The Truth About The Number Of People Who Protested in Washington Saturday:

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Can you hear us now?

And all of those folks are the before lunch crowd. Gee, too bad most liberal socialist democrats were still asleep and missed them.

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carbonunit52's picture
Submitted by carbonunit52 on Mon, 09/14/2009 - 9:38pm.

that sure enough was a "whiteteous" crowd.

It's not easy being the carbonunit

Submitted by Bonkers on Tue, 09/15/2009 - 4:12am.

I never noticed that! (like who didn't)
Air they agin sich stuf? (The non- whiteteous).

Looks like an eastern Kentucky hangin crowd of the early 1900s.

Submitted by Davids mom on Mon, 09/14/2009 - 6:47pm.
zoes's picture
Submitted by zoes on Tue, 09/15/2009 - 12:23pm.

Who care what other countries think?


"Never love anything that can't love you back."

Submitted by Bonkers on Mon, 09/14/2009 - 5:30pm.

It has now been determined that there are a lot of nuts in the USA. Millions showed up recently in our national capitol.
The manure and urine has stenched the mall ponds to no end. It may be necessary to close DC for a few weeks in order to sanitize the place.
It is expected that new election ballots will soon be printed and passed out re-doing the last national election. This time a hispanic, an oriental, an arab, an eskimo, a full-bloodied American Indian, a real African--recently imported, and two red-neks will be on the ballot.

Jimmy Carter will oversee the voting.
Such large opposition can not be overlooked.

S. Lindsey's picture
Submitted by S. Lindsey on Sun, 09/13/2009 - 9:32pm.

Oh wait let me pull off the Liberal glasses.. Wow were did all these people come from?

JM wasn't it on here these same Liberals were saying after tax day this was all going away.. Just a hyped up group of haters.

Ya'll just keep on dreaming.. 2010 The REAL hope and change will begin.

"Any People who expect to be both IGNORANT and FREE, in a state of CIVILIZATION, expects what NEVER was and NEVER will be."

Submitted by Bonkers on Sun, 09/13/2009 - 7:08pm.

They didn't march, they rode things!

The African-American "million man march" of recent years turned out to be 2-300,000 with many counted 2-3 times. The gathering place won't hold a third that many and would take 3000 johnnies!

THERE WAS NO TWO MILLION IN DC LAST WEEK. Not even a half-million!

This thing is just a social event for most of these people who like to join anything provocative. They are ticked at Bush and company and can now take it out on "Washington" and President Obama.

These kinds of exaggeration is exactly why most of us ignore them--they are dishonest and ignorant as to why they are angry!

Submitted by The Truth Will ... on Sun, 09/13/2009 - 5:18pm.

September 13th, 2009 at 4:14 pm
And let’s not forget all the others Tea Party in different States that took place at the same time:
From Gateway Pundit (Jim Hoft)
Anyone has other crowd attending in other States?
I also found this blogger’s comment on Flopping Aces:
“For those fortunate to attend this historical effort, we knew something huge was happening not only in DC, but also, in the country. For everyone of us at the event, quite a few more would have liked to have joined in DC, but were simply not able or attended a number of same-day-rallies being held throughout the country.
In the final hour of the event, we asked a several of the capitol uniformed police if they had an estimate of the event attendees and were told, by all of them, there were more people attending this DC rally than at the 2009 inauguration event. Additionally, there were over 4000 parked buses — that transported rally goers — AND some buses having been turned away and not allowed to unload their passengers – maximum capacity had been reached!”

D.C. police estimates the crowd at 1.2 million. ABC News, however, reported this afternoon that the crowd was estimated at 2 million.

By the way, one of the Patriot’s steet reporters asked one policeman what he thought:

the DC police officer said, “I’ve been here 20 years and this is the largest crowd I’ve ever seen.”
Above info found on:
View opening statement for details on March!

Submitted by Bonkers on Sun, 09/13/2009 - 7:25pm.

Tea Party a flop! Mostly birthers and racists.
One can get 75,000 to see Mick Jagger Naked!
Even to see Brittany who will be naked!

dawn69's picture
Submitted by dawn69 on Sun, 09/13/2009 - 8:14pm.

Racist? Mick Jagger sees a red door and wants to paint it black. Smiling

Submitted by winer on Sun, 09/13/2009 - 7:41pm.

National Park Service commented in advance regarding the area that was permitted. Can't find anything directly quoting an named spokesperson for the National Park Service who would have been authorized to address the subject. Found some comments from the fire department who attempted an estimate very early in the day.

Submitted by Davids mom on Sun, 09/13/2009 - 1:48pm.

Peaceful assembly and protest is the American way. The 'haters' always have been quick to join a sincere protest. I think the members of Congress know that Americans want a healthcare reform that makes sense, stops the escalating cost of health care, MONITORS/REGULATES insurance companies. Both Dems and Repubs state they are 80% in agreement. It would be a shame if they cannot reach a consensus on 20% of this proposal. If there were incidents of incivility - I hope the media does not make it news. The news is Americans protested peaceably.

Submitted by Bonkers on Sun, 09/13/2009 - 11:53am.

They are to be congratulated on their civility, as far as I know.

Steam needed to be let off by many due to whom was elected and now serves.

They will get over it.

Submitted by The Truth Will ... on Sun, 09/13/2009 - 5:55pm.

The grassroots group Freedom Works sponsored the Saturday March and Rally in DC to Protest "BIG GOVERNMENT." From the looks of Saturdays Protest its reported to be the largest gathering ever in DC (2 million attendees/even larger than the recent 09 Inauguration) The Freedom Works, 912 Project, and TEA Party Patriots, work has just begun to take back their country by 2012 elections. America is Awake and fighting for individual freedom!

Submitted by lion on Sun, 09/13/2009 - 6:31pm.

The Million Moron March in Washington turned out to be the 60-75,000 Moron March according to official estimates.

Submitted by The Truth Will ... on Sun, 09/13/2009 - 6:51pm.

TO: Million Moron March stating only 60,000 attended the Sat event - You Lie!! sorry to burst your delusional bubble, please confirm from aerial photos (at the crowd in DC on Sat a picture paints a thousand words, or should I say a million words. Police were forced to turn buses away filled with Patriots and closed route to Capital once MAX capacity was reached. Someone also called in a "fake" bomb threat in hopes to slow down progress, but to no avail.

Sorry I realize the truth hurts sometimes. . . . . but these COMMUNITY ORGANIZERS mean business for upcoming elections!

Locke's picture
Submitted by Locke on Mon, 09/14/2009 - 7:03am.

Thanks for the link to americangrandjury, I needed the laugh. What a bunch of loons. I love those birthers! And they have "indicted" Obama! That's hysterical but kind of pathetic. The far right is turning into a freak show.

It is one thing to show a man that he is in an error, and another to put him in possession of the truth. John Locke

Submitted by winer on Sun, 09/13/2009 - 6:41pm.

Lion pronounced another way?!? - Put up or shut up.
Which "officials" suggested fewer than a million?
Prove it. Quote it. Link it.

Cause I have been googling all day and except for some lefties who were not there, I am seeing numbers and time lapse video that show it was a larger crowd than anyone predicted.

Submitted by lion on Sun, 09/13/2009 - 7:08pm.

ABC reported 60,000-70,000 marchers based on DC Fire Department estimates.

Submitted by Hotwing1 on Mon, 09/14/2009 - 3:15pm.

Anyone who has ever attended a post season SEC game knows better than that! 70,000? PFFFFFT! Five times that at the very least.


S. Lindsey's picture
Submitted by S. Lindsey on Mon, 09/14/2009 - 3:24pm.

1.5 Million to 2.4 Million
And that was DC alone.. Many were turned away.. Acoss the Country we had Parties going.. so a good day for FREEDOM.

The number here however is of no consequence.. The Libs will say fewer then 50K.. Washington now knows the real numbers and that was the message we needed to send.

"Any People who expect to be both IGNORANT and FREE, in a state of CIVILIZATION, expects what NEVER was and NEVER will be."

JeffC's picture
Submitted by JeffC on Mon, 09/14/2009 - 10:16pm.

I looked at the overhead videos and compared the to the "Million Man March" which was about 850K, looked about a fourth that to me, about 200,000. Just my opinion and not the point which is that the health care uprising is fueled by Medicare people who are upset about cuts in the Medicare program. That's what is affecting the legislation. The right wing jumped in front of the line and are dancing but the truth is that it isn't their parade nor or they leading it. In the upcoming election, people are going to go to the polls and show their outrage by voting the same scoundrels back in, just like they always do. You know I'm right, sad as it is.

NUK_1's picture
Submitted by NUK_1 on Tue, 09/15/2009 - 8:38am.

There are some shots online of the Rolling Stones' free concert in Rio that drew one million people.....I don't see the march the other day as being anywhere close to that.

Obviously, mental defectives claiming "60,000" are simply lying as any idiot that has been in any size crowd can rather easily see that there's a helluva lot more than 60,000 in DC that day. If you want to blatantly lie or stick your head up your backside, don't waste everyone's time by informing all of us that you are so biased that you're delusional and/or dishonest.

My guess is that "one million" is make-believe as much as 60-70,000. I'm going with around 250-350,000, and impressive number no doubt, and a number that also doesn't need to be exaggerated upward like the delusional trying to exaggerate it downward.

What's wrong with: "That was a LOT of people and many more than expected and shows the general disgust that is becoming more prevalent these days with US politics as usual?" I don't care what the "point" is on anything...if it is 200,000 people or 2million, does that really matter in the grand scheme of things? Keep it going and consistently draw lots of people everywhere and then you have a real movement.

Submitted by winer on Tue, 09/15/2009 - 1:33pm.

On Saturday I started googling everything I could because I suspected the numbers were going to be an issue.

Very early on Saturday I found the remark from an un-named fire department spokesman, and other references to park police, DC police that were referencing the 60 - 70,000. Near as I can tell it was derived from the area that had the specific permit and that area's capacity. The remark was being reported before the event was really started. Not a wrong number, just not an accurate depiction over the entire day.

The larger, nearby area, perhaps the "mall center" had been permitted to another group months earlier and was not affiliated with 9/12 or T-Party. So pictures couldn't really give an accurate count, if someone wanted to do the statistics, because how could it be determined which event was being attended. It also wasn't an event with a small, specific time frame. People came early, marched and left. Others marched, then stayed. Some attended but never went into the march.

The earliest high numbers I could find were being reported by news outlets overseas. I see no reason to believe they had any real access to anything accurate to base that number.

I think we can all agree that it was a LOT, just as NUK suggested. Maybe a lot more than the organizers, law enforcement or the media expected.

But why such hoopla over a head count? Why would ABC declare, categorically deny, that neither the network or ANY of their affiliates had claimed a high number (or a low one for that matter). And the claim was made at least by Monday morning. Had the network contacted every affiliate to ask? Or perhaps they had issued orders prior to 9/12 on what to say and how to say it?

It is obvious why the National Parks office won't furnish head count numbers - especially after an earlier lawsuit. Yet there were media outlets making claims that their numbers came from National Parks spokesmen on Sat. Is there any integrity among journalists anymore?

Main Stream's picture
Submitted by Main Stream on Tue, 09/15/2009 - 10:39am.

Arguing about size.

NUK_1's picture
Submitted by NUK_1 on Tue, 09/15/2009 - 2:01pm. the insecure Smiling We're talking about crowd counts and everything else for the record.

Submitted by AtHomeGym on Tue, 09/15/2009 - 3:13pm.

You ever see the smallest fish win a tournament?

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Tue, 09/15/2009 - 10:49am.

Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

S. Lindsey's picture
Submitted by S. Lindsey on Tue, 09/15/2009 - 7:46am.

Wow.. a Political Scholar and an Accredited Statistician.. Multi-faceted talent for sure. You really should not waste your talent on Peachtree City.. Move to Arlington they need better Annalist in Sat Imagery over there.

Why is it so important to Big Libs like you and Bonkers on the numbers? Who Cares.. oh RIGHT you do..

You people just can't handle an AWAKENED Grass Roots America.. You still think this is some small fringe group.. OK I get it.. you need to sleep at night.. Your vision of a "Progressive Socialist" America is threatened.

Like I said the number count is irrelevant.. We filled the "lawn" and people were actually turned away for over capacity. So either the Park Police lied or they did not.. Don't care.. Point made.
When was the last time an event was "filled" to capacity on a "protest" march Jeff?

btw.. I got photos of rocks on Mars could you please provide a count based on comparing photos of the moons rocks.. Get real.. pathetic attempt.. Apples and Asparagus.


Continue to Underestimate us

The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism.
But, under the name of “Liberalism” “they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened” Norman Thomas US Candidate for President

Submitted by AtHomeGym on Tue, 09/15/2009 - 3:17pm.

No, don't think Jeff would do too well in Navy Yard surroundings! But wait, didn't they build a new HQ for themselves? I lose track. That's what I get for being out of the business for 8 yrs.

S. Lindsey's picture
Submitted by S. Lindsey on Tue, 09/15/2009 - 5:01pm.

I used to go up to the facility at least twice a month.

The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism.
But, under the name of “Liberalism” “they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened” Norman Thomas US Candidate for President

Submitted by Bonkers on Tue, 09/15/2009 - 4:24am.

It seems that it is important to the tea people as to that crowd size so let them have their million if they want it. It isn't important.

I have to disagree with you somewhat about the content of the tea people.
Yes, there are some present with them who think grandma may get her Medicare cut (the service not the check) but they are in the minority. I know several of these people and they are mostly right wingers who are racist, against any welfare, against even treating illegal emergencies, want the roofers and vegetable pickers who are illegal but want them home in the winter time, and love Strom Thurman, Joe Wilson, and Sarah Palin, none of whom has done anything wrong in their lives!
I have deliberately worded this so that you can not answer it and spoil your above the fray approach, which was my intention.

Submitted by Spyglass on Mon, 09/14/2009 - 4:49pm.

comparing the crowds in DC. How hard would it be to get some and compare them? Maybe the Media doesn't want the truth.

S. Lindsey's picture
Submitted by S. Lindsey on Tue, 09/15/2009 - 8:02am.

Seems like it would not be hard to disprove would it.. I don't see ABC, ONBC or CBS bringing in people to quell the rumor.. DO YOU?

The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism.
But, under the name of “Liberalism” “they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened” Norman Thomas US Candidate for President

Submitted by Bonkers on Mon, 09/14/2009 - 3:36pm.

"You lie," as the SC representative yelled!

It is just like FOX news reports: from any drunk on the sidewalk without checking a second source first!

There were about 70,000 in DC, and several local meeting of a few thousand total!
This is a dead horse due to too many idiots involved that are racists and birthers, and FOX fans.

S. Lindsey's picture
Submitted by S. Lindsey on Mon, 09/14/2009 - 3:44pm.

but then again neither is using logic.

"Any People who expect to be both IGNORANT and FREE, in a state of CIVILIZATION, expects what NEVER was and NEVER will be."

Submitted by winer on Sun, 09/13/2009 - 7:32pm.

Show me.
ABC is reporting that their national network did not report those low numbers. Near as I can tell it may have been an affiliate out of Lynchburg, VA. Apparently ABC News Radio repeated some one elses numbers but they weren't there so they are disavowing any low number estimates made by them. So far nobody is wanting to step up and own the mistake.

I have seen lots of headlines about racist signs on Saturday. Some with as many as a dozen pictures, but very few, if any had "racist" remarks. Of course, I don't understand all of the slogans, so maybe there were more than I comprehend. I am still researching the origins of long legged mack daddy.

Locke's picture
Submitted by Locke on Mon, 09/14/2009 - 7:14am.

Here's what ABC is reporting:

ABC News Was Misquoted on Crowd Size

Now it's your turn to show where they said they did not report those numbers as you claimed. You just made it up didn't you?

Like you said: Show me.

It is one thing to show a man that he is in an error, and another to put him in possession of the truth. John Locke

Submitted by winer on Mon, 09/14/2009 - 6:30pm.

As I stated above, the ABC affiliate in Lynchburg VA was reporting it. It was on their website as a headline. Since so many of MSM were backing off earlier claims and I knew ABC would likely make such a claim - I printed out copy of the webpage. Because a webpage can change in the blink of an eye, I can prove it.

Since you are not at my house, I can't show you. But I will gladly show it to any ABC network news executive who wants to continue to deny.

Submitted by Davids mom on Sun, 09/13/2009 - 8:51pm.

Google the term.

Submitted by winer on Sun, 09/13/2009 - 10:15pm.

I did spend a few minutes on google with that term. There were mostly references to a James Manning, a black preacher who called Obama a long legged mack daddy. Apparently it has a multi definition, could be pimp or loverboy. There were mostly references to the Manning remarks, some song lyrics I couldn't begin to understand and references to Chuck Norris and William Hung (of Idol infamy) both being mack daddy.

I didn't waste too much time on the subject since my priority was the 9/12 attendence in DC and who made the estimates.

I thought it was interesting although I am having trouble with confirmation, that the Park Service is not allowed to make estimation of crowds. Apparently they were sued for under-estimating some gathering and congress in 1997 instructed them not to make estimates.
I got side tracked with that and didn't follow up further on the mack daddy remark. Once I found the accusation came from a black preacher (remarks are on UTube) it didn't seem like it could be all that racist (Chuck Norris in the stretchy pants ad??). Especially since I only saw one poster with the remark and nothing else that seemed to be organized as as racist attacks. I have to suspect if there were more, the MSM would be rubbing out face in them today.

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