Four-way stops

They do not work here. There is no way that people who are on the cell phone, drinking a cup of Starbucks, have their makeup kit out, and minding the kids, can determine just who is next to pull out at a four way intersection.
All they know to do is to jut out a few feet and see if everyone else will let them go out of turn. Or, just go all the way across, shutting one's eyes.
It is simply too complicated to view who is there and wait for them to go. Then there are the 40% in PTC who do not like to take turns---to good for that.
So, we must have traffic lights---the reason for the study at those intersections. You can bet your bottom dollar the study will say to install a light, because they know that is what the town wants.

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secret squirrel's picture
Submitted by secret squirrel on Thu, 06/07/2007 - 6:31am.

Sure- people who are on the cell phone, drinking a cup of Starbucks, have their makeup kit out, and minding the kids can't manage a 4-way stop but you'll rely on their ability to stop at a light? Ridiculous.

These knee-jerk stop-gap solutions of traffic lights at every single 12-inches of asphalt are not some panacea for accidents. If someone can't manage a stop-sign, what makes you believe they can handle a light? Surely you're not contending that there are no accidents at traffic lights in PTC. Look at the one installed at Ardenlee and 74. There were accidents prior to the light and there have been accidents after the light.

Enforce the existing traffic laws governing speed and stop-signs and you can stop believing that traffic lights do anything more than create gridlock.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Thu, 06/07/2007 - 6:41am.

You didn't understand my satire. I hate lights, love four-way stops. I can tell who is next!
As to your "enforce the traffic laws" statement, I don't know how Peachtree City could hand out any more tickets than they do and it doesn't help. We would need 100 more ticket cops to fully enforce the rules, and the fines would have to start at $1000.00, with license withdrawal at three in two years.
People get physically sick if they can't get through a stop or light thirty seconds faster than they usually do. They will roar around you 100 feet before a light to try and beat you through it. They will "roll" through a stop if that will beat you to a stop at a four-way.
And when they get where they are going, they will stand and talk for 15 minutes to someone they ran into, before they go to where they were rushing.
Between that and useless cell phone calls and coffee, they are a bunch of strange dudes who know, or want to know, little about raising kids, who will be the same way.

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Wed, 06/06/2007 - 6:51pm.

Albeit the wrong answer. City staff is pushing the rotary idea very hard. You think the cell phone and Starbucks cup is a problem at a 4-way stop? Think about a rotary - where you actually have to pay attention to moving objects. NIMBY

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