dollaradayandfound: More military promotions and rewards for Iraq

We now have a new Army Chief of Staff. The top army job.
The General just spent about three years in Iraq, saying that he didn't want to send ONE more soldier into war than he had to send. A noble gesture.

dollaradayandfound: When will we stop

From the 1800s til about the 1950s we had names for immigrants--legal or illegal. ("we" being: anyone who had assimilated fully).

dollaradayandfound: Influence of power

The following explanation also occurs within corporate echelons also, but in this instance it is an explanation for why so many senior officers saw no problems in Iraq for four years.

dollaradayandfound: Our Economy

We now have a 13.2 Trillion dollar domestic product (product also inclues money spent for services, 80%).

The breakdown: Services 80%, Industry 19%, Agriculture, misc., 1%.

dollaradayandfound: What's it all about?

The Atlanta news channels constantly carry a piece every week about a sheriff candidate who, although elected, had not legally assumed office, has a family who wants to be paid what he would have made in salary and benefits if he had been sworn in and served.

dollaradayandfound: Shutting down Boston

Two young men in their mid to late 20s working for an ad company, hung numerous electronic signs throughout Boston promoting a new Cartoon Network kids show.

dollaradayandfound: Situation worse than expected

General Casey, the ground commander in Iraq, told the senate yesterday that there are about 100,000 civilian contractors in Iraq helping run the war. This was a quantity that he admitted to when asked. He did say only about 20,000 of those were really into the war and the rest were doing "logistics."

dollaradayandfound: Filllostophie

Wuz da fuz inna tiz? Boppin da botl oer da hed, ornot? Womg, wong, bam-bam a luey, I sees ya.
Coiled snaks wul bit ya ifn yur stopid! Mak thet muny, mak thet muny!

dollaradayandfound: The Great Egress

The handling of this war in Iraq by the administration and its generals reminds me of P.T. Barnum and his side shows. Barnum mademoney by allowing customers into a tent for a dime to show them some great thing, only to announce once they saw something insignificant, that further great things were available just into the next tent for another dime. This went on until people were antsy. This went on for several tents until finally it would be announced that if everyone would file to the left where the large sign was displayed they would be happy. The large sign read: "See The Great Egress, No Charge." Upon going through that last tent flap they found themselves outside near the stock pens.

dollaradayandfound: Get Motivated seminar!

Two things: 25 downtown wrecks and a 3 hour traffic jam downtown due to no one even knowing such a large seminar was in town and was nor prepared for it; second, why would any ne want to go to such a seminar anyway? They are all "losers." Most have had three wives, or lost wars, or are simply evil.

dollaradayandfound: Has the check been written?

For the Tennis Center? Are we paying it in payments? At what interest rate---might that give the debtors ALL of their money in the long run? Why do I distrust some to watch out for US? Were the lawyers the first paid? (dumb ass question).

dollaradayandfound: 20,000 (approx.) more troops

General Casey said today that the 20,000 new troops probably could come home by early summer. I think he meant 2007.
Will they get to come back before the ones already there? Maybe just any 20,000?

dollaradayandfound: News on TV is a farce

I heard three different tales today on what the administration, or the white house, as they say, about what would happen now in Iraq, or Afghanistan.

dollaradayandfound: TV interviews: Atlanta

Each day on the local news channels, all of them, they do one or more interviews, in the street, concerning some crime that has happened.

dollaradayandfound: Running for President

It now appears, two years before a new Presiednt takes office, that there might br forty people running for the position.

dollaradayandfound: Gibber-jabber

On so many levels, you know I mean. You know we step up, I mean do our job--on a different level.
You know.
I mean another level, you know? We win when we do our thang, you know, I mean when?

dollaradayandfound: Catch 22

A lot on these comments lately about religion. It is so diverse that we seem to be totally fascinated by it all, rather than converted to a method of worship. Whatever "worship" means. (bands, music, hollerers, people who seem to be dying on the stage, etc.)

dollaradayandfound: V


dollaradayandfound: VietNam again?

I think not. However, we are being honked on the nose again by a devious administration trying to get out of a mess by diversion.

dollaradayandfound: Falcons new coach

I could hardly believe my eyeballs when I read in the AJC that a coach had been found for the Falcons who could coach and build the team upon Mike Vick, our whole team, I suppose. $130,000,000 salary makes that a necessity I guess.

dollaradayandfound: Killing criminals deliberately

I am having a hard time understanding the loud complaints about "how" Saddam was killed for his crimes.
It seems that those people who wanted him killed now don't like the "way" he was killed.

dollaradayandfound: commanders on the ground

Whatever my commanders on the ground ask of me they will get in Iraq. Bush stated this many, many times when asked about insufficient troops over the last three years. Those type of commanders should have been replaced long ago. He is finally doing it, I think, by simply replacing all those who disagree. Now again, whatever the commanders on the ground want they will get, as long as they are the commanders on the ground!

dollaradayandfound: What a magnificent day

Watching those wonderful democrats today take over the majority in the congress, for the first time in twelve years, gives hope that the people now have control of the government, not evil-doers and warmongers.

dollaradayandfound: Commercial Development

It appears that many on here do not understand why development occurs as it does in most cases, not all.
It occurs mostly to replace some other development which may close down or reduce. When the Fayette Pavillion was built it was to replace Southlake Mall and Greenbriar as they were really not convenient for anything south of themselves. That has occured for the most part: Southlake is a hip hop shoppong place and so is Greenbriar--no one from here ever goes to those places anymore. It WAS a big destination 20-25 years ago however, I went there many, many times. Naturally the residents of those two areas like to shop sometimes in newer and different facilities with large chains, so they come to Fayette. Build and shut down, build and shut down: it is here to stay.

dollaradayandfound: 12,000 hoofs

Swift and company does interesting work. I applaud them for furnishing thousands of factory jobs sorely needed in the USA. The only trouble is that most of those jobs go to people from other countries, namely, Mexico. Currently those jobs pay about $11.50 per hour ($10.50 just before the raid last week). The company was notified of the raid coming but still couldn't clear up most of the illegals without totally shutting down the plant. This is just one of several Swift Plants, but in this one they manage to do something with 12,000 cattle hoofs per day. Also, about 3,000,000 pounds of beef. I don't know what they do with the 3000 tails, the 6000 horns, 6000 eyeballs, 3000 hides, 60,000 pounds of guts and waste, and maybe 35,000 teeth---daily.

dollaradayandfound: TDK confusion

It will take a four lane road to support the traffic on TDK in a few years. So what should be done: one could be, don't build it at all, not enough of us in PTC need to go to that area in Coweta County; the other thing is to build a two-lane road now with right away only secured for two more lanes later, and a FOUR lane bridge---much cheaper than adding two more lanes to a bridge later. Of course, what our council wants to do is build a two-lane road and a two lane bridge. Hang the later costs! Now you know if there are only two lanes there and four are needed, they will be built.

dollaradayandfound: We may have two years?

We may not. Never have I seen so much ineptness, kowtowing by the military, debt, thievery, lack of principles, selfishness, and of course religious deterioration---the pedaphile priests, the hypocritic leadership of so many churches, and the total acceptance of sin by the church leadership as normal for leaders. They will accept and forgive anyone who will pretend to do the job!

dollaradayandfound: A guess on Iraq

We will scrap up 20-30 thousand more reserves (not active duty in Germany or Korea) to go save Baghdad and the stupid new government.

dollaradayandfound: ebonics

The word means "ebony phonics," or black talk. It is a second language for many of our African-Americans, who mostly do speak without it when necessary. Other races also have their own manner of speaking, but ebonics is the subject here.

dollaradayandfound: Illegals

I was just wondering if anyone in Fayette County cares just how many illegals we have here?
Maybe all we want is a useless wall across California, Texas, and the Arizona borders (kinda like the Wall of China, or the Berlin Wall).

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