Any attack upon the deity of Jesus Christ is an assault upon the very foundation of the Christian faith. Christianity is Christ.

Science vs. faith: Unbelievers ignore evidence to contrary

Peter Duran cites a “major study” which concludes that prayer does not appear to affect the health of sick people and delights that more of this type of “evidence” may be available in the future to help determine what religious beliefs are legitimate or superstition.

Denounce 1 religion’s supremacy

Yes, we are at war in the United States. No, not Iraq, but amongst ourselves rages the main battle — a clash between traditional and new beliefs.

Athletic scholarships and ability: Disappointed mother has it all wrong

I read the letter submitted by Mrs. Rossi in your March 22 edition of The Citizen. The letter reflects a person that is struggling with the truth about athletic scholarships. It is very unfortunate, though, that she felt the need to belittle the student athletes that have been honored with scholarships and will have the opportunity to play at the next level.

No award? Maybe it’s losing record

I read with interest Kandy Rossi’s recent editorial (“Athletic scholarships hinge on more than just ability,” March 22) expressing her disappointment that her son, Kip, did not receive a football scholarship to college.

Story misstates plight of Village Park seniors

Your article of “PTC getting busy with cart path repaving” in the Friday, March 31, 2006, edition of The Peachtree Citizen contains a misleading moral equivalency statement about the Village Park elderly victims of criminal activity which is terribly wrong and victimizes the victims again.

F’ville slow to respond to residents having excessive stormwater runoff

During the past year, my neighbors and I have been trying to resolve an issue with mud and muck runoff on our properties with representatives from the [Fayetteville] stormwater program.

Bypass will hurt Tyrone

As a college student that commutes to Georgia State daily, I’m furious that our county government is constructing a new highway that will funnel a large amount of traffic from Fayetteville and Spalding County into the heart of Tyrone.

Good thing in PTC: Cart paths getting fixed

Until 2005 you only had to spend a few minutes on most any section of the Peachtree City cart path system to see that they are aging rapidly: Tree roots pushing up the pavement, “pot holes” in various locations and a general decay of the shoulders of a too narrow path format.

Commission election: We’ve been Horganized

Welcome to the Horganization of Fayette County. Horganization means we cling to our county’s “heritage,” a past that demanded slavery and later graduated to segregation. Over 50 years ago our state flag was Horganized with the Confederate bars and stars in defiant support of segregation.

Good experiments vanquish false beliefs

In the history of science, there are many notable examples of cherished beliefs among physicists that turn out to be totally false. Two classic examples will prove the point.

Adults must sit where they’re told at WWHS

I went to watch the McIntosh boys and girls soccer teams play the other week at Whitewater High School. I had planned to sit with some friends whose children play for Whitewater. They are friends, golfing buddies from years ago when our kids played together on a Lightning team.

Vietnam-era vet’s wife supports Kerry exposé

Thank you for Mr. Garlock’s articles. In 1969 I was a new bride returning to Ga. State College while my husband was serving in Vietnam with the 101st Airborne. I proudly wore his jump wings everywhere I went.

If Kerry were GOP, he’d still need to be slammed

While I did get Mr Robinson’s age wrong, I still cannot quite understand why a two-war veteran would so vehemently defend John Kerry and believe that it is the messengers of Kerry’s acts who are mean-spirited.

8% turnout: Shame on you, Fayette voters

I went to the Fayette County Web site this morning to check the results of the County Commissioner race. With all but one precinct reporting, 5,242 votes were cast in a county with 62,692 registered voters.

Wilkerson: Thanks for support; let’s move on

To the 1,522 Fayette citizens who cast their votes for me to serve as your next county commissioner on last Tuesday, March 21, 2006, I say, “Thank you!” It means so much to me to have your support and for you to believe in the bright future of our county as I do. I promise to always strive to represent you to the best of my God-given ability when given the opportunity.

Thanks to soldiers who rescued peaceniks

My thanks to the coalition military members who risked their lives and rescued three peace activists from their Iraqi killers.

Korean vet: Kerry attacks are ‘mean-spirited’

Re: Actual Vietnam Vets remember medals by James Kelso. First, let me put Mr. Kelso in perspective.

He assumed I am younger than he and Garlock and have no clue as to what life was like in Vietnam era.

Protests: Are illegal immigrants arguing they have a right to be here?

I am trying to understand the nature of the protests over proposed immigration legislation.

We must allow, I think, that the details of the legislation are perhaps debatable. A friend suggested to me that one implication is that it would be illegal to feed someone in a soup line who lacked proper identification. I don’t know whether this is true, but would be the first to challenge any legislation that did have such an immoral implication.

Count the ‘I’s’ in letter

Thirty times. Yes, 30 times Ms. Garner used “I” in her short editorial concerning her support for “Pro-Choice” on abortion (see editorial written on March 22). The repetitive use of “I” often sums up the Pro-Choice (Pro-abortion) agenda and the stance often taken by those who side to the left.

Eminent domain decisions: Fayette Countians should beware, get involved

On June 23, 2005, when the U.S. Supreme Court handed down its 5–4 decision in Kelo v. City of New London, Connecticut, the term “eminent domain” became the topic of conversation throughout the United States.

Death penalty, the law, justice and namby-pambies

I must have read Sam Osborne’s wallow in flower power philosophy six or seven times in an attempt to decide if he was speaking tongue in cheek or head in sand.

Big yellow signs: What’s happening to Fayette?

Ohmigosh! Who authorized the hideous, huge, schoolbus-yellow street signs at almost every intersection along Ga. Highway 54?

Actual Vietnam vets remember about medals

After reading the two responses to Terry Garlock’s article, I felt a need to put things into perspective. Both letter writers are obviously quite younger than Mr. Garlock and myself and have absolutely no clue as to what life was like back in the Vietnam era.

Congressmen don’t answer citizen’s letters

Most of us in Fayette County are affected by Delta Airlines, its bankruptcy and the severe salary cuts of the employees. What more is ahead?

Racism here in Fayette?

It is obvious that there is a cancer of racism afflicting this nation, with whites harboring feelings of hatred towards blacks, blacks harboring the same towards whites, and then there are the feelings against Hispanic immigrants, Arabs, Asians, and Muslims.

Death penalty advocates: Put them all together

“It’s official: DA to seek death penalty for Sangster,” reads the caption on a story by John Munford in the March 14, 2006, Citizen. Fayette County District Attorney Scott Ballard is determined to try to convince a jury to convict and sentence Charles William Sangster to death for the murder of Robert Groninger.

Abortion is a sin; God forgives sins, all sins

Abortion is one of many sins, but at the end of the day we all have the right to choose.

I am getting ready to upset somebody’s apple cart. I am a Christian and I am a pro-choice mother of one. It seems as if we never get to the root of this debate. The people on the right say God is against abortion, therefore it should be illegal. The Bible is clear, life begins at conception and it is clear that life is ordained before the womb as Bob Patterson pointed out in his response.

The Oscars: Hollywood values versus the rest of us

Now that we have had time to digest what happened at the Academy Awards, it is time to put the awards in some sort of layman’s perspective.

Dispute not with veterans’ patriotism, but their views

In responding to my Jan. 24, 2006 letter to the editor, Kevin King pointed out the inaccuracy of one of my statements; and rightly so. I apologize for stating that the Democrats “voted to kill the Patriot Act” when I should have said, “worked to delay or stop the extension of.”

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