smile: The Funeral Procession Letter

The original email was sent to Sheriff Glenn Boyer on Thursday, August 27. Below is the citizen's email followed by Sheriff Boyer's response.

Bonkers: Conservative family principles

Been trying to define the subject above now for some time, that is as it is used by those who espouse them.

I think it means those who don't want any welfare, or any government program helping them; and also, they attend a Christian Church at least some so as to have someone to bury them. Also they are reasonably clean, live in a reasonably clean neighborhood, want many, many policemen and firemen but don't want to pay them very much, want pristine school teachers with no political agenda but don't want to pay them very much either. Certainly the teachers are not to have illegal sex or any sex if possible.

Cyclist: The Obama administration has announced...

Cyclist's picture

that it is imposing tariffs on Chinese tire imports. The three-year plan will be have 35% tariffs the first year, 30% tariffs the second year, and 25% tariffs the third year. This was done at the behest of the United Steel Workers. Interesting that US tire manufactures are non-committal.

MacTheKnife: The Truth About The Number Of People Who Protested in Washington Saturday:

See actual time-lapse footage for yourself by clicking below:

Can you hear us now?

S. Lindsey: The 912

S. Lindsey's picture

Yesterday you saw what 1 person can do.. No... not Glenn Beck.. YOU the American people. 60,000 + marched on Washington. Many times that number met around the Country united for 1 reason among many.. To stop Big GOVERNMENT..Regular people.. Not the "Community Organizers" of ACORN but regular Joes.. Like you and I.

PreciousStahr: .


PreciousStahr: Role Model

Serena Williams berates official, loses match for conduct violation
By Chris Chase

Rain gave way to bedlam tonight at the U.S. Open.


Seven years later, the Terrorists in Iraq and the Taliban in Afghanistan are still blowing us up with all of the munitions wired together that we let them get their hands on after we "took" Baghdad, killed off Saddam and his two kids.

Bonkers: People who budget

Saw where Governor Purdue (not the chicken guy) said sales taxes were down again in August, I think he said 20%, and that more state cuts MAY have to be made the first of the next year of budgets!

wildcat: Incident at Kohls

Today, at Kohls in the Pavilion, I was overcharged by $85 and some change. I thought, perhaps, that I had rounded and added incorrectly while shopping.

S. Lindsey: The fall of an Empire

S. Lindsey's picture

The confirmation of Cass Sunstein may well signal this administrations ever quickening pace towards Marxism and the confrontation with Middle America.

Bonkers: The Zealots are worse!

And I'm not talking about Jews!

Limbaugh, O'Reilly, Hannidy, The Blonde Witch, Palin, The Dark Haired Witch, Newton, and everyone from South Carolina, And of course the screaming IDIOSO Beck, having nearly destroyed the republican party, they seem to want to actually throw the dirt on the coffin!

mopsy: Teachers at WHS

Mr. Dee and Ms. Butler are accountable for their own actions. It is not the school system, the administrators, the students nor their families fault they broke the law.

normal: Embedded reporter, Woman and children help Taliban, Lets take them out also.

GANJGAL, Afghanistan -- We walked into a trap, a killing zone of relentless gunfire and rocket barrages from Afghan insurgents hidden in the mountainsides and in a fortress-like village where women and children were replenishing their ammunition.

Bonkers: We worship music by immoral people

Many of our so-called best music writers of old were certainly totally immoral. It seems to go with the arts more so than any other profession.

Bonkers: Losing Elections

The likelihood is that republicans will lose many more seats in the next congress. They appear to not have learned a thing from their drubbing last time.

momofpeach: To the cashier at PTC Kroger

Unfortunately I didn't get your name, but this afternoon around one I was in your line, I had needed to go to the restroom and the guy in front of me offered to watch my basket. When I came back some body else was in line and I went to the back of the line, he told me to go first and then the guy who watched my basket didn't have enough cash to buy his groceries, it was like 6 cents or so , and without hesitation you took it from your pocket and I just thought wow, how minimal the acts of kindness were and how quickly it was spread. You are one heck of a woman. Thank you

S. Lindsey: How will you “REMEMBER” SEPTEMBER 11, 2001?

S. Lindsey's picture

How will you “REMEMBER” SEPTEMBER 11, 2001?
I guess that is a study in contradiction.. If you perceive America as being the Greatest Country in the World then you will “REMEMBER” the tragedy .. the 3000+ Americans that died.. the Heroism of the Police, Firefighters and Rescue Personnel. You will “REMEMBER” the SOLIDARITY of Americans on September the 12th.. How we came together.. United in a common cause. Our Charity to the victims family.. the out pouring of support.

S. Lindsey: President Bush and Dick Chaney tied to BIG OIL

S. Lindsey's picture

Remember those headlines.. I mean the Left was all over Bush and Chaney about “The Evil Big Oil Companies”. Remember about how Chaney was vilified over the “Secret Energy Meeting”..

douknow: Pay attention...Safer Grant/Fire

The Peachtree City Fire/Rescue Dept. was just awarded a grant from the Federal government to allow for the hiring of 6 personnel. These personnel will help the department reach a goal of placing 2 personnel on each apparatus to respond to the needs of the we are told, as long as enough volunteer personnel are at the stations when a call comes in.

S. Lindsey: Rep. Joe Wilson's outburst: "YOU LIE"

S. Lindsey's picture

Granted may have been over the top just a little.. But at least he spoke the TRUTH.
I am "SICK AND TIRED" of the games politicians play with us..

mapleleaf: Chuck Morley dies

mapleleaf's picture

The AJC obituaries today (Sept. 9) report that Charles B. “Chuck” Morley, 65, of Douglasville had died Sunday.

I do believe this is the recently retired editor of the Fayette County News and Today in Peachtree City newspapers, the legal organs for Fayette County.

mlc2028: Starrs Mill High School

There are two things that really bug me about the school my child attends. Hopefully before she graduates one or both of them will be resolved:

Bonkers: Real serious stuff

The proposal to extend the President's ability to serve more than two terms is nearing completion. In the fear of a Newt or a Palin making it to the end, this proposal has considerable backing.

Dondol: 8 year olds drivin Golf Carts

Last Thursday I was leaving the subdivision (Sandown Creek) just after the school bus from Huddleston Elem. dropped off the afternoon load of kids.

S. Lindsey: Swiss topple U.S. as most competitive economy

S. Lindsey's picture

"In the case of Zimbabwe, the WEF noted the complete absence of property rights, corruption, basic government inefficiency as well as macroeconomic instability as fundamental flaws."

Bonkers: Big Banks Yet!

Saw in the AJC this morning where the feds think Synovis needs about one more billion dollars injected by the government in order to survive!

S. Lindsey: "This ain't America anymore"

S. Lindsey's picture

A must see video.. It gives an insight into Obama supporters and their perception of America now.. A Van Jones America..

Joe Kawfi: Congratulations for 4 perfect SAT scores!

Git Real: Brothels, Rangel, & Melear's Bar-B-Que

Git Real's picture

As lawmakers return to the Capitol for the fall’s epic battle over health care reform, Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) appeared likely to retain his chairmanship of the powerful Ways and Means Committee, despite new allegations about his tangled finances and fresh calls for the Harlem Democrat to relinquish his leadership post.

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