dollaradayandfound: Silence of the Lambs

The evidence has become dreadfully convicting due to the terrible errors of the last six years of this federal administration. So convicting, that many of those blindly loyal dudes of 4-5 years ago are abandoning their defense of the obviously, terrible mistakes.

dollaradayandfound: Avatars: Why?

I have ignored the constant blabber about "avatars" for as long as I can!
Why anyone would want to be "represented" by a comic strip or movie person, I'll never understand!

dollaradayandfound: Army Fake Medals

The Tillman fiasco that occured in Afghanistan (the former footbsll player) is back in the news again.
The gist of it is that his group engaged the enemy and he was killed by enemy fire, supposedly. Due to his great prominence as a football player, he was awarded a medal for whatever it was he really did.

dollaradayandfound: Newton Gingrich

He went and announced today (no not for President yet) that all the Republican candidates running now were pretty useless and couldn't win the election! He called them a name but I forgot what.

dollaradayandfound: I'm getting too suspicious

Today the doctor correspondent on CNN was in China reporting on food inspections. He basically said everything was Ok now since they had killed the health quality director, and were strictly inspecting literally tens of thousands of food producers. These are guys in a shed working with their family!

dollaradayandfound: The bargaining chip!

I think I indicated here several months ago that we would be in Iraq forever, just as we have been in Korea, Germany, Japan, Philippines, etc.

dollaradayandfound: The Stench

This country has many areas where the stench is so bad that newcomers, at first, become ill from it. Those forced to live within it eventually numb their sense of smell to it.

dollaradayandfound: My Candidate

I thought maybe it was time for me to select a candidate to back for the election as President of the United States.
I don't have any preconceived notions of anything that would disqualify any one of them for me. Not even to which party they belong.

dollaradayandfound: Disgusting direction

It is really getting disgusting as far as major sports are concerned and TV isn't much better.
Today, I was watching FOX and they started with what they said was some "positive News." The good news was that thugs, criminals, heathens, nut cases, and our sworn enemies in Iraq were now going to be our partners in Iraq to help kill a common enemy, if not kill them at least torture and chop on them for awhile.

dollaradayandfound: Books (after the war is over)

Already some journalists have written a few books about the Afghanistan and Iraq war, but I forsee the release of possible scores of them once the war is either over or has failed to accomplish much of anything. I'm sure there is great hope that we can organize, at least Iraq, so that a workable government can exist alone in the near future, but it isn't very promising. I think we are there to stay, from a distance maybe, but with some control when necessary.

dollaradayandfound: Pakistan: more bad intelligence

We can either help Musharraf, our good friend who protects the tribal area, or he will fall---or at best be in a civil war.

dollaradayandfound: Truth in advertising

I know that the conservatives do not want anyone in government to interfere into how to run a business, or how far business can go to outsmart customers.

dollaradayandfound: Our new Iraqi helpers: mercenary militia

Since our Army the Iraqi Army, and Halliburton can't get anywhere in Iraq, we now have hired the Sunni militia, who did help the Bin Laden people, to fight for us.

dollaradayandfound: What is a good economy?

What used to be a good economy is no longer. High production rates where factories are at 90+ of capacity, low personal debt, personal savings up, infrastructure (Interstate Highways, etc.) being built and repaired, low interest rates, local banks being local, education inexpensive, small business thriving.

dollaradayandfound: Surge

As the British Prime Minister said upon exiting from an airplane in London, just before the First world war, and waving a piece of paper, "this paper indicates peace in our time."

dollaradayandfound: Los Estados Unidos: 2035

All the maps, all the signs, all the text books, all the library books, all newspapers, all legal papers, all conversation, and of course all basic colors (purple, chinese red, brilliant blue, and bright yellow are in: brown, black, grey and tints are out.

dollaradayandfound: Not Castleberry's hot dog chili? No!

No Peanut butter, no chili, no hamburger, no lettuce, no spinach, no foreign fish, spiders in the bananas, winter fruit from Chile tasteless, tomatoes would make good faucet seals, and would stink if they had any taste, chickens have avian flu, pet food has anti-freeze in it, toys from China are dangerous, cell phones give one cancer of the lobotomy, extreme addictions are occurring to our young playing computer games, heroin crop in Afghanistan up 20% from last year, Colombian crop up 30%, Watermelons don't now have seeds, cantaloupes are running neck and neck with tomatoes for horrible or no taste, corn has ceased to be either sweet or tender, Fairburn company (Rupert Murdocks) tried to kill all the birds and animals and sicken many humans with toxic crap from everywhere (he owns many of those facilities, and now the Wall Street Journal and Dow Jones), hogs and chickens feet never touch the ground, our beef is fully loaded with penicillin, all of our clothes are cotton again and we quit growing and spinning it, most cars are now from somewhere else, most jobs aren't necessary but we have to subsidize them anyway in product costs in order for most to have a job, (I saw three 22 + old guys sitting at a grocery store branch in a bank cubicle, calling people to make predator loans and collect past due loans), but Hot Dog Chili?

dollaradayandfound: FEMA: again!

There are still tens of thousands of mobile homes sinking into the mud in Arkansas, not due to the fact that no one needs them but due to the fact that they can't find any place to park them, supply water and sewer, power and gas to them! Build roads to them, and maintain them.

dollaradayandfound: Labor to replace Illegals

Some don't think we can replace the current illegal alien grunge work if we send them home--which we can do by allowing local, state, and federal officers to work together, and by jailing people who hire them.

dollaradayandfound: Cardboard noodles

I tried some of the Chinese noodles made of cardboard and they taste pretty good!
By soaking the cardboard, brown cartons, and other paper products in a brew intended to soften the wood fibers and chemicals in the glue, one can use a meat clever and chop up the softened stuff into particles about like soft onions out of a blender. That then can be mixed with rease, and pork products? that are also chopped fine, rolled into a noodle and fried in deep grease from ducks, geese, chickens, and othe fowl stuff.

dollaradayandfound: Bonn Hoome Richard and Serapis

Although John Paul Jones' ship Richard was sinking from gunfire from the British ship Serapis, John Paul said that he had just begun to fight, and sure enough his snipers scared the Serapis so much they surrendered just before the Bonn Hoome Richard sank, and then Jones boarded the Serapis.

dollaradayandfound: Afghanistan's Heroin crop numbers this year

22,000,000,000 (22 billion) square feet of poppies were estimated to be grown this year, as opposed to about 20 billion last year. It is estimated because that is all that was found.


If anyone wants to check the 200,000 phone numbers on the DC Madam's list against anyone you know in Washington's phone number (or at home), then you can do so:

dollaradayandfound: General Petraeus will come back!

I have been listening to the Senate debate (today and last night) and if I heard Senators say that someday the General will come back to us and report once, I herd it fifty times, or more!

dollaradayandfound: Why: "How to defeat radical Islam?

Must be twenty blow-outs by the Citizrn this morning, which take one to the subject article!
If these people are veing

dollaradayandfound: Wait until September?

About six weeks away is September.
There isn't a reasonable soul on the face of this earth who has kept up with the Iraq war for the past five years who thinks that in six weks or so, a new General by adding another division or so to our army in Iraq will suddenly win the war and a wonderful government will pop up, working excellently. Even working!

dollaradayandfound: Why did we get excited about Iraq?

Not Afghanistan, Iraq!
We had to show the Russians how to whip Afghanistan (I think we eventually will) but Iraq? We will build a fence 12 foot high in the mountains between Pakistan (no man's land)and Iraq and that will solve the immigration problem with Pakistan, won't it? All they want is the money from the poppies anyway.

dollaradayandfound: No Man's Land

Like Pakistan, (where Osama hides) we seem to have a no man's land from the city limits of Peachtree City, north on 74, to I- 85.

dollaradayandfound: Odd assortment

We sure do have an odd assortment on here!
We have people who click when they walk to keep from falling down, or over; people who are absolutely sure that what they profess as religion is all there is; people who like to indicate their ability to use all sorts of fancy words; people who obviously are better than some of us; ignorant people, or so it appears to some; rassler fans, real rassler believers; non-assimilated; assimilators; democrats; republicans; independents (the worst kind); power addicts; military types (what does that mean, says Denise and Muddle); many computer-chair warriors; NASCAR noise and power lovers (also beer lovers); many alcoholics. who don't even know they are; and, of course, git real, who is anything but any of these!

dollaradayandfound: New Software for this site

I sure will be glad to see it improved.
Why don't you let the bloggers tell you some things they need to use this site? The software people will tell you what they want, not us. Same stupid mistakes all software buyers make initially!

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