Armistice Day, Decoration Day, Memorial Day?
What will we call it next?
It is truly amazing just how little the current generation (18 - 40) knows about all this. Those under 18 know even less.
The Hispanics, Asians, South Americans, and others here from other countries, and also their kids for the most part, know nothing about it.
MILLIONS have died, mega-millions wounded, blinded and butchered, fighting in wars for various causes, and no real causes, so that we can change the name over and over. It comes to mean little then to the majority.
I had a relative die in WWll, one blinded by gas in WWl, and several Friends killed and wounded in Viet Nam and Korea. Can't speak for the Civil War, the bloodiest of all in recent history.
I am usually subdued on that day, but eat my hamburgers and watermelon anyway.
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