The EURO and the POUND

Why is a POUND Sterling worth twice as much as a dollar. And, a EURO, about even with the dollar when it was introduced, is now worth 20-30% more. depending on the use.
How is that measured for those two against the dollar? We have been informed for the past six plus years that our economy, inflation, and debt is great!
Are we being lied to and the books cooked? I think so.
Productivity, our measurement of the cost of production, has also supposedly been improving. How can that be unless we count all that stuff we buy overseas as being produced here?
I don't personally know anyone any more who actually makes a product from raw materials from the USA and sells it to the public. I know there are a few but I just don't know them.
I know plenty who punch keyboards, work in banks, sell insurance, sell electricity, gas, and water, and drive vehicles on the road---it doesn't matter where I go, the roads are absolutely full of people going somewhere all day long. They can't be producing a product can they?
Teachers and government (local, state, federal) make up the most significant portion of people who don't make a product (I don't count pieces of paper or discs as a product).
The airport employs an enormous quantity of people who simply make the planes fly---by the millions of miles. No product there.
Health care such as hospitals, clinics, rehab buildings, gyms, doctor's offices, and just plain office buildings everywhere are full of people doing something---but no trucks back up there to haul away products. Trucks do unload paper, desks, computers, and chairs, however.
Now, you explain the future to me, what will be the first to go during the next great depression? All that stuff above, or food growers, shelter manufacturers, and health care?
We better start making all that stuff we buy, soon again, using Mexicans and others if we want to continue to sit in a chair and a car.

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Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Mon, 05/14/2007 - 8:33pm.

Since we have lost most of our "thinkers," starting over again with a great industrial nation will require leaders who love the USA more than their party or their own immediate success.

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