Who will Mayor Brown blame now?

Tue, 12/13/2005 - 4:30pm
By: Letters to the ...

I wonder who ex-Mayor Steve Brown will blame for his defeat in [last] week’s election?

I voted against him for several reasons. Mr. Brown should know that the letter “I” is not in “team.” Before he was elected mayor, he complained about the city government, and for the four years after his election all he did was complain about the same thing. In four years he has managed to alienate every county and city government around.

He bragged about all he had done for the senior citizens of PTC. I am a senior citizen and all I have seen is that he raised my taxes by 21 percent, and then blamed someone else.

Steve, it’s a Christmas tree, not a “grand tree.” You and others take Christ out of Christmas and yet you say that you celebrate His birth.

Jesus did not waver in His commitment for you. He went all the way, even to death on the cross. Should you not do the same for Him. If someone is offended by the word “Christmas,” and does not want to celebrate it, that is up to them, but do not try to diminish it for others. The calendar says “Christmas Day;” as far as I know it’s always said that.

While you may not agree with me now, but someday we all will confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings. As a Christian it is my duty to tell everyone about my Jesus. He has commissioned every Christian to do so. As for all the stores that want to take Jesus out of Christmas, I will not shop at any of them, and I urge every Christian to do the same. Jesus is the real reason for the season.

David Shaw
Peachtree City, Ga.

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mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Thu, 12/15/2005 - 5:21pm.

Good for you Mr. Shaw! Obviously you and many other seniors in Peachtree City figured out what a phony Steve Brown was when he went out of his way to court you all. He's done nothing for seniors and he thought he could snow you all with his compassion and caring. Remember the Senior Center as part of the west village annexation? Where's that?

The only thing Brown was right about is that seniors vote. They sure did! Thank you Mr. Shaw and others for taking our city back from Brown and his cronies.

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