Bonkers: Most Powerful Nation

I hear this said all of the time on TV and radio and in the newspapers--not so much in books and newspaper articles.
I suppose it means in terms of GNP and military might.

TJAM: Don Rehwald is still missing

Don Rehwald is still missing, where did he go?
Last year to council meetings he certainly did go
He would get up and always would vent

Git Real: Free And Easy Computer & Electronics Recycling. Right Here In Good Ole Fayette County

Git Real's picture

Now don't go and start thinking ole Git is some sort of bedwetting tree hugger or such. Let it be known that I am convinced this whole global warming thing is a bunch of crap and that our grandkids are going to laugh their butts off looking back at us in 25 years or so. With that said I am and have always been a conservationist. Not a doomsday, the hole in the ozone is going to swallow us up type, but someone who believes we should be good stewards of our surroundings and not be wasteful. Following are some practical tips in recycling that many may not be aware of.

Xaymaca: Storm rising

Xaymaca's picture

I just heard the siren go off and the sky is darkening rapidly. Stay safe everyone.

Bonkers: Electrocutions!

It seems that when an army invades another country but fails to continue the march until all significant functions are occupied, they tend to lose the war. They win every battle but have to do it over and over. In the end nothing has really changed.

Bravo Sierra: Pay-Up Time

Listen up all you "HANNA" bashers. It's pay-up time.Warm up your resumes.I hear Luthersville is hiring.

Bonkers: School Board Meeting on SPLOST

The Citizen write-up on the board meeting seems to indicate that all those attending
(actually not a crowd as I understand it) were for the SPLOST.

muddle: PTC: Roofing Permits?

muddle's picture

Someone in our family has a roofing business in NC, and has agreed to put a new roof on a house in PTC for us. He wants to start tomorrow--Sunday.

mlc2028: Comcast

We lost our cable in the Tuesday night storm.

We were promised Thursday and no show. Friday we were promised 2 to 5. At 5:15 a receptionist called to tell us the tech would not be out today and would 8 to 11 today (Sat) be OK. What choice did I have but say yes.

Bonkers: Con Artists

A professor at a local college has stated that the USA has bought off the Sunni tribes in Iraq with cash, arms, and transportation vehicles. Thus the suicide bombing has decreased against Americans as long as we pay. They still kill Shiites.

Bonkers: Con Artists

A professor at a local college has stated that the USA has bought off the Sunni tribes in Iraq with cash, arms, and transportation vehicles. Thus the suicide bombing has decreased against Americans as long as we pay. They still kill Shiites.

travisstrickland1: Obama and Marxism

travisstrickland1's picture

It is often said on this blog that Obama is a Marxist. Can anyone who thinks this tell me how, in an intellectually consistant way, Obama is a Marxist?

Gamma Sherri: Don't worry - recycle!

Gamma Sherri's picture

I’m a 70’s kid, born late in the Baby Boom (’58), raised during the energy crisis of the 70’s and the back to earth movement. That fervent need to protect the environment and our resources kind of faded away during the 80’s and 90’s, but now Boomers are faced with another energy crisis, overflowing landfills, and plastic clogging our seas and killing sea life.

GoneSouth: was there a shooting death in golf cart tunnel?

I heard that a young person was shot and killed in one of the golf cart path tunnels, and it was not reported in this paper. I thought it idle gossip, but today saw a police car parked on cart path by same tunnel.

Bonkers: Blogging Beggars

It appears that we once again have several
bloggers who lay out their whole tale of woe onto the public.
We had one or two of those not too long ago and they turned out to be someone trying to get on the dole.

brampton1: energy efficiency

ok folks, let's get stooping and bending and hang that loudy on a washing line to dry in our great big yards in the PTC and let that big yellow orb call the sun naturally dry our clothes, yes right down to our socks.

Bonkers: The Foreclosure solution

People whose home is about to be foreclosed upon can now apply to a bank for a new loan and at a better fixed interest rate than they had on their old fixed or variable rate.

Laura Gayle Blalock: In Need of Witness- Red Room Fight

If any one was at the Red Room who saw the fight and would be willing to talk to our attorney, please email me at We are looking for the truth.

Bonkers: Jessee James Gangs loose!!

Or is it John Dillinger?

Apparently, around here it is safer to snatch and grab what you want than it is in say Riverdale or South Atlanta!

SoulShadow: Enough is Enough

Wow, I have to say that I'm feeling a bit as though I've somehow left reality and entered a scary B movie filled with people that are cloaked like Christians, but yoked like Beelzebub. While I am a strong believer in God, I tend to be distrusting with many folks whom call themselves "Christian" or act out or act upon because of their so called "Christian" Values. I'm not pointing my finger to anyone in particular. I believe if you have a true and good heart, ultimately it will all be revealed to you. I realize that sometimes we just "think" we're right in our opinions only to realize later on that we were very very wrong. And in saying so, only a true Christian would be so inclined as to stand up and take ownership in their wrongness.

SoulShadow: Enough is Enough

Wow, I have to say that I'm feeling a bit as though I've somehow left reality and entered a scary B movie filled with people that are cloaked like Christians, but yoked like Beelzebub. While I am a strong believer in God, I tend to be distrusting with many folks whom call themselves "Christian" or act out or act upon because of their so called "Christian" Values. I'm not pointing my finger to anyone in particular. I believe if you have a true and good heart, ultimately it will all be revealed to you. I realize that sometimes we just "think" we're right in our opinions only to realize later on that we were very very wrong. And in saying so, only a true Christian would be so inclined as to stand up and take ownership in their wrongness.

Ruth Kimble: Thought for the day by Benjamin Franklin (and others)

Ruth Kimble's picture

“When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.”
Benjamin Franklin

Richard Hobbs: Obama is already playing the race card. Didn't take long

Richard Hobbs's picture

Obama's camp decried the nasty nature of the campaign when McCain's people did a commerical with Obama as the Rock Star and showed pictures of Britney Spears and Hilton. With all of the news about the Rock Star and his European tour, I thought it was a funny comparison, but no, Obama called it nasty.

Fred Garvin: The Obama Energy Plan

Fred Garvin's picture

From speech by Barack Obama, July 30, 2008:

"There are things you can do individually, though, to save energy. Making sure your tires are properly inflated — simple thing. But we could save all the oil that they’re talking about getting off drilling — if everybody was just inflating their tires? And getting regular tune-ups? You’d actually save just as much!"

Richard Hobbs: Barack Obama wants Reparations to be paid to Blacks for Slavery

Richard Hobbs's picture

Barack recently said these things in Hawaii:

"I personally would want to see our tragic history, or the tragic elements of our history, acknowledged, . . . I consistently believe that when it comes to whether it's Native Americans or African-American issues or reparations, the most important thing for the U.S. government to do is not just offer words, but offer deeds."

Ruth Kimble: Obama - Man without a moral compass

Ruth Kimble's picture

Obama’s 12 years as a law professor. . . see excerpts below from an article by Jodi Kantor. it gives great insight into his days of teaching. He rarely, if ever took a stand on an issue. Obama believed that taking sides could cost him in the future (politically). How right he was. However, a lifelong habit of failing to take sides may prove to be an even greater liability during his run for the Presidency.

Bonkers: FOX channel's TRUTH!

Just heard more of FOX'S TRUTH today!

Secretary of energy just came out of a meeting with Bush and Cheney and others.

patches: I Am Sad For Mrs. Edwards - Not Much Said About This

I am from N.C. and I have a sister that is disabled and is in a wheel chair.

She was happy being married for 26 years to the man of her dreams. Until the day he kicked her out into a mobile home. He divorced her and gave her a mobile home while he kept the house that was paid for. Why did he kick her out, well she was too sick and of no use to him anymore. It would mean alot of bills and his money was more important.

Christian: The Holy Face Devotion

Bonkers: China: No Escape

We buy enormously from China
Then borrow back the money
Giving our citizens Angina
The day it's due won't be sunny.

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