The Shadow: Legal Review of Obama Healthcare Plan

I just received a legal analysis of Obama’s Plan done by the Dean of Liberty University Law School for the benefit of their Alumni. The proposed National Healthcare Bill is 1,017 pages and impossible for anyone but a lawyer to understand, certainly not our Senators & Congressmen who vote on it for us. The Bill is analyzed into 128 short common language items. Due to space, I can only list a few of the most outrageous parts. Please read and pass on to others. HR 3200 ready for vote by House of Representatives.

Jahmiracle Johnson: Presidential Propaganda - Absolutely Unbelievable!

The Nerve of this guy....

Prepared Remarks of President Barack Obama
Back to School Event
Arlington, Virginia
September 8, 2009

mick613: Ladies and Gentlemen...

Here it is.

That's his speech. It's nothing more than good advice and encouragement to do the right thing (aka stay in school and study hard). It's exactly what he said it was going to be. If parents still don't want their kids seeing it, I don't really understand. There's no agenda being pushed. Unless you just don't want your kid hearing stuff you already tell him/her, then that's fine, because that means you're already doing your job.

Cyclist: Israel Approves West Bank Settlement Construction

Cyclist's picture

I wonder if Benjamin Netanyahu has completely written off the current US administration as being ineffective in that region.

Bonkers: Staffing of Executive

A lot is being made of the new administration's staff. None of them seem to be satisfactory to the republicans.

I never heard of this Van Jones fellow until he was released or quit or whatever he did. It seems he used to work in neighborhood organizing for minorities which made him a Communist, I suppose.

Cyclist: The liberal darling Michael Moore has just released...

Cyclist's picture

a new film called "Capitalism: A Love Story," where he now wants nothing less than the complete overthrow of the modern capitalist system. "Capitalism is an evil, and you cannot regulate evil," the two-hour movie concludes. "You have to eliminate it and replace it with something that is good for all people and that something is democracy."

Bonkers: USA Labor force

They say there are about 150,000,000 people in the labor force out of 310,000,000 souls in the USA.
I reckon they don't count anybody under 18 or over 65 or prisoners, or people in hospitals permanently, or those who gave up looking, or those retired.

Bonkers: Braves

Haven't we seen enough of the strategic philosophy of Wren and Cox of having 12 high paid pitchers (due to half throwing out their arms too quick) instead of having at least three sluggers who will get you some runs every day?

TyroneConfidential: Message to Tyrone’s Mayor & Council

Please don’t force the citizens to do your job again. All of you took an oath to uphold the law. This means to protect public funds. This you have not done. Will one honest official please step forward and ask the State Labor Department to investigate improper payments for over-time (O.T).

windowpane: Listen'n to Prez(s)

How shallow your positions must be if you think a TV talk about education will turn your children against all that you believe and have taught & instilled in them.

windowpane: Health Care Debate

I wonder how many people chiming in on the debate have had any recent contact w/ aparatus.
1) I have bought insurance w/ $5000 deductible for a 21 y/o male & 18 y/o female. = $72 for the boy child & $132 for the girl. Please note the DED AMT. Because who amonst U can take that hit.

Gort: Politics, bigotry, and hate

Last year, during the political campaign season, I saw parts of Mr. Obama’s, ‘education speech,’ on television. It was pretty much the same kind of speech that would normally be delivered by a principal on the first day of school to all the students. As speeches go, the part I saw was delivered very well.


Newsboy's picture


In a series of private meetings with school board members this week, the chief financial officer for Birmingham city schools distributed a list of recommended budget cuts that include employee layoffs, furloughs, elimination of some middle and high school sports and a 10 percent pay cut for all administrators. CFO Arthur Watts also recommends charging students $10 per semester to help pay for Internet and computer access, printers, ink cartridges, progress reports and transcripts.

Bonkers: Gettin confoozed!

I thunk weuns had deecided sumtim ago to git offn sich thangs as white un black an yeller and brown!

Now ihas find thet we got us a brown President who went and brung in sum unusual helpers and has thuh gall to start changin thangs.

Michael Boylan: Friday night football scores/highlights for 9/4 are up

Michael Boylan's picture

Click here to go to the story.

Bonkers: The republican budget plan

I finally found the plan that most regular line republicans is considered too liberal by the right wing and the libertarians but here it is:

jpopeye: Permission to hear the President's address?

jpopeye's picture

My goodness. There was a time when listening to the President was something akin to a required civics lesson. Politics has devolved our communities to the point where those who teach are afraid to present truth.

Bonkers: Georgia Military Reform School?

I didn't know the military ever had "reform schools," as Morgan says.

That title doesn't seem to jive---maybe it was once a civilian reform school?

Bonkers: California Fires

Nothing new about CA fires, mud slides, earthquakes, and lack of water, but I heard there were maybe 4000 or more firefighters there due to the current dry shrub burning.

palladin95: Anti Kennedy

For most of my adult life I have been a registered Republican only because my family was. Having listened to the philosophy of the patriarch of the Kennedy clan espouse " It's not what you are, it's what people think you are". Most thinking people will know what genetic flaws were passed down through the male side of this shallow, sorry excuse for men. Noblesse Oblige doesn't apply here.

TRH: Kennedy

If he Kennedy did what he did,he should have been charge with killing that young lady.Do you think if it were you or i that did that,do think we would have got it push under the rug?

ptcmom678: Crochet or Knitting Groups in PTC?

Where can a brand-new crocheter go for advice and/or constructive criticism? I'm trying to teach myself to crochet and it's going shakily, especially on the second row.

S. Lindsey: Radicals to the left of us and Jokers to the right and here I am..

S. Lindsey's picture

I know .. I know… not quiet the lyrics.. but close enough for me.
I wanted to take a look at the Obama Administration. I am going to try to be as unbiased as possible. I am going to present the facts.. NOT opinion. As Joe Friday said it.. “Just the Facts”.

TinCan: A little entertainment with a message

TinCan's picture

Think this pretty well sums it up.


Bonkers: Sonnet on Truth

Seems as if I'll need again to rest
There being here no sense of humor.
Anyway telling the truth is a pest
And most here enjoy the telling of rumor.

frankpm: Trust

The President is a smart guy. But he still has a lot to learn. My fear is that he does not want what has worked for this country, just his own agenda. Power has gone to his head, he spends money for the sake of his programs, he hires czars with no congressional over site and these czars work in the shadows, its a clandestine government. "Mr. Craig has built a White House counsel's office of formidable size, with 41 lawyers, according to the administration's most recent filings. Mr. Bush left office with about 30 lawyers in his counsel's office."

Bonkers: Good News

I saw the latest numbers for home sales on TV today. Up again a few percentage points.
I don't know up from what, but it did mention that it included about one-third repossessed or foreclosure homes in the growth!

Joe Kawfi: The Bigger the Government, the Smaller the Citizen

Spyglass: Peachtree Parkway South

The grass is a foot tall and growing...I'm not impressed with our new landscapers at all.

mowerdoc: lawn equip repair

Does everyone know about the new repair shop in PTC? He repairs all small engines.He's on hwy 74 S

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