indian, one who runs like an Indian, and one who has to have a number

dollaradayandfound: Leave Iraq: THINK

What many do not understand about the Iraqi war situation is that it is impossible to suddenly pick-up and leave there.

dollaradayandfound: Congressional Hearings

I dare to say that if the democrats had not won the majority back in the last election, none of the current hearings would be occuring.

dollaradayandfound: THE WAR

Today President Bush said that if the congress voted to require our troops to leave Iraq by next year late, then whatever happened there would be the fault of the congress, not his.

dollaradayandfound: Arbor Place Mall: No kids alone

Iv'e thought about this and I can't seem to convince myself that it was the only thing to do to solve what the mall considered a problem. And I expect it was.

dollaradayandfound: IMPEACHMENT!

It had to be coming. The Kenneth Starr thing has come home to roost. Impeaching a President for defining what sex is, maybe incorrectly---well lieing, maybe.

dollaradayandfound: Cutting down trees

There is more yap on here about tree cutting from people who don't really know what they are talking about.
Yes, we have cut too many forests down in this country and have poorly replaced them, especially since one can never replace the fauna and flora and watersheds that went with them.

dollaradayandfound: Propaganda

Specialist soldier, Pat Tillman. who was killed in the present war, then promoted to corporal, was a former football player who gave up a large football salary to fight in the war.

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