Did anyone notice, but Barack Obama is Black?

Richard Hobbs's picture

Many political pundits are opining about the changes that have occurred in America over the many years, especially in light of MLK's murder, only occurring 40 years ago.

I mean, we have a real viable political candidate for President who happens to actually be the son of a real African. None of this 5th 10th or 30th generation stuff, this man's real father is from Kenya.

So I've been reading about all of the articles about how America has turned the corner. About how Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton lead the way in years past, but that we have finally made it. That as some pundits opine, white America has finally come out of the closet to openly endorse a black man for President.

But in reality is this a good thing or is it nothing more than an orchestration of sorts?

Barack obviously has skills in speaking. He has a gift in oration. He's a bit goofy looking, but he's already having groupies following him around. Look at Mick Jagger, ugly as a UGA, but he has babes begging for his time at every venue he sings at.

So what is exactly going on here, because I'd like to know.

Barack can speak. That's a plus, but what else can he do, other than in being black?

He won an election in Illinois against an up and coming Republican for the future, who some how got caught up in a sex scandal. Barack walked into a senate seat with little pause. But that's about it. He votes extremely liberally. He said he was against the war initially, but in 2004 while in the campaign for Kerry, he downsized those comments for political reasons.
He has no major political accomplishments whatsoever. He's never run a business. He's never done anything successfully except maybe get off serious drugs. His business dealings are suspect of being very shady with one fellow who is under indictment. I mean, what does he bring to the table.

I used to represent the accused while doing criminal defense work years ago. Sometimes, but not always, I found real prejudice in how the police handled their investigations. They would often be more inclined to suspect the black guy for the crime. Have you ever heard of driving while being black? Well I've seen it. I've also seen black cops have the same prejudices against their own as well. That's what often happens to many cops when they are actually patrolling the neighborhoods and seeing crime first hand. They begin to make judgments without all of the facts, they act with prejudice. They judge someone before all of the evidence is collected. Cops often don't have the benefit of hindsight, they must, on occasion, act quickly, before they know all of the facts, and they do sometimes make mistakes.

I'm now beginning to see this election being nothing more than Prejudice elevated to a salve to heal the wounds of our country's past history of racism. Somehow this candidate is the candidate of reparations. If we vote for him, it proves that America is indeed an unbiased and equal and fair country. But is that what is actually happening?

The fact is, unless you are a booger eating, bed wetting liberal, a vote for Obama is just shear prejudice. You've judged him a good speaker, which he is, and looked no further than the color of his skin. Either you are voting for the fact that he is black, and you prefer a black candidate, or you are voting for him to prove you are not racist. This is prejudice. Plain and simple. Like the black cops and white cops that "pre-judged" the guys who were arrested for "driving while black", your votes are made in ignorance, or before you have actually "judged" his real credentials and you are "voting because he's black", which in my mind makes you no better than those cops that pulled over the proverbial black driver.

In either scenario, both are not appropriate means by which to either police our society or to elect leaders to govern it. If you are a real liberal, than the color of a candidates skin is irrelevant to you, so vote to your little beating heart's content for Barack. But if you are more interested in true Democratic policies, then for God's sake, look at the issues, and not the color of the skin before you vote.

Please consider what MLK said. He dreamed of a day where his children might not be judged for the color of their skin, but for the content of their character. I just wish, that liberals, and especially those liberals that still control most of the main stream media, that they might also look beyond Barack's skin color but would look at the content of his experience, of his past business dealings, and of his very, liberal politics. This man actually wants to invade Pakistan and sit down with Iran's leaders with no strings attached.

If white America voted this way, then I guess we would be picking someone like Justin Timberlake as our candidate,. . . but at least he can sing.

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Submitted by bowser on Sun, 02/10/2008 - 9:38am.

For the record, Obama is biracial and was raised entirely by his white mother and her white parents. He is married to a black woman named Michelle. What that makes him in terms of identity politics is in the eye of the beholder. So far he has not presented himself as a "black" candidate and personally I don't consider him one.

I do feel your pain, Richard, on the identity voting patterns that have emerged in this year's elections. But I don't think they are limited to blacks and Obama. Women and and Hispanics are going big for Hillary. Men (both black and white) are tending toward Obama. On the GOP side, Southern bible-thumpers are inclined toward the righteous Rev. Huckabee.

Yes, race, gender and creed do seem to trump critical thought for too many people. Unfortunate, but probably unavoidable in a wide-open election with a diverse field.

Would you prefer that we just stick with old Methodist white guys? That would pretty much solve the problem.

As far as Obama having a light resume, he is practically Horatio Alger compared with George Bush and Hillary -- neither of whom would be where they are were it not for their last names.

In any case, Obama is not the first Illinois legislator to arise from relative obscurity. The first one's name was Abe something or other....

TruthSleuth1958's picture
Submitted by TruthSleuth1958 on Sun, 02/10/2008 - 12:47pm.

Whenever Michael Steele was involved in his gubernatorial race as a Lt.Governor, in the campaign against Democrat Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, (yes, that Kennedy family) who was then the Lieutenant Governor (under Governor Parris Glendening) the Townsend campaign handed out Oreo cookies to the audience.

Neil Duke of the Baltimore NAACP, who moderated the debate, praised the "passionate audience" and noted their "derisive behavior". "Were there some goofballs sitting in [the] right-hand corner section tossing cookies amongst themselves and acting like sophomores, as the legend has it?" Duke said: "I have no reason to doubt those sources; I just didn't see it."

So, again I ask, where are the Oreo cookies if it's all about skin color and not about political ideology?

I hate to ruin it for all of those who are fixated on 'race' or gender but you are (thankfully) all in the minority (on both sides).

The race card is a joker.

Submitted by bowser on Sun, 02/10/2008 - 11:38am.

I misspoke when I said Obama was raised ENTIRELY by his white mom and her parents. Should have said MOSTLY. Kenyan dad left when he was 2, and he later spent 4-5 years with his mom and her second husband, an Indonesian. So his personal melting pot is even thicker than I thought.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sun, 02/10/2008 - 10:32am.

I am in no way crazy about Huckabee at all. Except for that Fair Tax Thingy. I agree with Hack in that Huck messed up his credibility by pandering to the Flaggers in SC & his own record at increasing taxes and expanding social programs in Arkansas. (I thought you guys liked higher taxes and expanded social programs Puzzled ) As far as Huckabee being righteous... well if you understand the process, righteousness derives from nothing we as believers do or attempt to earn. That's an impossible task, so it's silly that you dub him that and use that as an argument. Heck, as a believer in Christ, Huckabee isn't even that stupid. Now if you want to attack us Christians, here's a hint for you. Don't attack our righteousness. We are made righteous in God's eyes only by the sacrifice of taking on the world's sins by Jesus who took our penalties for us. Now if you want to slam and take cheap shots at Christians, I'd suggest this to you. Slam us on the obedience thingy. Christ commands us in Luke to not only be hearers of the word, but if we are to be 'blessed' then we must obey what we've been commanded to do. It's that obedience thing that trips me up every day. All I can say is thank God for grace and forgiveness. So leave out the righteousness argument dude. It carries no weight with believers. Hit us with that 'obey' part. Smiling

Obama is on his political honeymoon at the minute. There is not reason to start wasting our ammo on him at this point. When the time is right I think you might become real surprised when the electorate finds out who the real truly is. That will make a difference and I look forward to those days. Evil

Until then, I'll sit back, chuckle, and await the proper time to go against either one of your men. When the time comes the rest of us will expect you and Sniffles to bleed and fight for your guy irregardless of the 'real Obama' coming to light. I think when the truth is exhibited for all to view the American voters and many of the Obama cult will have a change of heart. You guys call that Swift Boating. I call it 'exposing the real facts'. What do you guys call it when you do the same?

In any case, Obama is not the first Illinois legislator to arise from relative obscurity. The first one's name was Abe something or other....

Illinois senator or not, Let me just say this.... I know Abe Lincoln. And Obama is no Abe Lincoln. And consider this too: After the corrupt Republican was booted, look what Obama ran against. Alan Keyes? A monkey could have gotten elected in Illinois after that perfect storm. Instead a little leaguer did. Shocked

George Bush and Hillary -- neither of whom would be where they are were it not for their last names.

You can say that again.

Oh.... and Obama's black dad did help raise him. When he wasn't with one of many 'other' wives he had spread around.

In regards to Democrats, Republicans, gangs, and other scads of coterie Kool-Aide drinkers; Remember this..... Eagles Don't Flock

Submitted by swmbo on Sun, 02/10/2008 - 8:15pm.

I don't usually participate in this type of blog and I'm so sick and tired of the low-brow theater this presidential election cycle has become that I no longer care who wins. It is clear that we will lose, again. That being said, I have to call you on this.

Now if you want to slam and take cheap shots at Christians, I'd suggest this to you. Slam us on the obedience thingy. Christ commands us in Luke to not only be hearers of the word, but if we are to be 'blessed' then we must obey what we've been commanded to do. It's that obedience thing that trips me up every day. All I can say is thank God for grace and forgiveness.

Git, part of the reason that I am a devout Christian but not a member of the "Religious Right" (whatever that's supposed to mean) is because they pick and choose what Biblical mandates they want to follow. I'm convinced their version of the Bible is roughly 3 pages long and in it, Jesus only talked about condemning abortion and gay marriage. In my Bible, Jesus talked about poverty, charity, fair business transactions, treatment of immigrants, education, sin, forgiveness and peace. That's an awful lot of Christ's mandates that are blatantly ignored in current domestic and foreign policy.

So, you are right to say that obedience is the greatest shortcoming of Christians. But, please, don't resort to shrugging the magnitude of that disobedience off on the promise that God will forgive because we know that forgiveness is for the truly penitent heart and to be penitent, one must understand the true effects of what they have done or failed to do.

I now return you to your regularly-scheduled, pointless political farce of HilBama vs. McHuck.

If you and I are always in agreement, one of us is likely armed and dangerous.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sun, 02/10/2008 - 10:37pm.

that I no longer care who wins. It is clear that we will lose, again.

I can almost agree with that. I don't see much promise with either HilBama or McHuck as you put it. Soooo.... you can't take much issue with me there.

Git, part of the reason that I am a devout Christian but not a member of the "Religious Right" (whatever that's supposed to mean)

I'm not sure what that means either. I suppose it's a term thrown out by the left to try to discredit anyone that votes with respect to their moral and religious convictions. What I've always been confused about is why it's always okay for the "Nonreligious Left" to vote their agendas while denying the so-called "Religious Right" their right to do the same. Oh well, I'm a Christian and I'm a Conservative. Does that mean I'm from the "Religious Right"? Puzzled

I'm convinced their version of the Bible is roughly 3 pages long and in it, Jesus only talked about condemning abortion and gay marriage. In my Bible, Jesus talked about poverty, charity, fair business transactions, treatment of immigrants, education, sin, forgiveness and peace.

Well, I'm going to have to take issue with you here. Although I won't disagree that there are many unsavory characters that have campaigned on those "3 pages of the Bible". I will disagree with you that the vast amount of voters on the "Right" leave the rest of the Bible out of their beliefs and lives. Are we perfect... heck no. Do we try.... I certainly believe so. Are we obedient to all of Christ's commands? Goodness sakes no..... I'll stick with my statement that it is the obedience thing that we struggle with and in the end we are made righteous only by God's grace and the sacrifice of Christ taking on all our sins leading up to his death. Am I excusing our disobedience. In no way. But just because I and other believers fail, does not mean that God's Word is not to be adhered to and followed. His truth has never changed and it never will. So bad behavior of Christians and those that claim to be does not excuse the rest of the world from ignoring God's truths and guidance. Again, I stand by my statement that our problem is one of obedience.

That's an awful lot of Christ's mandates that are blatantly ignored in current domestic and foreign policy.

Whose policy? The Republicans? The Democrats? When is is the last time Christ's mandates were employed by any of our leaders in the last thirty of forty years.

So tell me... where are immigrants being treated unfairly? Education? Where are we not offering education to our peoples? Charity? We are the most charitable country on this planet. Poverty? Anyone that has traveled abroad cannot come back to this country and even consider calling our so-called poor impoverished. Even our so-called poor are like fatted cows with cable TV, quality clothing, electricity, telephones, free lunches, and such. I've worked with the homeless in this city for over 10 years and have come to the conclusion that even that lifestyle is their desired and chosen means of existence. I suppose they're free to live like that if they so choose. And most of them rather enjoy their lives.... up until the point that the temperature drops below freezing.

In regards to Christ's blatantly ignored mandates..... I agree. But, what do you expect when God is chased out of our government and our schools?

But, please, don't resort to shrugging the magnitude of that disobedience off on the promise that God will forgive because we know that forgiveness is for the truly penitent heart and to be penitent, one must understand the true effects of what they have done or failed to do.

Don't worry SWMBO. I agree with you on this. I do not shrug off the magnitude of our disobedience. In fact, as common as it is, I struggle day to day in not getting swept away by it. That path is indeed narrow and it can be a bugger bear avoiding the things that lead you off of it.

I now return you to your regularly-scheduled, pointless political farce of HilBama vs. McHuck.

What if I don't want to be returned? Shocked

Now, after further discussion. Please tell me where I am out of line on my thinking here. I do look forward to carrying on with you. You're one of my favorite posters and lawyers too. In spite of your support for Leah Sears. Smiling

In regards to Democrats, Republicans, gangs, and other scads of coterie Kool-Aide drinkers; Remember this..... Eagles Don't Flock

yardman5508's picture
Submitted by yardman5508 on Sun, 02/10/2008 - 8:38pm.

What got me involved in the entire political "thing" so recently is the fact that MY Christianity has not been represented by the government. If we do, indeed, consider ourselves a Christian nation, then what, exactly, do the other nations of the world see when they observe us. State-sanctioned torture, capital punishment, overt aggression, and the list can go on and on. That is not what I am called to do as a Christian. Now I am sure that there will be a mess of people who will jump on this post, and I welcome it. I will never be able to live the life I am called to live..I am no where near that strong an individual, but I will continue to try, knowing that I will ultimately be judged as to how closely I have followed that call. Thanks for your post. I appreciate that there are others who see the problems facing us (Christians) in today's world. Keep the faith.

Democracy is not a spectator sport.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sun, 02/10/2008 - 10:43pm.

I agree that the Republicans have done much to give Christianity a bad name. But, how can you deny that the Democrats in which you serve and defend have done much to drive Christ's influences out of our government? Puzzled

In regards to Democrats, Republicans, gangs, and other scads of coterie Kool-Aide drinkers; Remember this..... Eagles Don't Flock

yardman5508's picture
Submitted by yardman5508 on Sun, 02/10/2008 - 11:04pm.

Git, my friend, I never implied that the Democrats were blameless in this area. I was a conscientious objector during the last war and spent my time standing up for my beliefs. Since, at this point, there are only two political parties from which to choose, I have chosen to side with the one that allows the highest degree of access to the greatest number of people, in hopes that through democratic action, we may move to regain our sense of moral direction. Ever the idealist. Keep the faith.

Democracy is not a spectator sport.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sun, 02/10/2008 - 11:29pm.

I fear in the end you shall be very disappointed. As will I.

In regards to Democrats, Republicans, gangs, and other scads of coterie Kool-Aide drinkers; Remember this..... Eagles Don't Flock

yardman5508's picture
Submitted by yardman5508 on Mon, 02/11/2008 - 6:39am.

the fact that we may be disappointed, absolve us of our duties as Christians to try and make a difference when and where we can? Keep the faith.

Democracy is not a spectator sport.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Mon, 02/11/2008 - 10:32am.

It does not absolve us of our responsibilities and I will continue to try to make a difference wherever I can. In regards to your tag line..... I have no faith in in our leaders, those who are running, or either of the two parties that claim to represent us. I have lost all faith in man's ability to bring this country back together. Instead... with the massive influence of immigration, both illegal and legal, and the refusal of these newcomers to assimilate, I fear we are going to trend to a caste system in this country. Soooo.... do I concentrate my efforts on politically making a difference or do I concentrate my efforts on being apart of the influential ruling class. Not only for myself, but for my children's future.

Other than all that, I'm becoming more convinced that our "faith" had better be directed toward our Creator.

In regards to Democrats, Republicans, gangs, and other scads of coterie Kool-Aide drinkers; Remember this..... Eagles Don't Flock

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Sun, 02/10/2008 - 6:35pm.

You remember that discussion about bike lanes and trails. Obama says he going to make it happen. So just how deep are your pockets?
Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

Richard Hobbs's picture
Submitted by Richard Hobbs on Sun, 02/10/2008 - 10:28am.

Excellent retort, Lucky Dog

You've said more in this one reply than I have in dozens of paragraphs.

You've acknowledged that many voters are not analyzing this candidate as appropriately as they should because they have been consumed with the "excitement" that Obama brings to the table. They've got "Obamitis" and no amount of critical thinking can cure them. They want Change. How one defines change is unimportant, but they demand it. And Obama is heaven sent, to give us that change.

The fact is, like Lincoln was a relatively "unknown" maybe Obama will follow in his footsteps and accomplish great things as well. This could very well be true. That is a definite possibility. So if analytical thought is to be discarded this election, then why did we not lower those racists standards of "experience" and look to some one with no real experience in Government at all if Change is what we are in need of. Why not get George Clooney or Sean Penn or Denzil Washington to step up and lead our great nation. All of them are powerful speakers, they have great energy and have made many political announcements over the years, and they would certainly represent change.

I'm not sure where we will be this time next year. I can see a moderate like McCain becoming President or a Hillary or even an Obama. I think all of this is very possible with the way everything is panning out right now.

But the problem I face, is that I only get one vote. That vote that was bought and paid for by the many that have come before me to preserve and defend our Constitution. Greater thinkers than I will ever be. And it just seems fitting that I exercise the most minimal amount of critical thinking when I am offered that right to cast my vote, as a token gesture to those that have sacrificed so much to give us this freedom. To ignore all common sense and debate and to go with my "gut feeling" is in my mind. . . well disrespectful.

There are many politicians like Obama out there. He is by no means our Savior, although his pep rallies have more groupies than any rap or rock concert. Obama is inspiring, true. So was many great leaders in our history, unfortunately many a despot had the proverbial gift of gab. Therefore, I'd rather hoped that America would look beyond the smoke and mirrors of a candidates persona and try something different in making their choices. To actually look at the candidates past history of accomplishments. See how their rhetoric has or hasn't withstood the test of time.

But again, your retort has said it all. Critical thinking is far removed and completely unnecessary once someone has succumbed to Obamitis. I only hope its a malady that several months of intense critical media pressure will cure. Unlike what has happened during this year's ordination ceremony that we used to call an election primary season.

As to answer your question, no we don't particularly need, nor require an older white protestant male to run our Country. Neither do we need to make a politically correct decision to vote against one merely to make it fair.

Main Stream's picture
Submitted by Main Stream on Sat, 02/09/2008 - 6:36pm.

who is white, and a life-long Republican, why Obama has inspired her to support him. It's not about race. He recognizes that our current system in Washington (lobbyists, special interests, ear-marks, warmongering) is broken and he is one of the few candidates that has spoken out about fixing the problem. He has vision and he is not a Washington insider and this makes him appealing to many voters.

Obama has inspired young, old, black, white, Republican, Democrat, and a multitude of new voters. He has crossed racial, gender and party lines, and this in itself, is truly inspiring:


AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Sat, 02/09/2008 - 4:28pm.

"The fact is, unless you are a booger eating, bed wetting liberal, a vote for Obama is just shear prejudice."

even though you had the audacity (of hope) to type the above tripe.

Sometimes you are better off ignoring the disjointed thoughts of political frustration generated by the inadequacies of your own party's candidates. But, Richard, you let the demons win today, my friend. I actually laughed out loud when you went into the ramblings about Obama being black while lecturing us to ignore his race Sad

Here is the deal Mr. Hobbs: If YOU don't like Barack Obama, Don't vote for him. Now wasn't that simple? If you are a mouse of a man, it doesn't make sense to continuously try to macho yourself up by calling others "bed wetters." Richard, I guarantee you that you, Richard Hobbs, would urinate in your designer dungerees if I could drag you over into the Iraqi war zone you support so much. But if the insults help you cope with the opportunities you missed to actually be a he man manly man, then go ahead; call us bedwetters.

Finally, as a lawyer, it baffles me how you downplay the power of speech to motivate people and change history! I'm flummoxed. How many excellent trial lawyers, D.A.s, and judges do you know who continuously assault the English language like the man you voted for twice?

I understand your frustration Richard, but before you come over to scold those of us who dared to vote for Senator Obama, you may want to inspire your fellow conservatives to help get your confused GOP house in order. You guys are a mess Richard. Republicans have called your future nominee and war hero a "traitor." Your other choices were a camillion known as Mitt who changed his core beliefs in his fifties, and a preacher who has said he wants to change the Constitution to conform to the Bible.

You've got some work to do. Sharpen those pencils up and get posting.

Kevin "Hack" King

Richard Hobbs's picture
Submitted by Richard Hobbs on Sat, 02/09/2008 - 6:27pm.


You just don't get it. The moment I raise any issue that at all questions someone of pallor, then you have a hissy fit.

You scoffed at my juvenile comments with indignation. Sorry, that being called a bed wetting booger eater causes you so much distress. It twas made in jest. Mere frivolity.

If you really want to have a good argument, then tell me what has Obama "accomplished" in his entire career other than getting elected to a state and then U.S. Senate seat? I'd argue the same thing had Alan Keyes won in Illinois and thought he was ready for the Presidency. I love Alan, he's dynamic and inspirational, but far from being ready for the Presidency, no matter what color he happens to be.

Again, tell me Obama's qualifications outside of his skin reflective qualities. I'm glad he has the ability to give you heebie geebies, every time he turns a phrase, but leadership takes much more than the ability to make everyone think you care. "Obama is a modern day Warren G. Harding, of whom William McAdoo once said, "'His speeches leave the impression of an army of pompous phrases moving over the landscape in search of an idea. Sometimes these meandering words would actually capture a struggling thought and bear it triumphantly a prisoner in their midst until it died of servitude and overwork.'"

So where are his ideas? What does he stand for? What will he do for us other than to give us "Change"! Oh my God! Change, that's what we need! Change, Change, Change. Who can not be for Change?

So save me your platitudes. Many will vote for him because he is black. Many will vote against him because he is black. Regardless, both of these voters are wrong. It shows an ignorance and absence of deliberate thought and analysis. Again, if you are a real liberal, a dyed in the wool, 60's peace nik, then Obama is your man. Black or White, he is the most liberal candidate to have made it this far, since McGovern. What I object to, is those that will vote for him merely because his skin pigmentation doesn't reflect light as well as mine. It shouldn't matter whatsoever. Shame on those of you who let their right to vote be determined by your own bigotry and prejudices rather than upon the facts of what a candidate's true qualifications are, which in Obama's case are almost nil.

Obama's rise is nothing more than affirmative action at its worst. He was given a pass on many of his experience qualifications and past decisions by the left and the main street media during these past few months. The "first black president" was derided for being insensitive when he criticized the inconsistencies that Obama has made on many issues. The message is clear, criticize Obama and be called a racist.

I'm very scared that Obama will cause more of a chasm in our racial problems rather than in helping to heal them, if, as I expect, his candidacy is given "special treatment" because of his race. You're doing it now Hack. You come out with both barrels loaded, criticizing me personally, rather than in just debating the issues of whether he is really qualified. You want him to be elected because he is black, if not, tell me why you want him elected. I'm ready to listen. Tell me how the failed policies of liberalism is the way we should go today, rather than merely calling everyone who disagrees with your candidate a racist for disagreeing.

You say you "understand" my frustration. Well, what frustrating is for you to see beyond the color of the candidate, of the opponent, of the voter, and tell me why he should be elected outside of his skin color. I'm frustrated yes, in having to wait for an answer.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Sun, 02/10/2008 - 10:57am.

"You scoffed at my juvenile comments with indignation. Sorry, that being called a bed wetting booger eater causes you so much distress. It twas made in jest."

When you say something that you feel is witty, take notes from BPR and a an Smiling . Otherwise, I will take your words on their merrits and respond accordingly. Now, just who SHOULD the 70+ percent of Americans that want a phased withdrawl from Iraq be voting for?

Kevin "Hack" King

Richard Hobbs's picture
Submitted by Richard Hobbs on Sun, 02/10/2008 - 11:42am.

I don't use those little icons because, well, I just don't.
Consider the totality of my comments, and you'll see a pattern.
A bit of sarcasm, salted with self-deprecation, and then rolled up with frivolus hyperbole. I don't know, but it does seem to stir debate, don't you think.

As to the 70+ percent that want a withdrawal, well, I'll cull from that list, those that think we have aliens in Roswell, our oil companies have a car run completely on water-but are hiding its technology, and those that believe Bush deliberately blew up the dykes around New Orleans, because, "he doesn't like black people."

I am very much for a phased withdrawal. First we get them out of Korea, then Germany, then Italy, then Japan, and finally Austrailia---Alice Springs.

Then, Iraq is next.

Submitted by Davids mom on Sat, 02/09/2008 - 6:43pm.

Barack Obama has dedicated his life to public service as a community organizer, civil rights attorney, and leader in the Illinois state Senate. Obama now continues his fight for working families following his recent election to the United States Senate.

Sworn into office January 4, 2005, Senator Obama serves on the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, which oversees our nation’s health care, schools, employment, and retirement programs. He is a member of the Foreign Relations Committee, which plays a vital role in shaping American policy around the world, including our policy in Iraq. And Senator Obama serves on the Veterans’ Affairs Committee, which is focused on providing our brave veterans with the care and services they deserve. In 2005 and 2006, he served on the Environment and Public Works Committee, which safeguards our environment and provides funding for our highways.

During his eight years in the Illinois state Senate, Obama worked with both Democrats and Republicans to help working families get ahead by creating programs like the state Earned Income Tax Credit, which in three years provided over $100 million in tax cuts to families across the state. Obama also pushed through an expansion of early childhood education, and after a number of inmates on death row were found innocent, Senator Obama enlisted the support of law enforcement officials to draft legislation requiring the videotaping of interrogations and confessions in all capital cases.

Our current president had 'less' going for him when he was elected governor - and his record of accomplishment as governor is not all that stellar.

Bush is divisive; Obama appears to bring people together - he certainly has been successful with working cooperatively with Republicans in the US Senate. We need leadership today that will bring people together as Americans. The American people will make that decision . . and not be fooled by negative rhetoric. Can you deal with the facts?

Richard Hobbs's picture
Submitted by Richard Hobbs on Sat, 02/09/2008 - 7:54pm.

Davids mom wrote:
Barack Obama has dedicated his life to public service as a community organizer . . . , and now continues his fight for working families, he serves on the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, . . . he is a member of the Foreign Relations Committee, . . . he serves on the Veterans’ Affairs Committee, . . . he served on the Environment and Public Works Committee . . .Obama worked with both Democrats and Republicans to help working families . . .

Nothing but platitudes. I hope David doesn't learn how to debate from his mom. These are not accomplishments, these are puffery. Every U.S. Senator serves on some committee, this in and of itself proves nothing. Heck I've been the President of my homeowners association and got a new stop sign added at the front of our sub-division. Vote for me to run the greatest country in the world!

Obama also pushed through an expansion of early childhood education, . . .[he drafted] legislation requiring the videotaping of interrogations and confessions in all capital cases.

Okay, now this is listing his achievements. This does answer my question. Now depending on your opinions about expanding early childhood development and videotaping confessions, this might sway a few key voters. You didn't mention that he voted to deny medical care to partial birth aborted babies that survived the abortion. That's one that makes him especially qualified to be President.

Barack denies health care for dying babies! Glad David wasn't an aborted fetus, because Barack wouldn't have been there to help. click here.

Obama appears to bring people together - he certainly has been successful with working cooperatively with Republicans in the US Senate. We need leadership today that will bring people together as Americans. The American people will make that decision . . and not be fooled by negative rhetoric. Can you deal with the facts?

I can deal with the facts Ms. Mom, but can you distinguish between opinion puffery and actual facts?

I can see this is really troubling you and Hack. You love this guy. He's inspiring no doubt. I love to hear him speak, he is tremendously gifted. But orator skills aside, what you "feel" he will do for America is based upon your own hopes and aspirations rather than upon any factual reality. You have no proof at all that he is nothing but a wonderful and charismatic black U.S. Senator. Whoopie Friggin' doo.

Besides, it doesn't matter what you think or who you vote for in this Democratic race- yes the pun was intended. The fact is, its not going to be your voice that will be heard in your party, instead it will be the party brokers. You see in the People's Party of the United States, Super Delegates know much more about what really matters than what the voters do. And if you can't imagine what that means, let me spell it out to you.

Come the convention, in a very close delegate count, in a very close vote count, Hillary will convince them to allow the votes in Florida and Michigan to Count. I mean you don't want to be the party that doesn't count every vote now do you? And when that happens, RACISM will be shouted from the mountain tops. Then, the Super Delegates-totalling 20% of all voters- get going and people like John Lewis, who supports Hillary will vote for her, and he will be called an UNCLE TOM. Because, David's mom, as much as you want to pretend it isn't about race, . . . it is about race.

Yep, this is going to be a heck of an election year.

Submitted by Davids mom on Sat, 02/09/2008 - 11:51pm.

Nice come back - based on your opinion and your emotion. The super delegates from California will vote as their constituents want them to - if they expect to be re-elected - not necessarily for the person they endorsed. Let's see what happens Tuesday. Obama swept the states tonight - even in states where there was not a large African American population. Stick to the facts Richard. The fact is - American voters are not following the old paths of voting - simply along racial or gender lines. We've already experienced a change. Republicans are not in a good position . . . and many Republicans are no longer trying to defend the failing administration of W. Wake up - the old arguments are stale.

By the way - we got a lot of 'puffery' with George W in 2004. We should have looked at the facts of his 'accomplishments' and/or failures. Right?

NUK_1's picture
Submitted by NUK_1 on Sun, 02/10/2008 - 9:56am.

.......aren't following the old paths of voting. Black voters most definitely are. As usual they are a monolithic voting block every bit like "evangelical Christians," that's never changed. If there weren't crossover white voters and/or a lower black voter turnout, it would be all Shillary.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Wed, 02/20/2008 - 8:10am.

Whites in Wisconsin and Hawaii are now following the "old paths of voting". THis Obama guy is quite the steam roller for an empty suit. I think alot of politicians will be rushing to his tailor to find those empty suits for their own future campaigns. This is a truly amazing snap shot in out colorful history. I hate to see what happens to all of these good folks throwing themselves under the hope steam roller.


Kevin "Hack" King

sniffles5's picture
Submitted by sniffles5 on Sat, 02/09/2008 - 12:29pm.

"Either you are voting for the fact that he is black, and you prefer a black candidate, or you are voting for him to prove you are not racist."

Classic "False Dilemma" logical fallacy.

Submitted by Davids mom on Sat, 02/09/2008 - 1:31pm.

He's never done anything successfully except maybe get off serious drugs. His business dealings are suspect. I mean, what does he bring to the table.

Were you speaking of Bush W? Sorry buddy - but we see through your attempt. Nice try. People on this blog will vote for the person they feel will begin to lead this country out of the mess we're in. Take your racism elsewhere.

TruthSleuth1958's picture
Submitted by TruthSleuth1958 on Sun, 02/10/2008 - 11:21am.

Help me understand: Which of these two statements are racist?

Richard Hobbs comment:

"He's never done anything successfully except maybe get off serious drugs."

David's Mom's retort:

"Were you speaking of Bush W?"

Submitted by rhsuttles on Sun, 02/10/2008 - 1:53pm.









yardman5508's picture
Submitted by yardman5508 on Sun, 02/10/2008 - 7:04pm.


Democracy is not a spectator sport.

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Sun, 02/10/2008 - 7:08pm.

Are you back home?
Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

yardman5508's picture
Submitted by yardman5508 on Sun, 02/10/2008 - 7:13pm.

back from the marshes and the Spanish moss, thanks for asking. Keep the faith.

Democracy is not a spectator sport.

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Sun, 02/10/2008 - 7:22pm.

I see the Mrs. kept you away from the internet. Smiling
Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

yardman5508's picture
Submitted by yardman5508 on Sun, 02/10/2008 - 7:46pm.

but her birthday won out in the end. I put a valiant fight, but to no avail. Keep the faith.

Democracy is not a spectator sport.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sun, 02/10/2008 - 6:14pm.

Knock it off with the caps. That's a ban-able offense on the Citizen.

We regulars have a policy of ignoring and not responding to morons that 'cap' their blogs. Now as a fellow lawyer, I expect you to be somewhat intelligent. So show us that's true and re-write your post so we can read past your first two sentences. Consider this a courtesy response.... because we care. Smiling
In regards to Democrats, Republicans, gangs, and other scads of coterie Kool-Aide drinkers; Remember this..... Eagles Don't Flock

Submitted by rhsuttles on Sun, 02/10/2008 - 7:28pm.

Git Real, I apologize about the caps. I was given a new computer for Xmas, with Vista instead of Windows XP, and having problems with the fonts, etc. Also have had one of my best friends, former Clayton County investigator, come over and attempt to transfer files, correct the fonts, and fix this computer. Over five hours was spent by my friend trying to fix this computer.

Also have a hard time reading without glasses and even have to use a magnifying glass, along with my glasses to see the typing on here with this Vista program. The way this computer is set up now, I am forced to use caps in order for me to see what I was trying to post. I was unaware that using caps was not acceptable on this forum. Thank you for bring this to my attention.

If I read your reply correctly, your saying only the first two sentences of my comment was posted. I have no idea because what I have tried to respond to or make a comment about in this forum, it appears I am not logged in or which it so tells me. I have checked my blog/s history and have only seen two posts I have made, one being about the Yellow Lab Puppy I found trying to locate its owner.

Now since you know my name, and being a fellow lawyer, please identify yourself to me in order that I can personally apologize to you, if our paths cross in the future, for using caps. You are absolutely right, I am not a regular on here and just learning about about this forum of communication and did not know the policy of using caps. My error and man enough to admit it!

Please do me the favor in letting me know about my previous posts because I have not seen the one's I attempted previously on here. Btw, your wrong about the ambluance chaser part. Being a former lawyer, you should know what Fred Tokars did that reflected badly on the legal profession. Just asking for the benefit of the doubt that I was unaware about the policy of caps and the reason everything I typed was capitalized.

I enjoyed the days more often when I was not required to put on glasses in order to be able to read. Again, I apologize for the using all caps and hope I explained the reason behind it. I meant no disrespect to anyone on here!

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sun, 02/10/2008 - 9:45pm.

I apologize about the caps. I was given a new computer for Xmas, with Vista instead of Windows XP, and having problems with the fonts, etc.

It is not Vista that is causing you to post in caps. Here, let me help you with this. On the right side of your key board there is a button that is labeled Caps Lock. It is most always located above the left hand Shift button thingy key. If you see that you are typing in 'caps' all you have to do is simply hit that key one time and Shazaam.... you're typing in lower case. Smiling

It's understandable that a big time lawyer like you would not have known that...... you know..... with your paralegals doing all your work for you. Eye-wink

Me... I'm just a small time flunky butt lawyer that hung his shingle out with little or no training at all. I'm a lawyer like many of the 'revs' we see opening up churches in abandoned shopping centers that dub themselves 'men of God'. But, in my mind I do think I'm a good lawyer.

As far as the "glasses" thing goes. Well, I can relate with you on that one my friend. My secret though, is that I actually put them on when I can't see something properly. Trust me on this one and try it. It really helps. I can't wait to get Lasik. Cool

Hey, Try defending Richard Hobbs again and tell us about his qualities in helping folks. I look forward to reading it in a readable fashion. Without all caps. Welcome to the board and hang in there with us. Remember....we're not all certified lawyers on here, so you might have to talk down to us from time to time. Smiling

In regards to Democrats, Republicans, gangs, and other scads of coterie Kool-Aide drinkers; Remember this..... Eagles Don't Flock

Submitted by rhsuttles on Sun, 02/10/2008 - 11:36pm.

Hey Git, I appreciate you being a little more civil towards me this time around. I like you have been a solo practitioner since getting out of law school and have always rented space. I worked for Eastern Airlines at night while going through law school. For two and one half years, I did not have a day off from either going to school, work or both. Only my last 6 months of law school did I have only one day where I did not have classes and have to work the same day.

As to my glasses, that is a true story but you need to understand one thing for me being a sole practitioner. I shut down my practice just over two years ago to take care of my mother before she died. I promised her she'd never go in a nursing home, which she was very affraid of being put and forgotten, so you can understand lining up around the clock nurses and looking after her required me to stop practicing for a while. I gave her my word and held to it. As soon as taxes are finalized this year, hopefully I can get back in the loop hole.

You can believe what you want too, but just call Don Simon, my investigator friend, that has spent counless hours trying to configure this "Vista" and my old laptop. He'll tell you the same thing. The keys are located differently than my other laptop. He can also vouche about the fonts on this new system as well as I have to use glasses. Your right about using the glasses except I have to admit it has been hard getting used to keeping them on. Squinting has not been the answer. The older we get, things change like my eyes and its hard sometime to realize your heart my say and think your body is still that of a twenty year old but your body tells you otherwise.

I have no problem in standing up for Richard Hobbs. Maybe I saved my post, where I had to go to AOL mail and type in order I could see the wording then paste on here after being informed of my flaws. Seriously, that's where I had to write my responses because this new "Vista' system the fonts are way too small for myself to see. I only went to AOl after finding out my posts were not sent because the caps being locked on here and I was squinting way too much when I first tried to make post on here. That is my own fault.

I was wondering why some of my posts did not make the forum but understand why now. I wish I was a candidate for Lasic but had lesion eye surgery on both eyes in 1988 so this Lasic procedure I will not have the luxury of having. I have already sought out Lasic but it can not be performed on me due to the past procedure. Thanks again for bringing things to my attention in order that I could correct my mistakes for futures references.

Submitted by Daniel Ross on Sun, 02/10/2008 - 8:32pm.

If you're using Firefox, you can go to Tools, Options, and then click the content tab and fix the font and font size there for the web content.

If you're using IE7, I suggest getting firefox. It's free.

"Triangle Park"? Give me a break.
They should have fixed Shamrock first.

SCHS '07. Drumline.

wulfman's picture
Submitted by wulfman on Sun, 02/10/2008 - 8:02pm.

What are the rules for posting Citizen Journalist stories, comments, blogging and forums?

You will find these rules listed under Frequently Asked Questions, located on the left side of the page. I don't see anything listed regarding typing in caps.

Keep it clean. No profanities and no obscenities. No personal attacks on private persons. Violate these simple, civilized rules, and we will remove your posts and ban you from any further posting. If you constantly push the envelope with sexual or smutty innuendoes, you will be banned from posting. Suggestions: Name-calling is usually just plain rude. Make your point with facts and logic. No plagiarism. Additional Citizen Journalist guidelines are in this FAQ above.

Submitted by lilly on Sun, 02/10/2008 - 7:37pm.

Now you know what integrity is, I have read these posts, I don't post alot, some. Git is a good guy. I think he will understand, by the posts I read of his- he's honest- but not a mean tempered guy.

MS needs to get off her high what she thinks educated horse and take a course in kindness. I think she would fail. If taught by a man she would pass.

If you are not use to posting on here, well I don't do it alot, some will attack like a snake in the grass- I think they are very unhappy, bitter people. Just a warning. Take care.

Submitted by rhsuttles on Sun, 02/10/2008 - 8:02pm.

You are so right, what little time I have had to reply or make comments to on here, I have seen that some intend to be so insensitive and out right cruel. Its just like you said Lilly, some are very unhappy and bitter people but that's their choice in which we have to stand up and defend our actions sometimes. I just wonder
how these unhappy and bitter people can justify their actions and conduct.

I appreciate that at least I know of at least one person understood why I was using caps. I was not trying to unsensitive but just did not know the etiquette used on here and appreciate Git bringing it to my attention not to use caps.

It is bad enough not being able to read without glasses, but I prefer
having to use glasses instead of being a unhappy and bitter person!

Submitted by lilly on Sun, 02/10/2008 - 8:14pm.


Submitted by lilly on Sun, 02/10/2008 - 8:14pm.


Main Stream's picture
Submitted by Main Stream on Sun, 02/10/2008 - 6:12pm.


Hey Richard.... get your kid off the computer.

Submitted by rhsuttles on Sun, 02/10/2008 - 8:09pm.

Main Stream, please do not blame the misspelling on Richard's kid. I was the one that made the post and mispelled the word but this was due to a seeing problem. See you were to quick to judge and pass judgement on an innocent party. I will not allow another to get blamed for an error I made. Hope this sets the record straight with you.

Submitted by AllKnowing on Sun, 02/10/2008 - 8:55pm.

I still think you are Richard's kid. Or are you his mistress? You are in love with him which I find hard to believe. Your writing style (or lack thereof) are so similar to his. Maybe you are just another Hobbs screen name. Which misspelled word are you referencing? This must be a joke.

smartpanz's picture
Submitted by smartpanz on Mon, 02/11/2008 - 9:17am.

Havent been on the site much, I've been trying to get over the flu. This moring I thought I'd check it out and see what's been going on "online".
I just want to say that you folks can get your point across without being, mean, hateful and malicious! Just remember what Mama always said "if you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all".
Now, can't we all just GET ALONG?

Barbie Dunn

yardman5508's picture
Submitted by yardman5508 on Mon, 02/11/2008 - 9:25am.

"If you don't have something nice to say about someone, sit next to me!" Shocked Keep the faith.

Democracy is not a spectator sport.

Submitted by rhsuttles on Sun, 02/10/2008 - 11:52pm.

Sorry Allknowing to disappoint you but I am not Richard's son. You can go to my web page and see that it is of Robert H. Suttles. Richard is just one of my best friends and seen firsthand how he has helped other people.

As I attempted to say in previous post, thank God we live in a country where we have freedom of expression and assembly. As to some of your comments, that is your right to express them but I see no merit on standing on the same grounds as you choose to do.Like Lilly
said in one of her responses, people can be cruel and bitter which is your choice as well as your right and no this is not a joke!

Main Stream's picture
Submitted by Main Stream on Sun, 02/10/2008 - 8:41pm.

The typos and CAPS were overwhelmingly funny and could not be ignored. You must know by now that one or two of us were bound to say something evil Evil No harm was intended and I expect you to get me back someday!

Submitted by lilly on Sun, 02/10/2008 - 7:25pm.

I have read your posts long enough to say, I read about your kool aid are you suggesting for Richard to do that. Wow that's alot coming from someone like you- do you have a clue what you sound like on here. Well, girlfriend it's not what you think-

Be careful where you throw rocks. They may come back. Your good at mouthing off to women, they don't care, I am woman, I don't care. The reason we all know what you sound like, so we sit back and have a good laugh.

I have been reading every one's posts and it seems you respond well to men but not to women? HUmmmmm. Does your husband know that? I doubt he cares. Or are you not married. BTW- either way it does not change the way you treat people.

Integrity- as for you and the way you talk to some people on here, I don't think you know what the word means.

I do find it strange you are all over these married guys.

Now hit me with your best shot- I won't care a bit- your attitude is uncalled for- you complain about being here, please go back from where you are from.

Main Stream's picture
Submitted by Main Stream on Sun, 02/10/2008 - 7:34pm.

LOL - love your post!

You and your buddy beeper always seem to bring up men and huzbunds on here? You two seem to be the ones obsessed, not me.

Crawl back in your hole, lilly.

Submitted by lilly on Sun, 02/10/2008 - 7:40pm.

All the women are laughing at you, we are not the only women on here?
Or did you notice.

How do you know if I am even married?

Yeah, these guys know, believe me.

Who is beeper? I tried a search I can't find it.

Submitted by lilly on Sun, 02/10/2008 - 7:45pm.

You can't answer my questions that says it all. Now your the funny one.

Have a great evening bloging to what you think are you buddies, or what do you think?

How soon are you moving back, I read you said in a while? I think you would be much happier there.

Maybe, you would not be so unhappy with the people, like you complain about here.

BTW- No more response from me, just wanted to let you know what a laugh you are.

Main Stream's picture
Submitted by Main Stream on Sun, 02/10/2008 - 8:20pm.

Lilly, your posts were so off-the-wall and unprovoked that you sound a bit schizophrenic in your tone (very disturbing). I don’t know what set you off tonight (wasn’t me, hon!) to bring your nasty claws out – Meow!! Did someone give you the keys to your padded cell?

It may be a case of what’s called Blogger’s Tourette’s Syndrome that occurs when someone, just out of the blue, posts something so totally irrational and off-topic. It is somewhat like the real Tourette’s Syndrome, only in cyberspace: “severe neurological disorder characterized by multiple crazy posts and interjections, facial and other body tics, including multiple neck jerks and sometimes vocal tics such as grunts, barks, or words, esp. obscenities.

And thanks a bunch for joining in on the conversation tonight – it’s been very entertaining! (bark-bark)

Submitted by lilly on Sun, 02/10/2008 - 9:04pm.

What is wrong with you- to make fun of such a problem of tourette's. which I don't have but you think it's funny to make fun of it.

Girl- Your a sad case.

BTW my boss son has Tourette's and it is not a joke. Think before you speak- it breaks her heart daily- and mine.

How could you make fun of people who have this???????????????

I think you should only talk to men, you are a sad case.

Submitted by lilly on Sun, 02/10/2008 - 9:18pm.

What is the bark bark, meow, meow- I don't have a clue what you are doing or talking about?

Are you now trying to be an animal?

You truly are a sad case- someone that has a kid or knows someone that has tourette;s and reads this and thinks your heartless- are you?
It appears to be that way.

Stop the garbage- I don't talk to people who belittle people with handicaps- especially since the little guy I know can't help it.

Main Stream's picture
Submitted by Main Stream on Sun, 02/10/2008 - 9:59pm.

on this blog and we can stop the banter.

You have now typed in 5 posts addressing me with your unprovoked nastiness. You're the one that started the cat-fight for some weird reason. I swear, you could be related to bpr by the way you sound in your posts.

Chill out.

Submitted by lilly on Sun, 02/10/2008 - 10:08pm.

You made fun of a person, that girl is not funny, that is what started it all.

My trying to be nice means I am related to bpr, well I am not. We are probably some of the normal ones.

Keep making fun of handicaps- see where it gets you.

I will post when I want and where I want. Got it!

Hey, I'm not making fun of handicaps, so guess who is being nasty???

I think making fun of someone is a reason to speak up.

Yeah, was it funny about my boss kid? Are you laughing now?
You are a sad case.

I think you don't have a heart!

Main Stream's picture
Submitted by Main Stream on Sun, 02/10/2008 - 10:40pm.

If you're going to hurl a barb at me, you should know by now that you're going to get one, or several, hurled back at you. You stuck your hand in my cage and you got bit - so deal with it and stop crying foul, you big baby.

Submitted by lilly on Mon, 02/11/2008 - 7:29am.

Thank you for your answer about making fun of people with handicaps- you don't have a heart.Sad

Main Stream's picture
Submitted by Main Stream on Mon, 02/11/2008 - 7:34am.

I was only making fun of you and your idiotic posts, that emerged from out-of-the-blue, were unprovoked and did not add a thing to the conversation. Re-read my posts if this is still unclear to you.

Submitted by lilly on Mon, 02/11/2008 - 7:47am.

Everyone saw what you wrote and I am sure they are not laughing, I don't see anyone agreeing with you.Puzzled

Maybe take a hike and burn off that hot temper of yours and you won't make those remarks.Laughing out loud

sniffles5's picture
Submitted by sniffles5 on Mon, 02/11/2008 - 8:04am.

Lilly, please don't presume to speak for everyone. I think you have a grudge against Main Stream for some reason, all you do nowadays is show up here on the blogs and make personal attacks against her.

What a nasty piece of work you are.

Submitted by lilly on Mon, 02/11/2008 - 1:56pm.

Who in the world are you, Oh, I get it, husband or friend, since I said that nobody has said anything to agree with you.

You both are sad cases, to make fun of handicap people.

Hey MS get someone that has some credibility. Everyone reads Sniffles and they just go on.

How could I have a grudge- the point is I don't like her making fun of people. That's the point- git it. Someone like you would defend her, she's just like you.

I don't make fun of handicap people, now you tell me who is nasty?

Did you both take a hike to get your hot temper down, all the both of you do from what I read on here is argue with other. If that makes you happy go for it. You seem unhappy to poke fun.

This is the end of my response- everyone knows what the two of you are like they read it everyday.

Maybe if you were handicap or knew of someone you would not make fun- huh?

Main Stream's picture
Submitted by Main Stream on Mon, 02/11/2008 - 2:40pm.

Your equating my comment about your Tourette’s-like posting habits, with making fun of the handicapped, is quite a stretch. The grudge you hold against me, for some inane reason, is really sad on your part and your public posts only contribute to the ongoing perception of disturbing behavior on your part. Of all the posts that occur on this blog, you single out mine and hurl personal attacks at me, bringing up all kinds of crazy scenarios that make no sense at all. Yes, it’s obvious I have struck some internal chord with you that causes you to react so hateful and irrational and yes, Tourette’s-like. I think this blog has become hazardous to your personal health.

I don’t mind arguing and discussing current events, politics, religion and the utterly ridiculous (at times) on this blog, and actually find it mentally stimulating at times. However, you have no interest in stimulating discussion and your only contribution to this blog, that I have ever seen, is an attempt to drag people down into your guttural level of hate and venom. You, are truly the sad case.

BPR's picture
Submitted by BPR on Thu, 02/14/2008 - 1:49am.

Level of hate and venom- Denise did post yours about 4 or 5 times what you said to myself and to Denise.

Read her post that I wrote her about hypocrites. I proved my point-

btw BPR is only BPR just like seeker is now only muddle.

It's plain to see you have alot of screen names, thanks to Denise, I know what they are:) ummmmmmmm you need to read the post I wrote to her.

I pray to Jesus who forgives me and paid a price to forgive me-
The One God.

click here

Main I don't dislike you, actually I care about you.Smiling

To your answer, am I finished- I am still here, and glad to be- who knows maybe you will accept my friendship one day - I hope so. I don't have a problem being your friend. God wants me to be your friend, that's the God I know.

Have a nice day- God has blessed us with so much to be thankful for.Smiling

The God I know loves everyone- he commands for me to do the same.
So, here's to friendship.Smiling

"Hope Changes Everything"

yardman5508's picture
Submitted by yardman5508 on Thu, 02/14/2008 - 7:52am.

why are you revisiting a posting that is four days old. Can't we leave that particular discussion behind us? Just a question. Keep the faith.

Democracy is not a spectator sport.

eodnnaenaj1's picture
Submitted by eodnnaenaj1 on Thu, 02/14/2008 - 8:31am.

I'm with you on this one. I thought this was pretty much over after one was no longer going to blog to or discuss to another one.

This is a fun place to chit chat, get a little local gossip, discuss major problems, local crime, schools, water, etc. I think some of us consider each other a "type" of friend, as in blogging buddies, or like a person you'd chat with on an elevator. However, if you are looking for friendships, I'm not certain an open blog like this would be the place to look. Some appear to know each other and are friends, but I doubt they met via this blog, they had some sort of connection long before this blog site. And as proven over the years, often people are not who you think they are, or there are too many of of a person! I don't believe I know any of the people I talk with on this site, nor do they know me, some I might like to meet, others NO!

Lighten up folks who continue to carry on; when someone jokes, or jabs, or criticizes, or whatever they have done to bother or hurt you, remember, you don't have to sit across the supper table from them. Give it up, please! Cherish the known friends that you have, and just enjoy the banter on this site.

yardman5508's picture
Submitted by yardman5508 on Thu, 02/14/2008 - 8:39am.

I get it...1Janeanndoe. :%...Keep the faith

Democracy is not a spectator sport.

Submitted by blazing2006 on Thu, 02/14/2008 - 10:00am.

Some days I wish this blog would stay on course with the issues that are discussed, but I have to be honest, I get a good chuckle out of the banter and back and forth bashing that takes place, typically you somehow are always involved. How, then, do you ever expect anyone to take you even a little seriously on this site? Although I disagree with you on most issues it seems, I value your input. Please stop getting into pissing matches with people. This particular thread of posts is geting rediculous and petty. This goes for you too BBR and/or Lily. More important issues out there in the world than worrying about this kinda junk. Wouldn't you agree? But hey, if the point is to make people laugh at you then rock on and keep up the good work.

Main Stream's picture
Submitted by Main Stream on Thu, 02/14/2008 - 10:13am.

Thanks for you comment, I agree. I've not provided a retort to those other posters (lilly/bpr, denise), nor will I. My days of responding to their juvenile comments, are over.

The reason I was drawn to this site in the first place, several months ago, was to discuss current events (local/national/international), politics and religion, which I find truly fascinating. I've been side-tracked for quite some time, and now I am back on track.

Glad to have you around here!


Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Tue, 02/12/2008 - 10:29pm.

Just a few excerpts from Ms Extreme's previous posts:

"bpr - knee jerkish" -- "Get a life and get your butt off these blogs - you're on way too much." [Such aggression! Road rage on steroids!]

"So, knock off your venomous spewing and personal attacks. Go wash that glitter out of your brain, I mean hair." [MS, ever look in the mirror? Puzzled ]

"Don't stick your hand into a lions [sic] cage, unless you are prepared for a bite." [Glad she's caged or she'd really be dangerous!]

"Do you really think I would set one foot close to that group of screeching felines?" Laughing out loud

"One of the reasons I had for attempting to remain 'genderless' on this blog, was because of the other women on here who would be catty and nasty and revert to name calling and finger pointing." Laughing out loud [Then why did MS sign one of her posts "Julie"?]

["Cat fight," "catty," et al are MS's favorite terms, IMHO.]

"BPR ... is the most judgemental one on this blog, being nasty for no reason, and flying off the handle when a post just doesn't fit into her frame of perception. I've learned to ignore her and her crazy outbursts." Shocked

"Y'all are acting like a bunch of hairy-backed Neanderthal's [sic] in here!"

"Get off your high horse, Denise. Were you a virgin when you got married?" Shocked

"Again, Denise, get off of your high-horse - you may get a nose bleed up there."

"Crawl back in your hole, lilly." [And MS talks about Lilly's "nasty claws"? Puzzled ]

To the "totally irrational," "crazy," "disturbing" Lilly: "You sound a bit schizophrenic .... Did someone give you the keys to your padded cell?" [This comment is from MS who dismissed R.H. Suttles as Richard Hobbs' son just because he used all caps. Puzzled ]

"It sickens me that conservatives, like you, only place value on fetal life [unsubstantiated opinion] and therefore, end up voting for idiots like Bush and most likely, Huckabee."

"He [Bush] has contributed to the slaughter and murder of not only our soldiers, but innocent Iraqi lives as well." Shocked [Does this statement qualify as "hateful and irrational"? Puzzled ]

To Lilly: "Oh really, lilly, [sic] please don't tell me you get your religious info from the Church of YouTube! You really are ignorant." [Does that qualify as "name calling" and/or a "personal attack"? Puzzled ]

"If you're going to hurl a barb at me, you should know by now that you're going to get one, or several, hurled back at you. You stuck your hand in my cage and you got bit - so deal with it and stop crying foul, you big baby."

"I’m not a southerner and right now, I don’t ever want that name attached to me." Sad

"The spouse and I seriously think about moving to Decatur, just so we can be around some progressive minds...."

"I grew up in the Bay Area during the turbulent 60's - it made me what I am today (can ya tell?)."

[May be one of those CODE PINK "ladies"? Puzzled ]

Ms Extreme's View of the World
Laughing out loud

Submitted by lilly on Mon, 02/11/2008 - 2:54pm.


Submitted by lilly on Mon, 02/11/2008 - 2:33pm.


Submitted by lilly on Mon, 02/11/2008 - 2:19pm.

You must read what I wrote to your friend Sniffle- it's for you also.

notnedflanders's picture
Submitted by notnedflanders on Mon, 02/11/2008 - 3:04pm.

and the rest of you self-RIGHTeous, hate-mongering, holier than thou types. Remember, "People who live in glass houses." Let it be; live and let live; maybe you'll actually have a breath of fresh air blow through those closed minds of yours. Main, sniffles and the rest who speak for the other side in these parts, which is a small, but growing minority are the voice of reason, intelligence and MODERATION which is sorely needed in this "bible thumper's paradise".

sniffles5's picture
Submitted by sniffles5 on Tue, 02/12/2008 - 9:55am.

Thank you for the kind words. I will endeavor to provide the voice of reason, intelligence and MODERATION on this site that is apparantly so badly needed to counteract the Richard Hobbs of the world.



Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Tue, 02/12/2008 - 2:10am.

Your assuming that Lilly is BPR (who has not been part of this discussion) and the tone of your post just might pass for "hate-mongering," or at least a very good try. You may not be a "Bible thumper" (notice the capital letter) -- whatever that is -- but you sound as if your mind is just as "closed" as you accuse others of being.

Just how "reasonable" and "intelligent" are you Eye-wink if you believe that Ms Extreme and Sniffles (the banned blogger Basmati and possibly Jeffc) are "the voice of MODERATION"? Yardman, quite often, but MS or Snif? No way. Believing that does put you in the minority.

TruthSleuth1958's picture
Submitted by TruthSleuth1958 on Tue, 02/12/2008 - 8:18am.

Other similarities exist between several 'bloggers' on here as well. The 'electronic fingerprint' of more than a few of them are identical.

You are dead on an some of your speculation. At least one blogger uses (occasionally) multiple computers from the same IP address.

Well done.

yardman5508's picture
Submitted by yardman5508 on Tue, 02/12/2008 - 8:10am.

now you have ruined all the work I have done to build this gruff exterior. I will have to work on being more divisive now. Smiling Keep the faith.

Democracy is not a spectator sport.

TruthSleuth1958's picture
Submitted by TruthSleuth1958 on Mon, 02/11/2008 - 2:39pm.

But just because he/she is spunky isn't a reason to get upset.

Just stay above the fray. He/she has a right to his/her opinion just as much as the rest of us. Stay calm and say your piece.

Since he/she does not know you - it cannot be personal!

Relax and enjoy the blogs!

sniffles5's picture
Submitted by sniffles5 on Mon, 02/11/2008 - 4:00pm.

Main Stream and I are two different people.

You can ask Hutch and/or AF-10, each of whom has seen us together in the same room at the same time.

TruthSleuth1958's picture
Submitted by TruthSleuth1958 on Mon, 02/11/2008 - 8:23pm.

My intent was not to offend you in any way. I simply noted that some of the postings from both you and Ms. Main have 'technically similar' origins. (I will leave it at that.)

I was attempting to calm Lilly and keep her from taking all of the responses on here as somehow being personal attacks.

Again, I apologize if I created a problem. Eye-wink

Submitted by lilly on Mon, 02/11/2008 - 4:08pm.

Your married to each other-

gratefuldoc's picture
Submitted by gratefuldoc on Mon, 02/11/2008 - 5:05pm.

why is it you resort to such low level insults and nasty little diatribes when you're pushed a little? "Sarcasm is the last refuge of modest and chaste souled people..."

"once in a while you can get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right"
"listen to the thunder shouting, "I AM, I AM, I AM"

;>} Have a grateful day ;>}

Submitted by lilly on Mon, 02/11/2008 - 5:26pm.

Wow, another credible person, the rest come on and join in- you people are the ones that argue with everyone. While I pray for you.

Main where is your crediable person?

No more talk until that crediable person comes forward.

gratefuldoc's picture
Submitted by gratefuldoc on Mon, 02/11/2008 - 5:30pm.

Your only as crediable as yer spellin' and rightin' 'n' sech.....sorry lill but ya jes' don' cut the mustered dahlink.

"once in a while you can get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right"
"listen to the thunder shouting, "I AM, I AM, I AM"

;>} Have a grateful day ;>}

muddle's picture
Submitted by muddle on Mon, 02/11/2008 - 6:34pm.

Either a child or a false persona (Dollar, is that you?). I cannot bring myself to believe that a living, breathing adult actually engages in dialog at this level of discourse. Got to be just a bad parody of the overly zealous, underly educated religious type. Right? Please?

Submitted by lilly on Mon, 02/11/2008 - 6:47pm.


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