
As the British Prime Minister said upon exiting from an airplane in London, just before the First world war, and waving a piece of paper, "this paper indicates peace in our time."
Although the "Mission was Accomplished." and progress has occurred (time has elapsed) it is still a hard, rough, difficult, tough, unceasing, difficult (did I say that?), patience needed war on ________. Oh, terror, whoever he is.
Bush waved the Iraq study in front of us and said "peace in our time," then he canned the report! Appointed another General, got another 200 billion, added for the surge, extended the enlistments, and said "stay the course."
Soon (September) we will declare victory, pull into Bin Laden's hole and see how many of each other they can kill before we have to either bomb or strafe something again, somewhere!
Our brave soldiers, sailors, air force and marines, follow their orders with rare exception until they retire.

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Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Fri, 07/20/2007 - 7:45pm.

The Prime Minister was Neville Chamberlain and it was just under a year later before Germany's invasion of Poland or, the start of WWII.

Well hey, at least someone is reading your blogs.
Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Sat, 07/21/2007 - 5:26am.

I didn't want to bring poor old Neville in to this again. His family has suffered enough for his ignorance. We have a few like him
now, except they want to fight all of the time instead of appeasing or doing something smart maybe!

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