Richard Hobbs: Yes We Can

Richard Hobbs's picture

If only we had a man of this vision, of this integrity, of this beacon of hope.

You won't hear a single candidate say what he said so eloquently. Freedom from Government. A Government of the People, not a People of the Government.

Richard Hobbs: Yes, We Can. . . lie to America!

Richard Hobbs's picture

Yes, We Can. . . lie to the American People.

Initially, they decried this as a lie, as never happening.
Now Obama's people are saying that they were not quoted accurately.

Richard Hobbs: District Voting and Barack Obama

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What is happening today in Fayette was happening in Chicago 30 years ago. In fact, its happening all across America.

One of the few "achievements" for which we are supposed to give Obama the keys to the White House, is his work as a "community organizer". No, this isn't a person that comes into your home to straighten up your closets or garage. Nor to pick up trash along the highways in and around your community. No, a community organizer was someone who beat the drums of discontent, where before there was none.

Richard Hobbs: JeffC----Where is Diaspora?

Richard Hobbs's picture

(This response is coming from an earlier blog's comments, but since Cal is writing so much of his drivel under SageAdvice's name, it was lost on the second page.)

Richard Hobbs: Cal posts as an anonymous blogger, until now!

Richard Hobbs's picture

I finally figured out who Dollar and Sageadvice are, including their other alias's. Its Cal Beverly.

Since Cal is apparently quick to cull the blog from some content, which is his right, and yet he chooses to not only allow, but encourages the rather asinine comments from Dollar/Sage to "clog his blog," I can not help but believe that he believes that Dollar is helping his website in some manner, therefore my keen deductive reasoning is that Cal is Dollar/Sage.

Richard Hobbs: Liberal Blogger Caught -You live by the Blog, you die by the blog!

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Liberal Blogger Caught Red Handed

I've not been paying quite as much attention to all of the different posters' personalities on this site. I have a hard enough time remembering who hack, git, and muddle are, to actually be able to differentiate as adroitly as many on here do, to the subtle differences/similarities between certain anonymous posters.

Richard Hobbs: Did anyone notice, but Barack Obama is Black?

Richard Hobbs's picture

Many political pundits are opining about the changes that have occurred in America over the many years, especially in light of MLK's murder, only occurring 40 years ago.

Richard Hobbs: Jimmy Carter and Liberalism---An interesting take.

Richard Hobbs's picture


I have to commend you on your many replies and insightful contributions to the many topics this little newspaper website produces. I am even more appreciative of how you have handled my many taunts and slurs I've made against your dear old Dad. You've proven that you are thick skinned by dismissively and astutely replying to my comments with civility and an occaisional witty retort and sarcasm, which of course, I love.

Richard Hobbs: Suggestions for Cal regarding this website

Richard Hobbs's picture


I've read so many very interesting blogs on this website, that I can't imagine giving you an accurate number. The fact is, I rarely read the paper, but I do frequently check your website.

Richard Hobbs: Best Presidential Candidate Commercials so far

Richard Hobbs's picture

This one is for Mike Huckabee.

Right now, I'm liking Mike or Fred. Or Fred and Mike on the ticket.

I really enjoyed this real campaign commerical. Chuck Norris endorsement.

Richard Hobbs: The Git Real Guide to Blogging

Richard Hobbs's picture

I've read so many of your posts over the last year or so, and most I find to be pot stirrers. You stir the pot of discussion and encourage others to post in reply. Thats good, in that it encourages debate, but you often leave true debate behind and run off into your diatribes when certain political contests are brought up. You are certainly entitled to complain openly with your opinions, but your opinion is of little value when its cloaked from what your true biases are.

Richard Hobbs: New Orleans vs. Baghdad

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My brother in law was just shipped back to Iraq this past week for his second tour.
I was worried about his safety and the fact that he has left five children and a wife back at home. (three disabled)

Richard Hobbs: Castro-Loves Jimmy Carter and Hillary Clinton go figure!

Richard Hobbs's picture

Sorry JeffC, but I teach my children that the company they keep reflects more on their character than any other single thing. Having Castro embrace Hillary and your father evidences the socialism that they both share.

Richard Hobbs: Suggestions for the Blogs

Richard Hobbs's picture


With you concerns over the website, I'd hope that you might consider a few additional thoughts.


Create seperate headers for the sections of blogs.

Richard Hobbs: Put up those White Flags, Hillary, Barack, Kerry et. al.

Richard Hobbs's picture

On Second Thought, Don't Surrender
In an important and surprising New York Times op-ed piece, Michael O'Hanlon and Kenneth Pollack, both from the liberal Brookings Institution, describe a visit to Iraq, where they find that things are not as bad as--well, as New York Times readers have been led to believe. The piece is titled "A War We Just Might Win":

Richard Hobbs: Please IGNORE the Blog Graffiti!

Richard Hobbs's picture

Just ignore them, please.

I've just read and re-read several very poignant and interesting articles and debates online. Mixer and Muddle were having an extraordinarily good debate about matters I find of great interest. (I wish Fayettespeaks didn't censure debate, and then I'd invite you to come to that website to explore those topics further.) However, I couldn't help but again be perplexed by those that come to this website and spray paint their graffiti from top to bottom on almost every blog or news article.

Richard Hobbs: Cowardly DA-This is why its tough being a Cop nowadays.

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Click here for video of Video of Police Traffic Stop

Richard Hobbs: Which Cell Phone Service is Best for Fayette?

Richard Hobbs's picture

Curious as to you cell phone users.

I had Cingular about five years ago, but their phones were poorly designed. I needed a Palm phone to store my calendar and clients on and could sinc with my computer's software.

Richard Hobbs: Hillary Carter or Jimmy Clinton-I get those confused

Richard Hobbs's picture

Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign has tapped Rep. Alcee Hastings, a Florida Democrat, as a "national campaign co-chair," the campaign announced yesterday:

Richard Hobbs: Bush is tearing the Republican Party apart

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An excellent read by Peggy Noonan, former speech writer for President Reagan from the Wall Street Journal.

Too Bad
President Bush has torn the conservative coalition asunder.

Richard Hobbs: Because I don't want my son to go to fight in Iraq tomorrow

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Yesterday, this very fine young man came in to see me. He is in the Army infantry and he spoke concisely and clearly, sprinkling his comments with "yes sir" or "no sir", in just the right amount. Although he was but a very young man, he showed maturity far beyond that of today's youth whose goals seem to be more concerned with the number of new ringtones that they have on their new cell phone. Needless to say, I was immediately fond of him.

Richard Hobbs: New Kiwanis Club of McIntosh Trail

Richard Hobbs's picture

Having left another organization in disgust this past year, I found I had some time on my hand. So one Saturday, I took my family to the High School for the annual Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast.

Richard Hobbs: Democrats- 143 years, and they still haven't learned.

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"I believe . . . that this war is lost, and this surge is not accomplishing anything, as is shown by the extreme violence in Iraq this week."--Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid, April 19, 2007

Richard Hobbs: Global Warming-aniacs need the Truth

Richard Hobbs: Valerie Plane should be prosecuted for Perjury

Richard Hobbs's picture

I loved Valerie Plame's testimony the other day as I was driving to Helen for a weekend away from the circus.

She was asked by a Congressman if she was a "covert" agent. She said that she didn't know if she was classified as a covert agent or not, that she was there to speak about the criminal "outing" of her.

Richard Hobbs: The Poles understood Reagan more than the Liberal Left ever could

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Reagan Statue proposed in Former Soviet Bloc Nation


Richard Hobbs's picture

Why are our troops still there?
Why do they have to be over there when the "war" was already won?
These men and women are away from the families and are paying a heavy cost, for what?

Richard Hobbs: Best Movies Recommendations

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I thought I'd take our occasional and good hearted debate down a notch or two.

I enjoy movies and wondered what you would recommend as being some of your favorites.

Richard Hobbs: Jimmy Carter, the Titanic Presidency

Richard Hobbs's picture

Now even his friends are bailing out of Jimmy's maniacal world view regarding his ignorance over the Middle East.

Richard Hobbs: Bob Barr is now a Libertarian

Richard Hobbs's picture

Today I've read that Bob Barr has moved from the Republican Party to become a Libertarian. He reportedly cites the loss of personal privacy, i.e. patriot act, and the GOP's spending frenzy as why he is no longer a Republican.

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