Immigrants example

I'm not going to name the town, but there is one on the Mexican border that has a population of 40% Hispanic.
The school system is complaining about the number of Hispanic children in the system. You may wonder why such a large number of Hispanics can't overrule the school board's concern, the reason is that only 10% of the Hispanics have managed to get enrolled onto the voting registration for many reasons.
Additionally, many of the Hispanics are legal citizens of the USA, either by being born here or by legitimate means, and many cross the border every day to go to school in Texas because although they live in Mexico, they were born in the USA.
I look at this as being similar to Yankees from the Boston area coming to Atlanta and trying to go to school in south Atlanta, or vice-verse. Can you imagine that? What to do?
Maybe send them all back to Mexico (not just this town, but everywhere, they ARE everywhere), move only the illegals back to Mexico--if you can sort them fairly, send the illegal parents back to Mexico, but keep their legal children here to be adopted or raised by the government, do as Saddam did with the Kurds while he was in power: I don't intend to say what he did, here.
I read and hear little snippets of talk nearly everyday from those who have the answer, but they usually are talking about Jose and Maria, whom they know, not 40 million Hispanics.
There is only one answer, and it lies within the power of the companies, corporations and individuals who hire these people. STOP HIRING THEM INSTANTLY. They will have to be gone within 60 days on their own hook! Of course there will be stragglers and bums left but we can handle that.
In any case, in a best case scenario, there will still be several million legal Hispanic families here, as well there should be.
Why doesn't this occur? Of course you know why. They work cheaper and demand no benefits or job security. They also work hard to keep from getting turned in.

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Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Wed, 05/02/2007 - 6:23pm.

Today, the LA cops started their campaign against demonstrators there by shooting a few and beating up several more. The cops also were pummeled a little.
As far as I could determine, they were in their own neighborhood, but they had made the mistake of inviting news cameras to film their demo.
It appears we may have to go through another 300 years of one group of humans fighting another group of different color and heritage.
As was the first time, it is both sides fault for not compromising.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Wed, 05/02/2007 - 8:21pm.

The police did by no means start this, but unfortunately that human element that causes us to sometimes blog meanly when we feel attacked came out in the LAPD (AGAIN!) The LAPD were there to allow people, many here illegaly, to peacefully protest. A few of those wonderful folks decided to throw bottles and rocks at the peace officers. You may have missed the fact that 6 police officers were injured. The human reaction was both anger and probably a touch of fear as they were outnumbered many times over. So, when hit by rocks and bottles by people dressed in civilian attire, everyone becomes a threat. Unfortunately some of these officers did not use the superlative judgment required of the situation and definitely lost their tempors and basically assaulted all who got in their way; reporters, women, kids. It was a lose lose day for all involved. But let's remember the "but for" test. But for these few troublemakers throwing bottles and rocks and injuring armed police officers, none of the violence would have happened, or escalated. That is where the blame game should start.

Kevin "Hack" King

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Tue, 05/01/2007 - 10:28am.

Hispanics is the thought of the day, but there are many other immigrants here legal and illegal. That is entirely another story.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Tue, 05/01/2007 - 2:13pm.

Has anybody tried this yet? Doesn't seem to work!

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