Fabricated jobs

What has replaced all of the jobs we have lost to Asia and other places?
Such jobs as Presidents, Vice-Presidents, Controllers, Plant Managers, Production Managers (of products for sale)and all the associated jobs to get products to market, are mostly missing.
Replacement jobs were needed for those workers, so we invented some with fancy names and with excessive wages.
There are thousands of these made-up jobs, but I'll just list a few random examples--jobs we would do without if something happened to our economy.
1. Hearing Aid Technologists, or Audiologists. They sell or talk people into buying a $2,000 gadget, for which they get paid up to $50,000 per year and bonuses for overselling. These things can be bought by yourself lots of places.
2. Certified Financial Advisors. Most banks will do that for you, free.
3. ReHab specialists. Most of these people are exercise nuts who teach you how ro exercise, which you never do again after the 12-20 lessons. Not talking about highly trained and degreed aids to wounded soldiers or other severely crippled people. We have maybe ten in Fayette County who run hundreds through their facility every year.
4. Bank employees. There is a bank at every major intersection and one being built at minor intersections, who employ scores of specialists at wages higher than is required. Not talking about tellers to take and hand you money, they are needed.
5. So-called "Drugstores." Catching up with the banks as to quantity of them. Only thing that keeps them going is overpriced drugs.
6. Pharmaceutical salespersons to doctors. They make $100-150,000 and basically only know much about the medicine they sell (samples, dinners, trips, to get doctor to prescribe theirs). Not needed.
7. Local, State, Federal government. When asked, "how many work here," one famous man once said: "about half."

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Submitted by swmbo on Tue, 05/15/2007 - 7:09pm.

Certified Financial Advisors. Most banks will do that for you, free.

Dollar, try as they might, no one has yet come up with the truly free lunch. When the bank gives you financial advice, they advise you to buy their products and services. And that bank salesperson (they call them "customer care representatives" and other warm fuzzy names that dupe you into thinking they're not selling you stuff) make bonuses for selling a certain percentage of the bank's financial products. The problem is that there might be a financial "product" that is better for your circumstances than anything that particular bank offers. But you won't know that if you rely on the bank to tell you.

So, I pay for my financial advice from an independent. If he's my employee, I don't have to worry about him shankin' me because he desperately needs to make his minimum sales numbers, his mortgage payment or a down payment on a new car to quiet his mistress.

If you and I are always in agreement, one of us is likely armed and dangerous.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Tue, 05/15/2007 - 7:26pm.

Someone's got to support those poor bankers. Eye-wink If people like $ do not make poor investment decisions then you and I can't capitalize on their naivety with our "guys".

"That man was Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney Scott Ballard".


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