Hate speech alert


Here is why hate speech and talk radio need to controlled. This is a bitter and hateful grumpy man. His tone and message are full of hate and he should quieted. what have the republicans promised this man?

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dawn69's picture
Submitted by dawn69 on Mon, 08/10/2009 - 10:05pm.

Blah Blah, censorship? Really? My, aren't you a good communist!!

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Mon, 08/10/2009 - 6:33pm.

Wasn't that one of one of the themes that President Obama gave at the NAACP conference was for the black community to take more responsibility?
Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

NoBama's picture
Submitted by NoBama on Mon, 08/10/2009 - 5:02pm.

The truth shall set you free. It is about time somebody had the guts to speak it.....

Submitted by Davids mom on Mon, 08/10/2009 - 9:32am.

Maybe The Honorable Manning missed the speech by Cosby. I don't know many blacks today speaking of 'slavery', or even AA. Today it's equal justice for all Americans utilizing the rights gained during the Civil Rights movement. Whites can gain civil rights if and when they feel discriminated against. That's the American way - right? This is 'hate' speech with a different twist - and just as sick. The Honorable Manning may get his 15 minutes of fame - but will not be regarded as an American who worked towards a solution to the 'race' situation in America. The black community is well aware of the problems mentioned by Manning – and NOT blaming the white community. Dress codes in minority schools are being implemented; parents are being educated; academic excellence is expected; churches are encouraging responsible relationships – which include marriage. This has become an American movement for improvement – in all of our communities. We're moving on the road to respecting all Americans based on their character and deeds - and not their skin color. Get on board Manning - or get out of the way.

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