Baseball boys give Christmas to family

This Christmas my children, husband, and myself were adopted by the Whitewater High School baseball team for Christmas. Through circumstance and events this past year, we found ourselves in a financial situation that I never thought I would foresee for myself and my children.

Democrats playing Tokyo Rose part

I am not pleased with the war in Iraq. However, I support our troops 100 percent; we are there and the only way out is to win.

PETA’s ‘fishcapade’ is reprehensible

The latest “fishcapade” that PETA is organizing is comical to adults, as is all of their pathetic escapades, but the danger they pose to our children and grandchildren is chilling.

Paris Hilton, your 15 minutes are so way over

Wouldn’t it be great if someone other than the media-razzi could decide who gets to be famous, and who gets to stay famous? We could set up some rules for this, and I’m here to help.

DAPC, bank both needed more accountability

I wish to express my gratitude to CeCe Stephens-Parker for her letter on protecting our liberty in our own backyard. The regrettable comments from Dan Tennant and Faye Norris are something that we need to take seriously.

‘Guitars, not Guns’ comes to Fayette

As a new resident of Fayette County, I look forward to continuing the work I started in San Jose, Calif., five years ago.

Stakes too high to put off getting test

A few weeks ago Mr. Beverly was kind enough to print my essay describing how I came to learn that I have prostate cancer.

Mayor’s foes seek to punish free speech

I could not have articulated my motivation for supporting Steve Brown for mayor nearly as well as Ms. Faye Norris and Mr. Dan Tennant in The Citizen [Dec. 14]. Though Ms. Norris and Mr. Tennant were critical of Mayor Brown, they demonstrated precisely the reason why we need vocal thinkers in government: protection of liberty.

Who really deserves label of ‘shame’?

I just want you to know that Faye Norris is not speaking for me by writing, ”The citizens of Peachtree City should remember what a disservice your paper has been to our town” (The Citizen, 12/14/05).

A holiday message for Mr. Tennant

Hey, Danny: Considering you were resoundingly voted OUT of office two years ago and the object of your smarmy letter in last week’s Citizen beat you like a drum in the mayoral race, I sincerely hope that YOU plan to take your own advice and just go away. OK?

Travel advice for former CFO Burns

I am a little more optimistic about Delta management since it recently made some intelligent decisions for a change. Besides finally compromising with the pilots, Delta also decided to cut off positive-space first-class flight privileges for former senior executives.

Merry Christmas — no, wait, happy holidays — no, wait, ah, whatever

What is happening to us as a people? We are sniping and name-calling over what we call a holiday and trying to one-up each other as to how much more “Christian” we are because we call Christmas Christmas.

Judge Catholicism on what it actually teaches

Thanks so much to the Rev. Hatcher for providing an opportunity to clarify perhaps one of the biggest misconceptions about the Catholic Church and its teaching on the nature of justification.

If Iraq so right, join up, go over there and fight

After reading Hoffman’s letter about conservatives giving our leaders the benefit of a doubt, I have concluded that Hoffman is more confused than the lad who dropped his chewing gum on the chicken house floor.

Yes, Virginia, it’s officially PC-mas

No, Virginia, there is no Christmas!

If little Virginia O’Hanlon were writing today, I suppose the letter to the editor would read:

Sallie on Christmas: calming, uplifting

Rarely have I read a newspaper column which left me with such a good feeling. Sallie Satterthwaite’s Dec. 7 column on the Bill of Rights and the Christmas versus holiday season was informative, calming and uplifting all at once.

Merry Christmas is not mandatory

Christmas time always brings surprises, but not all of them are wrapped in fancy paper. This year, we’re being treated to a truly bizarre dish: self-styled “conservative Christian Americans” espousing the long debunked, supposedly liberal fallacy that “If the government does not explicitly support me, it thereby discriminates against me.”

Christmas is still for kids

I don’t have to read John Gibson’s book, “The War on Christmas,” to know that the secularists have been attacking Christmas for many years and want to rob our children of the joyful anticipation they have for the coming of that very happy holiday.

Christians’ wallets can have effect

The Rev. Hatcher’s column in The Citizen (Nov. 30) called for Christians to not boycott stores that have banned the words “Merry Christmas.” He suggests that “a store manager may direct an employee not to say the words,” but that does not stop us from doing so.

Who will Mayor Brown blame now?

I wonder who ex-Mayor Steve Brown will blame for his defeat in [last] week’s election?

I voted against him for several reasons. Mr. Brown should know that the letter “I” is not in “team.” Before he was elected mayor, he complained about the city government, and for the four years after his election all he did was complain about the same thing. In four years he has managed to alienate every county and city government around.

Shame on publisher for support of Brown

Your paper helped Steve Brown get elected four years ago. You gave him front-page free publicity every chance you got. Although you did criticize him on occasion, you endorsed him again.

No ill will, but, Steve, please disappear

I don’t wish Steve Brown ill will. I really don’t. He has a family and a real life beyond politics. I am sure he will find something to do to occupy his time. I just pray to God that it isn’t a return to weekly letter writing to this newspaper, and I hope it’s not an attempt to come back into local politics.

‘Narnia’ is remarkable achievement; ‘Magic Kingdom’ is indeed back

Aslan is on the move.

My wife and I did something we rarely do: we saw a film on the day of its debut. Disney’s screen version of C.S. Lewis’s “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” opened Friday, and we rushed to a matinee.

Delta ‘family’ reduced to ruin by bad leaders

Diana Surratt’s letter regarding Delta’s challenges and the recommendations for “more compassion ... trust ... and return to the former work ethics ...” would make a great scenario for a 1940s Jimmy-Stewart-style movie. The three components missing to bring the movie up to date are arrogance, greed and resentment. This problem is far beyond Judy Garland and Mickey Rooney exclaiming, “Let’s have a show.”

1st-class seats demand is arrogant

Reading that Michele Burns wants to sue for confirmed first-class seats on Delta is laughable. There are a lot of past and present Delta employees that wish they could sue her and the rest for what we see as a bungled job we are now paying for so dearly.

Planner: Didn’t mean to be politically correct

Citizens of Peachtree City:

First, I want to thank all of you who came to Christmas At the Fred, part of Peachtree City’s Hometown Holiday event on Saturday evening. The 1,000-plus attendees really seemed to have a great time and that is what we, the organizers of the event, had hoped for.

Insider on DAPC books: It was bad

Harold Logsdon, please let me know what your recommendation is for the development authority’s debt that has piled up through mismanagement and non-accountability.

PTC mayors’ past not inspiring story

The giant full-page ad from the past mayors of Peachtree City was shameful. Imagine that bunch of losers accusing anyone of lacking integrity or responsibility. Most people don’t know what went on in the old days.

Delta can overcome challenges if Delta family comes back together

We are all aware of the difficulties [Delta Air Lines] faces. You can’t turn on the TV or radio without hearing another chapter in the contentious battle being fought in New York right now between ALPA, representing the pilots’ union, and Delta’s corporate attorneys as war is waged to break the pilots’ work contract with Delta.

VFW post certified for AF veterans’ funerals

Over the past three months members of our post have been practicing to become certified for presenting military honors for deceased veterans. We have been working with a group of airmen from Robins Air Base. They have guided us and have now tested to see that we can present final honors in accordance with the Air Force guidelines.

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