It had to be coming. The Kenneth Starr thing has come home to roost. Impeaching a President for defining what sex is, maybe incorrectly---well lieing, maybe.
There has to be at least twenty major charges the democrats can list to impeach President Bush. It will all be a waste of time, as it was with Clinton, but the pay-back will be there if they decide to go with it.
Impeachment is not needed. Just continue to throw the bums out in the next national election, and it will then surely be evident to this bunch of NIXONITES, that the citizens in general won't stand for such as has been foisted upon them by this "stupid" bunch.

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AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Tue, 03/27/2007 - 12:58am.

I won't specifically comment on the "impeachment" thing (a term recently forwarded by Republican Chuck Hagel). I will say that no matter how many times Limbaugh and Hannity call this a non story, when the Department of Justice is cast in a light that suggests they allow politics to influence case work, a tremendous damage is done to our system of justice. Somehow we have forgotten that lady justice should keep her blindfold over her eyes. US attorneys should NEVER be called at home and asked about sealed case work. People with glowing resume's and performance reports should never be accused (falsely) of having been terminated for performance. IF the administration had said initially, that this was the President's perogative, this WOULD be a non story. But somewhere along the line, good faith was not used. I hope that for the sake of the DOJ reputation, we follow the paper trail, under oath, to the truth.

Goodnight Dollar,

Kevin "Hack" King

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Tue, 03/27/2007 - 5:20pm.

Glowing performance reports aren't hard to find in Civil Service, political appointees, or the military.
I have seen many of all of these reviews and almost all are rated as more than satisfactory.
There are usually 4-5 overall ratings (officers fitness reports require secret wording knowledge to determine the writer's real feeling) starting with: Unsatisfactory, Satisfactory, More than Satisfactory, and Outstanding, usually. Some even have 5-6 ratings.
Now, no one hardly ever gets one and four, (satisfactory, outstanding) overall.
Nearly everyone gets "more than satisfactory," and a few get a few individual items marked as "satisfactory" only or "outstanding," but never overall.
They really don't mean anything.
I have seen such as this: This Officer, or this U.S. Attorney, or this, etc., is a loyal, dedicated member of this department, and is that way most of the time. His work effort and results are ones to point to when describing what work means, the fact that he hasn't completed all, well none, of his list of goals for the year, doesn't deter from his attitude, and determination to succeed.
I would recommend this person for any job for which he is qualified.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Tue, 03/27/2007 - 7:48am.

Add Cal Thomas to the Hannity/Limburger list of fools.
Did you see his last column?

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