dollaradayandfound: Incentive?

I noticed where Mayor Franklin of Atlanta has replaced her second in command (operations officer).
As I understand it, the operations officer allowed the credit card charges to the city, including some in her own office, and also was responsible for trying to install a new computer system for the city, which is now 40% over budget.

dollaradayandfound: Now that Russia and China are rich, also

I am concerned much more about Russia and China (their governments) than I am about Iraq or Iran. These latter two are similar to swatting gnats, whereas, the former two would be similar to the length of the Crusades.

dollaradayandfound: Posting for S. Bells & denise, by proxy

We went together to a republican political meeting recently at the Onyx.
We were to discuss what to do about the immigration problem, but decided there wasn't any problem. Also, on the agenda, was what to do about free-loaders and encroachment upon other people's writings and opinions. We also decided that neither of these things meant very much and ordered another drink with food stamps (good at the Onyx).

dollaradayandfound: Beer battered grouper, best school, etc.

Stale beer at that! Anyway McIntosh is by far the best school for academics and Starrs Mill recruits better for footbsll players. Some of those guys at Starrs Mill have dog-training facilities, Cadillac Escalades, and bling.

dollaradayandfound: Finally, a generalissimo

The sheriff in LA is a Five Star General (*****).
He sent Paris home over a judge's ruling.
I saw him and his stars this morning on CNN where he said, as a professional courtesy, he would keep Paris for her entire sentence this time, unless she hired another doctor to say she was too ill to stay in jail.

dollaradayandfound: Some good stuff

There are many problems with our country lately, but that can be discussed separately. Worse than the problems though is our desire to solve them is non-existent. I just don't know how long all this can last, considering the situations that now exist.

dollaradayandfound: Could your job be unnecessary?

Prior to WW11, up to 90% of our jobs were either on a farm, or related to farming. If you had asked most of those people if they were afraid of losing their livelihood, they would have said no. We will always need food.

dollaradayandfound: Four-way stops

They do not work here. There is no way that people who are on the cell phone, drinking a cup of Starbucks, have their makeup kit out, and minding the kids, can determine just who is next to pull out at a four way intersection.

dollaradayandfound: Scooter Libby

Just got 30 months in the slammer and $250,000 fine for lying to court.
Bush and Cheney should serve part of that for h

dollaradayandfound: How Gore must have felt

Al Gore is a very brilliant man, and to lose to such a sad sack as Bush has turned out to be must have saddened him greatly--not for himself, but for the country. He knew what might happen!

dollaradayandfound: Negotiate with terrorists?

2001 through May 30 20007, we will never negotiate with terrorists!

June 1, 2007, on: Lt. Colonels are now NEGOTIATING with all local terrorist gang leaders to try and stop them from klling us!

dollaradayandfound: Armistice Day, Decoration Day, Memorial Day?

What will we call it next?
It is truly amazing just how little the current generation (18 - 40) knows about all this. Those under 18 know even less.

dollaradayandfound: Immigration as the wind blows

I'll say right off that I think the USA made a terrible mistake many years ago when we had the best chance to annex Canada and everything south of the USA, at least through Panama. We could guard the border pretty well at the Panama Canal, and at the straights across from Russia. It would now be most difficult due to the French element in Canada.

dollaradayandfound: Movie Theaters

Are people leaving the theater by an emergency exit? Sounds like it if those outside can just walk in when the door is opened for exit.

dollaradayandfound: Complaints of famous people's kids

I find it hard to understand the complaints of the children of famous people. Many of them say that they live a life under extreme pressure and find it hard to live up to what is expected of them.

dollaradayandfound: Distractions

All this hullabaloo in the Iraqi, Afghanistan, and Israeli, Lebanese areas, is a simple distraction that we fell for, so that China and Russia would have time to get ready for world intrusion, while we expended our whole army and most of our equipment, for no good cause, in the perpetual warring area of the world, the middle-east.

dollaradayandfound: Action by the NAACP?

Many people wonder why the NAACP doesn't verbally abhor black crime more than they do. Criticize them, name names, report them to the police, etc.

dollaradayandfound: New idea for illegals

The current bill I think they said is about 1000 pages long. I propose the following which has already proved that it will work:

dollaradayandfound: Iraq and September?

Our Government at the White House, principally Mr. Bush, continually tell us that the new ground commander in Iraq, General Petraeus, will report in September just how well the surge is working and whether or not to continue the war in some fashion.

dollaradayandfound: $4 gasoline: why?

Over $4.00 in California, and about $3.25 per gallon around here.
A twenty gallon tank now costs about $60.00, and at 25 miles per gallon, that is $12.00 per hundred miles. In other words if you live in Peachtree City and drive 50 miles into Atlanta somewhere, it costs you $12.00 per day for regular gas.

dollaradayandfound: New Coca Cola museum

Maybe someone who works for Coke can explain to me why Coke can charge $15-45 per family to see their stuff on display?

dollaradayandfound: Dead & Wounded

Approaching four thousand (4,000) dead now in Iraq and Afghanistan, and no end in sight. Reporting of the wounded is sketchy and very hard to keep up with, since they wait and see if they are wounded bad enough to send to Walter Reed, before reporting them---they may even be subtracting them from the total once they get some better.

dollaradayandfound: Deceptive Bills

Congress has finally put together an immigration bill that can be blamed on Bush, who isn't up for election, yet many republicans who wish to be re-elected, can rant and rave about it without fear of retribution by Bush and Rove, who will be off making millions in industry by then.

dollaradayandfound: Had Enough

Bring em on! Hunt em down. Smoke em out. Bring em to justice. Mission Accomplished! Build a fence. Green Zone Safe. Abu Ghraib. Poppy Crops double. Commanders in the Field are listened to! Change Eisenhower out again, we are winning. Surge. Surge agin. Gitmo, oh Gitmo. Turkish, Egyptian, and Eastern block torture places. Waterboarding. Electrifying testicles. Dog Biting. Hosing. 150 decibels in a cage for days.

dollaradayandfound: .


dollaradayandfound: Another General in the White house everyday

Since no four-star general would take the additional advisors role about Iraq and Afghanistan to the President's briefing every day, they found a three-star, hungry for the fourth star to take it.

dollaradayandfound: Another airport for Atlanta area

Of course this has come up before and since it usually pays for itself, there are not many people who care one way or the other.

dollaradayandfound: Fabricated jobs

What has replaced all of the jobs we have lost to Asia and other places?
Such jobs as Presidents, Vice-Presidents, Controllers, Plant Managers, Production Managers (of products for sale)and all the associated jobs to get products to market, are mostly missing.

dollaradayandfound: The EURO and the POUND

Why is a POUND Sterling worth twice as much as a dollar. And, a EURO, about even with the dollar when it was introduced, is now worth 20-30% more. depending on the use.

dollaradayandfound: Moderator needed

Unless we are willing to talk about and read about restaurants and other useless subjects on here, we are going to have to have a "moderator" to make this thing worth fooling with for any length of time.

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