Killing criminals deliberately

I am having a hard time understanding the loud complaints about "how" Saddam was killed for his crimes.
It seems that those people who wanted him killed now don't like the "way" he was killed.
There is only one way: kill him!
I saw no mistreatment physically, only a little tongue lashing by idiots.
I have no sympathy for those who want people killed but don't want to see it, hear about it, and want to prescribe the exact method of ending the life.
Like the ostrich, if your head is in the sand no one can see you.

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mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Sun, 01/07/2007 - 8:20pm.

He is dead and that is better than alive. Too much technology. If you want to see a dictactor hanged, you should have to go there. I do not not think that you should be able to see it on yourtube without any effort to travel there.

And no one has a right to say anything about the method of execution except the country --- that would be Irag--- that actually did it.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Mon, 01/08/2007 - 3:04pm.

You want him dead but don't want to see it or do it, right?
One can say Iraq was the country that hanged him, I suppose, but we found him, jailed him, escorted him to a building on our occupied property, shoved him through the door, guarded the doors and windows, and told them to do their thing. For money they would have turned him loose otherwise.
The interim government, the one before the current one, stole all of the money available just before they were replaced by the current bunch. You are dreaming.

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