Labor to replace Illegals
Some don't think we can replace the current illegal alien grunge work if we send them home--which we can do by allowing local, state, and federal officers to work together, and by jailing people who hire them.
Right now those people aren't paying for their taxes (cash mostly), are not paying for their social security (but will collect it), aren't paying for their health costs, and aren't paying for their school costs, and most of their food due to welfare.
Somebody is paying for all that. It is NOT the people who hire them however!
They would have to raise their wages enough to pay for those things if the illegals were required to pay them.
The American taxpayer is now paying for those things for the housebuilders, vegetable pickers, grass cutters, hotel employees, maids, etc.
That is true socialism since we can buy a house and groceries now a little cheaper due to the taxpayers helping us!
The answer is still: make a deal with them; send them home long enough to come back legally and register so that they will have to pay for all those things that they do not now pay.
We are talking the same amount of money overall, just that a few people who work them will have to charge somewhat more for their product,and our taxes, school and health costs won't go out the roof!
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