lkkwpb: Walmart?

I am hearing rumors in the neighborhood. Is Walmart coming near the gas stations across from FRANKS near the gas statio

sageadvice: New Computer

The government now owns a new computer called "Roadrunner," which does a thousand trillion calculations per second, or 10 to the 24th.

Main Stream: Muddle - a passion for teaching

Main Stream's picture

"The whole deal (i.e., the only complaint from my employer) was over a (myopic?) perception of my posts on here, and that perception was almost point-for-point the way this person had characterized me in that strategically placed post."


At the May 8 Planning Workshop, lawyer Davenport explained how Tyrone could raise taxes for downtown residents. He said it could be done by creating a Tax Allocation District (TAD) as part of the downtown redevelopment plan. First, the council has to pass a resolution designating the downtown area as a special tax district. Barry tried to do this last year but the election interfered. The new council will now go forward with Barry’s plan. Every residential home and business property will pay the increased taxes. Tyrone can then issue bonds or borrow money pledging your property taxes for security to pay back the borrowed funds. It’s a sneaky way of reducing the deficit and so complex that only a lawyer can fully understand. State usury laws don’t apply, so the citizens can be charged exorbitant interest rates. See O.C.G.A. 36-44-8 for the complex details.

BECBECW63: Mrs. Winner's

I am glad no one was hurt, but now maybe they can improve their health score!

muddle: Bo Diddley

muddle's picture

Bo (Who Do You Love?) Diddley died this past week. He was 79.

I heard a tribute to him on A Prairie Home Companion yesterday. The tune composed for him had the line "he put the rock in rock and roll."

chippie: HUTCH >>>>>>>>>>

chippie's picture

Although I didn't get to see you this afternoon, I can't say THANK YOU enough for coming to our family's rescue (of course it would have to be on a near 100 degree day, or thereabouts).

Git Real: Super Hero Delta Pilot Captain Dick To The Rescue

Git Real's picture

I promise to protect and serve our citizens. I will protect our economy with good paying jobs supported by smart pro-business legislation. I will serve our children with a quality education.


On June 5, Tyrone’s council went into their Secret Executive Session to discuss two new “threats” of lawsuits. The only information citizens received was that the lawyers were instructed to moved forward. What does that mean, who might sue, and why? People don’t sue for no good reason. They sue because their government has refused to help.

Dawn Hassel: The Herb Shop Returns To Tyrone

But not without delays from permit clerk Valerie Caldwell. After originally opening in the Publix Shopping Center 3 yrs ago, the shop was put out of business by Barry & Valerie.

masked08: Fayetteville Curfew

masked08's picture

There is an article on ajc regarding the new curfew in town. Nothing is here yet though.

I'll admit that I haven't mastered the links ... Could someone do the honors ...

bad_ptc: “Water-Starved California Slows Development”; what a concept

bad_ptc's picture

The state of GA, like PTC, has never seen a development it didn’t like and Georgia has been a drought for years.

”Water-Starved California Slows Development”

sageadvice: Jamie-Mac ?

You apparently have been detected as BPR with your first comment.

You need to learn to disguise your method-writing better when changing names!

sageadvice: Looking for profound statements

I thought Bush or Cheney one would have by now had something to say about the current situations in the USA!
Generals and Secretaries of the Air Force canned---he said he heard about it!

sageadvice: New Airline

Since all of the airlines are going out of business due to their being run badly and not planning for the expiration of affordable oil to fly the planes, a new airline has announced it's formation today using a different business plan.

Buckwheat Rules: Current State of our Economy

Buckwheat Rules's picture

Email this article to everyone you know. The more Americans understand what went on "behind the scenes" to create this "sham" of an economy, the better.

sageadvice: We always expect the same from terrorists

I heard a conversation today about the current price of oil and how it had gone up just today more than it ever had before--about $10/barrel, I think they said.

sageadvice: Oil is up, stock is down!

But we have NO recession!
Jobs are way down (good ones), prices are way up on everything. Bread is $3.69 per small loaf. Looks as if even local taxes will go up.

bowser: Cable TV troubles, anyone?

Last fall we "upgraded" to Comcast's digital cable and then, this winter, added HD.

But ever since -- and especially since adding HD -- several channels have been unwatchable because of something called "tiling." The picture basically is fragmented into little blocks that dance around on the screen. It only happens on some channels, and it comes and goes on some of them.

bad_ptc: JeffC & Hack you're going love this one

sageadvice: A General involuntarily replaced

Along with a high ranking civilian.

The Air Force Chief of Staff and the Secretary of the Air Force were "relieved" today.

sageadvice: Once loyal, always loyal?

Scott McClellan is getting pounded by Bushies for saying now what he thought happened while he was at the White House.

sageadvice: Once loyal, always loyal?

Scott McClellan is getting pounded by Bushies for saying now what he thought happened while he was at the White House.

The Crime Dog: Git Real and Rudjard Hayes

The Crime Dog's picture

Git, really now.

You're supporting a carpetbagger who moved into Fayette for the sole purpose of running for DA? He just moved here last year.

CuriousBob: Gang member

I was a member of a gang when I was in high was called JrROTC.

Git Real: The Unintended Benefits Of $4.00 Gasoline

Davids mom: Gang Prevention

It's important to start a program BEFORE the gang culture takes hold of a community. How? Continue to involve children in wholesome activities like Little League, Scouts, Church Activities, and family functions. Reach out to those students who are not participating in such activities - for whatever reason - and try to involve them before they seek the companionship of a 'gang'.

Mary Kay: Recycle/Exchange Children's Books

To encourage summer reading, the Dr. Mary Kay for School Board Campaign is sponsoring a Children's Book Drive. Here are the details:

barneyrubble: Why would you want this man to represent you...

Let’s meet Rudjard Hayes:

Wanted to be Solicitor in Coweta- wasn’t qualified

Wanted to be a judge in Coweta- didn’t make the list (not qualified)

sageadvice: Ruined

The eye of the needle got me!

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