DAPC, bank both needed more accountability

Tue, 12/27/2005 - 4:17pm
By: Letters to the ...

I wish to express my gratitude to CeCe Stephens-Parker for her letter on protecting our liberty in our own backyard. The regrettable comments from Dan Tennant and Faye Norris are something that we need to take seriously.
When people or organizations take action to quash our right to free speech, you can kiss everything we love goodbye.
CeCe hit the nail on the head when she claimed the development authority and the bank were suffering from a good dose of accountability.
I was, much to my embarrassment, one of the angry masses that packed the city council meeting to cut the mayor in half for saying that the operations of the tennis center and amphitheater were corrupt.
Unfortunately, I was gullible enough to believe Virgil Christian and Dan Tennant when they told us that nothing was wrong and that the mayor was simply on an ego trip.
When the authority’s vice chairman later resigned, citing the mayor’s allegations [as] true, I realized, regrettably, that I was capable of trying to crush someone’s free speech.
While I do not always agree with Mayor Brown, I admire his ability for taking a bold stand for truth and refusing to tolerate dishonesty. His was a thankless job.
Personally, I don’t think that Bob Lenox was as bad a mayor as people say, but the tennis center will always be a stain on his legacy.
The local bank knew better than to get involved in such treachery and they should drop their lawsuit to create goodwill in the community. Especially during the Christmas season, the bank should not be considering actions that would increase the taxes of our suffering Delta employees.
Barb Kelley
Peachtree City, Ga.

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Robert W. Morgan's picture
Submitted by Robert W. Morgan on Tue, 01/10/2006 - 8:09pm.

Maybe Ted Meeker as well. If he advised Brown and them on that, I would think he needs to go as well.

JWM's picture
Submitted by JWM on Wed, 01/11/2006 - 9:32am.

Jump on the Lawyers

OK with me if you abuse a lawyer. But after you throw City Attorney Ted Meeker under the bus, you need to put Robert W. Morgan-Lenox (former Mayor) and his crew of lawyers in prison.

We have just survived two bad mayors. I wish the best for Harold Logsdon. Let’s give this guy a positive environment and at least give him a chance. It’s a tough job for Harold to follow the Brown Bureau of Babble and the Lenox Legacy of Lawlessness.

For Mr. Logsdon to succeed he has to do just two things the two previous mayors did not: (1) be polite, listen and exhibit manners [unlike Brown]; and (2) obey the law [unlike Lenox].

ptctaxpayer's picture
Submitted by ptctaxpayer on Wed, 01/11/2006 - 7:37pm.

You have to put into perspective where Lenox has put this entire Development Authority issue in the first place. He and his cronies created the illegal mess. Newly elected Mayor Logsdon must be asking the question “What were the illegalities and crimes here?” So to criticize the people after Lenox who tried to stop his mess and undo it is very misleading.

birdman's picture
Submitted by birdman on Thu, 12/29/2005 - 8:06pm.

Barbara, thanks for your comments. Problem is you don't know the truth. Did you know that when this loan was taken out it was to be paid by Hotel/Motel tax? It wouldn't cost you a penny. Problem is Brown so hated Lenox and the DAPC that he cancelled all payments and now you and I will have to pay via our property taxes. Brown has cost all of us a tremendous amount of money. If you had paid enough attention to what he was doing the last four years you too would have voted against him. He has been tremenously destructive to our image, but more importantly, cost us a tremendous amount of money. The whole DAPC thing is just another great expense to the city. You may think he knew what he was doing, but he didn't. It wasn't the "Grand Tree" or anything else that defeated him, it was his caustic and demeaning manner combined with his incredible hatred and mismanagement that caused 70 percent of the voters to vote against him. You need to educate yourself on the truth of the issues. The best we can do is settle the lawsuit out of court and hope for the best. Brown really hurt us and it will take years to recover. Research it for yourself. You will see the truth.

PTC Guy's picture
Submitted by PTC Guy on Thu, 12/29/2005 - 10:14pm.

You just keep trying to put a pretty face on the Tennis Center fiasco.

Fact is any using taxes charged via the Hotel tax for the Tennis Center is money out of our pockets. It is money that could have been used to pay other expenses we ended up paying via other taxes.

Let the courts decide. It is in there because of many other reasons and people than Brown. Get over this obsession Brown was the sole vote and sole factor for what has happened in PTC over the past 4 years and prior.

The expanded Tennis center and such was a stupid mistake to begin with.

birdman's picture
Submitted by birdman on Fri, 12/30/2005 - 12:38pm.

Actually Hotel/Motel taxes can only be used for certain things. That is why they were perfect to support the Tennis Center expansion. I am not saying that it was done right, but thanks to Brown we will now most likely pay back the loan via our property taxes, money that would be used for other things. Truth is that Brown had a vendetta against Lenox and the DAPC. He will say anything to make himself a "hero." Did you read his quote in the Peachtree City Citizen? He said that he had never been "anti-development!" That he took the $1000 donation from the developer of the Home Depot-WalMart property because he was "different" from all the other developers. What a crock!
I agree, let the court decide. But the truth of the matter will show that although the loan was made with many errors (no excuses here), it was not about any "good ol' boy" conspiracy. Because of that, I suspect that we, the citizens, will now have to pay it back plus expenses and you can thank Brown personally for that. Oh, by the way, it was Lenox and the "hated" past administration that worked the Home Depot development. The reason they didn't fight it was because they would lose to the tune of $5 million, and lose all architectural control. This is the very same development that first vaulted Brown into office, and is now Brown's favorite site and favorite developer. Still think he's so "wonderful?"

PTC Guy's picture
Submitted by PTC Guy on Fri, 12/30/2005 - 9:02pm.

You still are avoiding the fact Brown did not and could not operate in a vacuum.

There was legal advice and voting by others to take the actions taken.

And yes, there are limits on what such a tax can finance. But there are also limits to how much tax you can add in those areas and still get people using the hotels and motels.

Which gets back to the fact that if those taxes had to be imposed they could have been used to alleviate taxes and fees imposed elsewhere on us.

So, to condemn Brown for these actions you must equally condemn the others who advised him and voted with him.

Are you prepared to do that?

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Tue, 01/10/2006 - 8:04pm.

Brown's illegal and immoral (and expensive for the city) activities are wrong and certainly Rapson and Weed who voted in lockstep with him are equally guilty. Yes, condemn them and be thankful they are gone. We actually have our city back.

nuk's picture
Submitted by nuk on Sun, 01/01/2006 - 4:45am.

what do you bet that once Logsdon takes office that the City attorney Meeker's opinion on the DPAC loans does a 180? PTC does have a habit of using lawyers that tell them what they want to hear at the time. It provides good cover for the politicians as they can always say *well, we were simply following what our attorney's OPINION was* and the attorney can say *well, it was only my OPINION and it was actually more complicated that that and blah...blah..... the meter is running...blah..blah..in light of this new blah.....

Robert W. Morgan's picture
Submitted by Robert W. Morgan on Tue, 01/03/2006 - 9:47am.

There's 2 things here that need to be stated clearly. #1 The city attorney's "Opinion" is not always followed by the elected officials. That was the case when Meeker and Lindsey both told Brown certain actions he contemplated were illegal. And #2, Yes indeed the other members of council should be as liable as Brown when they vote for some thing illegal and against the advice of the city attorney.

Submitted by anonemessys on Sun, 01/01/2006 - 8:03am.

Of course, otherwise we will have a new lawyer. Thers is always something a lawyer can hang his hat on, having to do with legal papers, to take either side. However this one is no different than any other.

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