Running for President

It now appears, two years before a new Presiednt takes office, that there might br forty people running for the position.
It might require them to spend a billion dollars trying to get elected.
For corporations and a few well-heeled people to come up with that much money, when the odds of their man winning is about 40 to one, makes me wonder why they do it.
I have concluded that the reason is that we like to pick candidates who in addition to voting our way, will also look good while making a speech. It doesn't matter what they say very much as long as it promotes the party line.
The debates and TV shows allow people to see who looks the best on his feet.
Of course, these above types are not always our best Presidents.
Those called upon in emergencies who, although qualified, are terrible speakers and debaters, but make their decisions from good advice and personal logic turn out to be our best.
Yet, we won't elect such a person if we can help it. We do the same thing locally, I'm afraid.

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Robert W. Morgan's picture
Submitted by Robert W. Morgan on Tue, 01/16/2007 - 6:53am.

The thought about most of us wanting someone who looks good and speaks well and promotes the party line is right on. Most of us (and this includes many in Washington) are not capable of understanding the many confliting and intertwined issues that elected officials must face. In the President's case, he is asked to make monumental decisions every day for four or 8 years. Not very many of us would perform nearly as well as even the worst Presidents have.

That's why it is easier for us to follow a political party's philosophy so blindly. We assume (incorrectly) that the party leaders have studied every issue and have all the answers. That gets us off the hook for having to actually learn about the issues and make an informed decision. It is a great hiding place for most Americans - all they have to do is spout the talking points offered endlessly by either the Democrats or Republicans and even if you and your party are wrong, about 1/2 of Ameicans are wrong right along with you.

Don't have any idea how to fix that or even if it needs fixing, but those are my thoughts.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Tue, 01/16/2007 - 12:34pm.

You have a nice way of saying dim people follow the sheep over the cliff to avoid thinking. You must be a lawyer? Some things are so obvious that that can only be the case: Rush Limbaugh, Hannity, and a dozen other entertainers who make some think they are serious. If there were any democratic entertainers much, they would probably do the same thing (Michael Moore comes to mind). A two party system will work by voting for the one you think is the best, regardless of party.

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