I have a suggestion for "Fair Tax"

The backers of the subject tax bill would very much like to reduce their own taxes in order to increase charges to people earning insufficient amounts who pay no, or little taxes. Except for SS (over 7%) in some cases. If they don't collect SS, how are they going to pay it out when they retire? Their theory is that a deductible allowance, in the form of a check from the government, will in the end require them to pay no taxes.
Can't you just picture those checks going out? Maybe for $100 a month or about $1200 per year if paid with one check. They spend it immediately, since they have little, and still have to pay the 30% sales tax anyway, with nothing to pay it.
Based upon these thought out facts, I have the following suggestions to remedy the current mess of income taxes:
I think everyone should put their paycheck into a federal account, then every month someone counts it---divides the amount there by the "families" in the country and sends each the same amount of money. Also, those who don't get paychecks to send (bootleggers, roadside sellers, dope dealers, pin hookers, knife traders, politicians, and other and sundry crooks, not only get no check from the government but are required to go out of business or be shot. If everyone had a gun, anybody could do it.
We would have many less crooks under this system, since there would be no real way to get rich.
Now, I know it does away with capitalism and would slow down "progress" (like going to Mars and better and better cell phones) but we would have people willing to roof houses and pick beans and cucumbers who are citizens.

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Ga Conservative's picture
Submitted by Ga Conservative on Mon, 04/30/2007 - 7:33am.

Really? Take away the money that people earn and then have the government divide it out to everyone except those who you determine to be crooked? What a glorious idea. I wonder, has this been tried before? Something tells me that it was and failed.

Somewhere in Hell, Marx and Engels are slapping each other on the back while Lenin looks on in glee. Great plan.

Just curious if you have read either the book by Boortz and Linder or the bill by Linder.

The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.

hutch866's picture
Submitted by hutch866 on Sat, 04/28/2007 - 7:10am.

You try it for a year and get back to us on how it's working. Sounds a little like communism to me{ didn't you fight against that?}

I yam what I yam...Popeye

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Sat, 04/28/2007 - 3:44am.

This is sung to the tune: "goin up cripple creek, goin in a run."

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