Korean vet: Kerry attacks are ‘mean-spirited’

Tue, 03/28/2006 - 5:35pm
By: Letters to the ...

Re: Actual Vietnam Vets remember medals by James Kelso. First, let me put Mr. Kelso in perspective.

He assumed I am younger than he and Garlock and have no clue as to what life was like in Vietnam era.

For his information I was serving at K-14, Kimpo AB, Korea in September 1954 while both of these experts were still in grade school. I served in Southeast Asia at Ubon, Thailand during 1970-71.

No, it wasn’t Vietnam, but we supported the AC-130 Spectre gun ships and the F-4 fighters attacking the enemy in Vietnam. I also had friends who didn’t come back from those missions.

That said I stand by my letter that Garlock and Kelso are no authority on who should receive medals during any conflict.

I wrote that if Kerry was a Republican, Garlock would not have written such vicious statements about him. These vicious verbal attacks designed to dishonor another veteran are mean-spirited and written by Republicans to sway public opinion.

Not only was this method used against John Kerry, it was used by chicken hawk Saxby Chambliss campaign to discredit the honorable Max Cleland, who lost three limbs in Vietnam.

This type of journalism makes me sick. If you can’t write the truth, don’t give me your opinion.

Larry Robinson
Peachtree City, Ga.

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Submitted by Islewood on Fri, 03/31/2006 - 8:33pm.

These attacks on Kerry are cowardly. When he was to show up for duty, he did and he served with valor. If you don’t believe it, ask the guy that he went back and pulled out of the water when they were under enemy fire.

This is unlike the fellow in the White House who decided that he had better things to do. They are not even sure where he was when he was not where he was supposed to be. It is rumored that his teeth were in Alabama, or so his brave dental records would seem to indicate.

When I got drafted into the US Army it was not a home-alone operation--you were expected to be where they sent you.

God bless you Larry and both you and Kerry,


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