
If he Kennedy did what he did,he should have been charge with killing that young lady.Do you think if it were you or i that did that,do think we would have got it push under the rug? Don't think so.we would have gone to prison maybe for the rest of our lifes,but when you have power you are above the law.And why did they put him next to his brothers?They must be turning over in the graves?

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Gene61's picture
Submitted by Gene61 on Thu, 09/03/2009 - 4:28pm.

I am flabbergasted …

Here is an well-born American Senator proposing, or should I say conspiring, to mount a concerted joint political campaign with a sovereign enemy foreign power against a fellow American politician, Ronald Reagan, over the reduction of America’s nuclear deterrent. I am not skilled enough as a historian to know whether or not this is an act of opportunism – or something much, much worse.

Perhaps, now that Kennedy is dead, the American people will reexamine the motives and actions of the democrat party liberals who act more and more like Marxists with each passing day.

Like father, like son … pandering to America’s enemies for political power? Or striking private deals to ensure one’s political power base?

Hard to believe that Ted Kennedy may have just been reflecting the views of his father: about defeatism, democracy, and using foreign powers to advance your own political agenda.

Consider his father’s attempts to communicate with Adolph Hitler…

“Kennedy [his father] rejected the warnings of Winston Churchill that compromise with Nazi Germany was impossible; instead he supported Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain's policy of appeasement in order to stave off a second world war that would be a more horrible "Armageddon" than the first.”

“Throughout 1938, as the Nazi persecution of Jews intensified, Kennedy attempted to obtain an audience with Adolf Hitler. Shortly before the Nazi aerial bombing of British cities began in September 1940, Kennedy sought a personal meeting with Hitler, again without State Department approval, ‘to bring about a better understanding between the United States and Germany.’"

“Kennedy argued strongly against giving aid to Britain.”

"’Democracy is finished in England. It may be here," stated Ambassador Kennedy in the Boston Sunday Globe of November 10, 1940. In that one simple statement, Joe Kennedy ruined any future chances of becoming US president, effectively committing political suicide. While bombs fell daily on the UK, Nazi troops occupied Poland, Belgium, the Netherlands, and France, Ambassador Kennedy unambiguously and repeatedly stated his belief that the war was not about saving democracy from National Socialism (Nazism) or Fascism. In the now-infamous, long, rambling interview with two newspaper journalists, Louis M. Lyons of the Boston Globe and Ralph Coghlan of the St. ‘Louis Post-Dispatch, Kennedy opined:

"It's all a question of what we do with the next six months. The whole reason for aiding England is to give us time.’ ... ‘As long as she is in there, we have time to prepare. It isn't that [Britain is] fighting for democracy. That's the bunk. She's fighting for self-preservation, just as we will if it comes to us... I know more about the European situation than anybody else, and it's up to me to see that the country gets it,’"

“In British government circles during the Blitz, Ambassador Kennedy was widely disparaged as a defeatist.”

“When the American public and Roosevelt Administration officials read his quotes on democracy being ‘finished,’ and his belief that the Battle of Britain wasn't about ‘fighting for democracy,’ all of it being just ‘bunk,’ they realized that Ambassador Kennedy could not be trusted to represent the United States. In the face of national public outcry, he was offered the chance to fall on his sword, and he submitted his resignation later that month.”

Bottom line …

We are now seeing the influence of decades of socialist and communist infiltration into our government institutions and major organizations. One need only look at President Barack Obama’s agenda to see the confluence of public policy with the writings of Marxist theorists who put forth rules for destroying America from within – primarily by infiltrating American institutions, using our own laws against us, diluting patriotic Americans with others who have little or no interest in politics. One need only look at the leadership of the environmental movement which actively crusades for population control, anti-nuclear power sources and weapons, anti-growth initiatives which seek to cripple our economy and military; not to mention the promotion of an energy policy and foreign policy which conveys significant power to sovereigns who often act against American ideals and values.

Perhaps it is now time to question the motives and actions of our leadership. Paying special attention to the democrats who continue to fight against policies which would mandate energy independence; fight against policies which would strengthen the dollar fight against policies which would restrict turning illegal aliens into voting democrats.

I am sorry that I do not respect Ted Kennedy and/or the modern democrat party. Ted Kennedy should not be confused with his brothers who had character and stood up for America against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. Being a member of the “lucky sperm club” and being born into a political family of wealth and privilege does not make one admirable. And what can value we ascribe to Kennedy’s long service in the Senate other than backroom politics and a public remembering his slain brothers. Of course Kennedy participated in worthwhile legislation – often crafted by lobbyists, special interests and which conveyed special privileges to the special interests.

I hope in the coming days, the media will actually discuss this issue and place it in its proper historical context.

As for me, I think America just might be a better place without Ted Kennedy and some of his far-left radical/activist liberal democrats.

-- steve


OneCitizenSpeaking: Saying out loud what you may be thinking …

Reference Links:

Ted Kennedy and the KGB|Paul Kengor Interview - FrontPage Magazine

“Kengor: The episode is based on a document produced 25 years ago this week. I discussed it with you in our earlier interview back in November 2006. In my book, The Crusader: Ronald Reagan and the Fall of Communism, I presented a rather eye-opening May 14, 1983 KGB document on Ted Kennedy. The entire document, unedited, unabridged, is printed in the book, as well as all the documentation affirming its authenticity. Even with that, today, almost 25 years later, it seems to have largely remained a secret.”

Senator Ted Kennedy cooperated with the KGB, Soviet leaders to undermine Reagan

“Another KGB report to their bosses revealed that on March 5, 1980, John Tunney met with the KGB in Moscow on behalf of Sen. Kennedy. Tunney expressed Kennedy's opinion that "nonsense about 'the Soviet military threat' and Soviet ambitions for military expansion in the Persian Gulf . . . was being fueled by [President Jimmy] Carter, [National Security Advisor Zbigniew] Brzezinski, the Pentagon and the military industrial complex."

The Kennedy Men: Three Generations of Sex, Scandal and Secrets| Nellie Bly

A detailed account of the Kennedys and their associations with organized crime, scandals and politics.

“… while Joe set about to make his fortune with a brilliant and imaginative combination of stock speculation, mortgage foreclosure and war profiteering.”

Gene61's picture
Submitted by Gene61 on Thu, 09/03/2009 - 4:27pm.

The leftist media in this country has erupted in praise of Ted Kennedy. Democrats praise him. Republicans praise him. Liberals praise him conservatives praise him. But simply because a man has a health problem, does that mean that all criticism must stop?

Does a man who spent his entire political life destroying the fundamental tenets of American morality become miraculously rehabilitated simply because he enters the hospital? Do conservatives stop being conservatives because of a medical diagnosis?

No! And yet it seems that the Republicans in Congress have forgotten what Ted Kennedy has done to our borders. Too many so-called conservative commentators have forgotten what Ted Kennedy has done to our language. Too many fawning media lackeys have forgotten that Ted Kennedy has succeeded in nearly destroying our culture.

We cannot forget that he opened the borders as early as 1965. We cannot forget that he voted to destroy the flag and destroy traditional marriage. We cannot forget in spite of his illness, that he has voted for late-term abortion – i.e. infanticide. We can’t forget that…

He voted no on a constitutional ban on flag desecration.
He voted no on constitutional ban of same-sex marriage.
He voted yes on adding sexual orientation to definition of hate crimes.
He voted no on banning affirmative action hiring with federal funds.
He voted yes on allowing illegals to participate in Social Security.

Ted Kennedy, whom I also considered a liberal socialist with Marxist leanings – was apparently an actual collaborator with the Soviets in order to conspire against fellow Americans such as former President Jimmy Carter and former President Ronald Regan.

I suggest you read the Paul Kengor’s book, “The Crusader: Ronald Reagan and the Fall of Communism."

The book contains a letter from the Soviet Union’s unclassified archives which appears in the appendix of the book (pages 317-320).


Special Importance
Committee on State Security of the USSR
14.05. 1983 No. 1029 Ch/OV

Regarding Senator Kennedy’s request to the General Secretary of the Communist Party Comrade Y.V. Andropov

Comrade Y.V. Andropov

On 9-10 May of this year, Senator Edward Kennedy’s close friend and trusted confidant J. Tunney was in Moscow. The senator charged Tunney to convey the following message, through confidential contacts, to the General Secretary of the Center Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Y. Andropov.

Senator Kennedy, like other rational people, is very troubled by the current state of Soviet-American relations. Events are developing such that this relationship coupled with the general state of global affairs will make the situation even more dangerous. The main reason for this is Reagan’s belligerence, and his firm commitment to deploy new American middle range nuclear weapons within Western Europe.

According to Kennedy, the current threat is due to the President’s refusal to engage any modification on his politics. He feels that his domestic standing has been strengthened because of the well publicized improvement of the economy: inflation has been greatly reduced, production levels are increasing as is overall business activity. For these reasons, interest rates will continue to decline. The White House has portrayed this in the media as the “success of Reaganomics.”

Naturally, not everything in the province of economics has gone according to Reagan’s plan. A few well known economists and members of financial circles, particularly from the north-eastern states, foresee certain hidden tendencies that many bring about a new economic crisis in the USA. This could bring about the fall of the presidential campaign of 1984, which would benefit the Democratic party. Nevertheless, there are no secure assurances this will indeed develop.

The only real threats to Reagan are problems of war and peace and Soviet-American relations. These issues, according to the senator, will without a doubt become the most important of the election campaign. The movement advocating a freeze on nuclear arsenals of both countries continues to gain strength in the United States. The movement is also willing to accept preparations, particularly from Kennedy, for its continued growth. In political and influential circles of the country, including within Congress, the resistence to growing military expenditures is gaining strength.

However, according to Kennedy, the opposition to Reagan is still very weak. Reagan’s adversaries are divided and the presentations they make are not fully effective. Meanwhile, Reagan has the capabilities to effectively counter any propaganda. In order to neutralize criticism that the talks between the USA and the USSR are non-constructive, Reagan will grandiose, but subjectively propagandistic. At the same time, Soviet officials who speak about disarmament will be quoted out of context, silenced or groundlessly and whimsically discounted. Although arguments and statements by officials of the USSR do appear in the press, it is important to note the majority of Americans do not read serious newspapers or periodicals.

Kennedy believes that, given the current state of affairs, and in the interest of peace, it would be prudent and timely to undertake the following steps to counter the militaristic politics of Reagan and his campaign to psychologically burden the American people. In this regard, he offers the following proposals to the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Y.V. Andropov:

1. Kennedy asks Y.V. Andropov to consider inviting the senator to Moscow for a personal meeting in July of this year. The main purpose of the meeting, according to the senator, would be to arm Soviet officials with explanations regarding problems of nuclear disarmament so they may be better prepared and more convincing during appearances in the USA. He would also like to inform you that he has planned a trip through Western Europe, where he anticipates meeting England’s Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and French President Mitterrand in which he will exchange similar ideas regarding the same issues.

If his proposals would be accepted in principle, Kennedy would send his representative to Moscow to resolve questions regarding organizing such a visit.

Kennedy thinks the benefits of a meeting with Y.V.Andropov will be enhanced if he could also invite one of the well known Republican senators, for example, Mark Hatfield. Such a meeting will have a strong impact on American and political circles in the USA (In March of 1982, Hatfield and Kennedy proposed a project to freeze the nuclear arsenals of the USA and USSR and published a book on the theme as well.)

2. Kennedy believes that in order to influence Americans it would be important to organize in August-September of this year, televised interviews with Y.V. Andropov in the USA. A direct appeal by the General Secretary to the American people will, without a doubt, attract a great deal of attention and interest in the country. The senator is convinced this would receive the maximum resonance in so far as television is the most effective method of mass media and information.

If the proposal is recognized as worthy, then Kennedy and his friends will bring about suitable steps to have representatives of the largest television companies in the USA contact Y.V. Andropov for an invitation to Moscow for the interview. Specifically, the president of the board of directors of ABC, Elton Raul and television columnists Walter Cronkite or Barbara Walters could visit Moscow. The senator underlined the importance that this initiative should be seen as coming from the American side.

Furthermore, with the same purpose in mind, a series of televised interviews in the USA with lower level Soviet officials, particularly from the military would be organized. They would also have an opportunity to appeal directly to the American people about the peaceful intentions of the USSR, with their own arguments about maintaining a true balance of power between the USSR and the USA in military term. This issue is quickly being distorted by Reagan’s administration.

Kennedy asked to convey that this appeal to the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union is his effort to contribute a strong proposal that would root out the threat of nuclear war, and to improve Soviet-American relations, so that they define the safety of the world. Kennedy is very impressed with the activities of Y.V. Andropov and other Soviet leaders, who expressed their commitment to heal international affairs, and improve mutual understandings between peoples.

The senator underscored that he eagerly awaits a reply to his appeal, the answer to which may be delivered through Tunney.

Having conveyed Kennedy’s appeal to the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Tunney also explained that Senator Kennedy has in the last few years actively made appearances to reduce the threat of war. Because he formally refused to partake in the election campaign of 1984, his speeches would be taken without prejudice as they are not tied to any campaign promises. Tunney remarked that the senator wants to run for president in 1988. At that time, he will be 56 and his personal problems, which could hinder his standing, will be resolved (Kennedy has just completed a divorce and plans to remarry in the near future). Taken together, Kennedy does not discount that during the 1984 campaign, the Democratic Party may officially turn to him to lead the fight against the Republicans and elect their candidate president. This would explain why he is convinced that none of the candidates today have a real chance at defeating Reagan.

We await instructions.

President of the committee
V. Chebrikov

Submitted by windowpane on Sat, 09/05/2009 - 9:27pm.

Dude: Are you related to Bonkers?
1) If Teddy had been the passenger & not the driver... What would have been the headline? She got in the car. I am not defending his actions, but stuff happens & that's why they are called accidents.
2) Ronny RAYguns only suxceeded in bankrupting the USSR before he did the US. It wasn't until Wild Bill C got ahold of the checkbook that little "w" aka: Duby, was given a surplus.
3) I have a problem w/ the 1980 Teddy run. I have always wanted to write a paper on how just little bs & politics derailed the Carter era. I think it began when attention turned to Bert Lance covering some overdraft checks at the bank. OH! OH! If those were the only problems we had now at small town banks.

Finally. You ASS-u-ME that everything Teddy voted for or supported was UN-amerikan, not what I believe in (YES, I live here too). He represented very many of us and we spoke up in the last election.

NUK_1's picture
Submitted by NUK_1 on Thu, 09/03/2009 - 5:16pm.

...he was the poster boy for the Repubs for a few decades and helped them win elections. They can afford to be magnanimous now after years and years of holding him up as who would be running the USA if u voted for a Mondale, Dukakis, Gore, Kerry. He was a much better boogeyman than some shrill like Pelosi or even Tip O'Neil.

Repubs got a TON of mileage out of Ted Kennedy being a Democrat. Teddy even helped the Repubs by further eroding an already wounded Jimmy Carter in one of the most arrogant and selfish political acts of the recent past. How in the world would ANY Repub have something negative to say about Teddy after his death? Not only would it appear extremely petty and not classy, but it would also open themselves up to all the moral failings in abundance that some Repubs have also committed.

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