Bonkers: Comments have digressed lately

Line Creek liquor; band uniforms; beer; ignorance; lack of quality members participating; coffees; threats for stupid things; Little offices; race; mold; bars; bitter about health for everyone; blaming our terrible circumstance economically on a brand new regime; tea; birthers; political shouting matches; budget cuts even while taking Washington largess; some politicians can do no wrong!

Bonkers: Population of US in 40s:90 mil. Now: 300 mil.

Care to guess about next, say 60 years?

It will be exponential!

Let is just say a BILLION (with a B) who live to be 125 mostly.

Bonkers: Health Co-ops

Ah thank ah'd lak em, mysef! Y-not jest mak medcare yun uf them? Thet waye wun cud jest sta in it if he want too or choose sumthang els--lak wun fer not health fokes whut jest want morphin and meels and toelits!

TinCan: The Cost Of A Date

TinCan's picture

Don't know if this is fact or fiction, but if it's true did we ever get a "pig in a poke" (Bonk, please translate).

From a former Air Force Colonel....(Pilot)

S. Lindsey: OBAMA.. Public Option is not a major part of Healthcare reform

S. Lindsey's picture

It's not..?!? Then what the heck have we been discussing since he brought this to our table..?

The Complete Life Cycle System (Death Panels)(End of Life Counseling) you name it is out..Looks like the "Public Option" may be going the same way..


Newsboy's picture

I read elsewhere (because it’s gotten almost NIL attention locally) that the Lifetime series shot in Peachtree City this summer has wrapped production on its first 13-episode season and appears to be a hit. The show, created by Josh Berman of “CSI” fame, is surprisingly good — smartly written, well-acted and nicely crafted. Though the story is set in L.A., PTC makes a convincing double. You'd never know the series is shot on sound stages at Falcon Field and not in Burbank! Which of course begs the question: What's the impact of "Diva" on the local economy? In these times, it can only be good! And will it return?

TinCan: 545 vs 300,000,000

TinCan's picture

A bit lengthy, but worth the read.


suggarfoot: Bypass lawsuit

suggarfoot's picture

I've heard that a group is suing over the bypass. Does anyone know the name of the group or where you can seen a donati

Chow: Do Politicians Think Everyone is Stupid?

Didn’t they know that people smarter than them wouldn’t degrade themselves by being a politician? Apparently not, since these idiot republicans keeping mailing me these questionnaires they think will make me feel important so I’ll donate money. Just because I used to be a republican doesn’t mean I still am. Certainly not after their betrayal of conservative principles; nor am I a democrat.

PTC_factchecker: The magic of FUD - one man's frustrations on the world today

I'm really surprised at the amount of FUD we're seeing on the health care debate, and in politics in general these days.

TinCan: Little something for you flyboys

stevie711: Cannongate taking over the Tennis Ctr.

Is it true that Cannongate took over the Tennis Center. I'm talking about landscaping and the day to day operation. Was there ever a bid put out? I also understand they are operating under a different name to conceal this.

Main Stream: Bush, Gog and Magog

Main Stream's picture

This is what happens when religious zealots rule the world - they send our children in to invade other countries because of their own belief in magical bible characters, talking snakes, unicorns and legends (Gog and Magog).

Bonkers: We got troubles: worse than Bush

How did we elect a non-citizen Islamic who wants to euthanize old people and Palin's baby and cut social security payments in half?

TinCan: Software purchase experience

TinCan's picture

Anyone out there had any experience with purchasing software from any of the on-line discount providers? I'm looking at Office 2007, maybe Standard or Home and Student (big price difference from Microsoft just to get Outlook), and found a bunch of discount sites.

Skeptic: Mayor to Be????

Mr. Haddix,

The article was about the annexation of the Levitt/Scarborough property. Your answer is about some other property entirely.

Bonkers: The SPLOST

I have concluded that all of the governments of Fayette County have come to rely upon SPLOSTs being renewed!

It is an automatic procedure that they rely upon when making up a budget or figuring taxes.

Davids mom: Small towns in Georgia/Makes you proud!

Please share with all Americans.


Blah Blah: Hate speech alert

Here is why hate speech and talk radio need to controlled. This is a bitter and hateful grumpy man.

Bonkers: National Health Care

People are screaming at town hall meetings as if the country has never heard of the recognition for at least a hundred years, that there was a need for it.

Bonkers: Big Names to Iran

I hear that Rush Limbaugh has been requested to pay a visit to Iran to obtain the release of the three hikers who went through Turkey, Iraq and into Iran. They were captured and jailed.

bowser: 'Employer' and 'health insurance' don't belong in same sentence

Cal Beverly’s editorial titled “Democrats healthcare = horror show for small business” unwittingly raises the most fundamental question of all – and one that isn’t even being asked.

Bonkers: Are these people crazy?

Once the news came out that "only" less than 300,000 jobs were lost in July instead of 4-500,000, TV experts have been declaring the recession over and no depression coming!

DarthDubious: The Start of the Second American Revolution?

DarthDubious's picture

For a long time people have been asking why Americans are not up in arms, screaming and shouting about their fast disappearing liberties along with the continuous passage of legislation that they vehemently oppose, from the banker bailout, to the cap and trade bill, to Obamacare. Well now they are screaming and shouting – and if the momentum continues to build, this rebellion could the spark to ignite the second American revolution.

longhair09: Running your dog this morning

To the idiot that was running with his dog this morning on the trail between South Kedron DR and Flat creek at 0745 this morning.

Bonkers: Continued Sales Tax voted ongoing

Now if you vote it on you will be to blame for raising taxes---not them! They just gave you a choice!

Is the ise rank in thisin? Whar are Dar?

DarthDubious: White House Science Advisor Holdren: Infants Not Human Beings

DarthDubious's picture

The infamous Holdren quotes from the 1977 ‘Ecoscience’ textbook, proposing forced sterilizations and other draconian measures to bring about mass death, are no incidental exercises in academic frivolity. In the 1973 publication ‘Human Ecology: Problems and Solutions’, co-authored by his old buddies, the Ehrlichs, Holdren wrote quite candidly about his basic view on human life, providing us with a peek at the undergrowth out of which the Ecoscience document has emerged, proposing among other things a ‘planetary regime’ to assume command of matters of life and death.

Cyclist: US Flag flown at half-staff to honor Michael Jackson

Cyclist's picture


Can someone explain this to me? Of course, when I was in San Franisco I seen that they fly the ChiCom flag on several houses with pictures of Chairman Mao.

Cyclist: Dup. post

Cyclist's picture

I hate when this happens!

Spear Road Guy: Dirt Pool From Fayette Chairman Jack Smith!!!

Spear Road Guy's picture

Oh boy! I wrote post a short while ago:

I would hope a CPA would show a little more restraint with our tax dollars. We're taking on $37 million in bonds for a new lake when we've got $60 million in the bank slotted for the stupid Fayetteville bypass.

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