Commission election: We’ve been Horganized

Tue, 04/04/2006 - 4:26pm
By: The Citizen

Welcome to the Horganization of Fayette County. Horganization means we cling to our county’s “heritage,” a past that demanded slavery and later graduated to segregation. Over 50 years ago our state flag was Horganized with the Confederate bars and stars in defiant support of segregation.
The Horganization movement in Fayette County drew the support of some elderly white power brokers that grew up in a time when separate but equal was the only way to go. They came up with the funding to Horganize the second round of campaign signs by affixing the candidate’s white face on them.
The Horganized people are the ilk of the Democrats, not just any Democrats, the Dixiecrats, fathers of the defense of segregation and discrimination. They will tell you time and again that district voting is simply not needed. They will whisper to you in secret that blacks are incompetent and cannot be trusted.
The Horganized faithful showed up at the polls and the rest of us will pay the price for our apathy. The most experienced candidate lost the election; he was Horganized. Ours is not a pretty legacy, the ulcer of metropolitan Atlanta.
Chuck Mocha
fayettepapa (at)
Fayette County, Ga.

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Submitted by 1bighammer on Thu, 04/06/2006 - 9:40am.

because Robert Horgan went to the other 92% of the population of Fayette county and prevented them from voting! NOT! When the black community can get people to come to the polls and vote....and still not win, then maybe they could throw the race card.

The fact of the matter is only 8% of the registered voters actually cast a ballot. I looked at the election results and even the majority Black voting districts overall averaged only about 10% turnout. If having a black commissioner were as important to the general black population as it is to a select few, then maybe more would have voted.

Submitted by yada yada yada on Tue, 04/04/2006 - 9:47pm.

You are exactly right about your analysis of this election. All the old, old whites voted. The yuppies stayed home. The Dixiecrats think they won, but they are in for a surprise. District Voting is a given now. We showed this county cannot intelligently vote without considering race. Wonder what WP members were involved. We know nothng about Horgan and he knows nothing, period. Those that stayed home will get what they deserve. What a dirty race he ran!

Submitted by sherwood on Thu, 04/06/2006 - 10:43am.

The problem is that not enough of anyone voted. You only have yourself to "blame" if you are unhappy. What a racist comment to make calling any "group" a name. Dixiecrats? "Old, Old Whites"? You are as bad as the people you are complaining about. I'm a white middle aged voter who didn't vote for Horgan. Stop playing the race card. When will that issue stop being an excuse for apathetic citizens too busy to get out and do their civic duty?

Submitted by DWP33 on Wed, 04/05/2006 - 7:24am.

How long are you people going to play the race card? Dont you think the blacks vote for black?

Submitted by oldsimon on Wed, 04/05/2006 - 11:58am.

The race card will be played as long as white bigots and black bigots exist. Fayette County has plenty of both. Fayette County has had whites that voted for blacks and has had blacks that voted for whites, but this time Horgan played the race card all through the election. It paid off for him, but will cost the county in the long run. So much for "heritage".

Submitted by susieq on Wed, 04/05/2006 - 6:10pm.

How did Horgan win on the "heritage" race card? You are always hearing about Black Heritage, but has anyone ever mentioned White Heritage? I don't think so -- that would be called RACIST.

Submitted by GeorgiaPeach on Wed, 04/05/2006 - 10:16pm.

Horgan used the word heritage several times. That is a word that is used by White Power or White Supermacy groups. I am white and am proud of my southern heritage, but hesitate to voice it becaude I do not want to be put in the same catagory with some of these groups. I don't want to be toothless waving the St. Andrews cross flag which has long ago lost it's real meaning because of the use by hate groups. Horgan made a point to show his face was white for those who might not know. That was all it took. He did not know the issues and did little to contact the voters except plaster the county with his signs placed everywhere without permission. So far he has shown he thinks he is above the law. Let's see what kind of commissioner he will make. I say he is way, way over his head and will never catch up.

Robert W. Morgan's picture
Submitted by Robert W. Morgan on Wed, 04/05/2006 - 7:04pm.

Those that discount white heritage are trying to destroy it. White people are reluctant to challenge black people on issues like this because they are concerned about a Cynthia McKinney type reaction.

But the actual facts are that the founding fathers of this great country owned slaves and still were able to write their own personal interest out of The Constitution - and even the Declaration of Independence. Read these 2 documents - very instructive and inspiring to those who want to learn something.

200+ years later the white founders who deserve some credit for their patriotism get attacked (or at least their descendants do) because they are still white. Is that stupid or what? More to the point, isn't that racist?

Next election comes up in November. You want to win like Horgan did - then put a photo of your face on the campaign signs like he did. Or more importantly, run on the actual issues.

wildfire's picture
Submitted by wildfire on Wed, 04/05/2006 - 9:45pm.

Yep, gotta agree with you Robert. What really ticks me the most is that we have blacks screaming racism in this election, so does that mean that districts like the one Cynthia McKinney are from as well as a hell of a lot of other districts in several metro counties are racist as well? After all it has been a LONG time since a white was elected in those districts! What about Clayton County that is predominately black now? I believe that their new District Attorney and Sherriff as well as a few county commissioners are black. Didn't the Sheriff fire a bunch of officers who were about 95% white????

I could go on and on and on.... you get my point; and for the record I have not missed an election to vote in since 1976 and I vote on how I feel a candidate will best serve MY interests as well as my families and quite a few I have voted for have been black. Color is brought up by open and closet racists and they are only fooling themselves when they claim otherwise. Any blind person can look at who gets elected in any area of the country to see that racism plays a part in every election; blacks, whites, Hispanics and others!

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