Suggestions for Cal regarding this website

Richard Hobbs's picture


I've read so many very interesting blogs on this website, that I can't imagine giving you an accurate number. The fact is, I rarely read the paper, but I do frequently check your website.

My concern is for the general design of these blogs. By way of example, this blog that I created, is now pushing other blogs off the page and into the underworld. Many of those blogs are extremely informative and conducive to many discussions, that I would assume is a desired result of your webpage.

What I'd suggest is a discussion on how or what you might consider doing to make this work more efficiently.

One thing that comes to mind, is somehow policing the blogs for activity. If a blog is not generating responses, or at least quality ones, then allow it to drop off the page normally, but if a blog is truly getting Fayette Citizen's juices flowing, then keep it up high on the list.

Secondly, I'd ask that your designer consider setting up three seperate blogging areas, if not more. Categorizing them into subjects, such as local politics, local sports, national politics, and then of course one category for blogs created by $dollaraday, so that we can all just easily pass over.

I'd ask others to give you their ideas as well.

I was reading a Mike Huckabee blog which blossumed into some excellent discussion about Intelligent design and Evolution, but it has been pushed out of sight by other more mundane blogs.

So, please consider these changes. I can't see how it wouldn't help tremendously. And I'd even add one about local restaurants as well, so that I can tell you about our good and bad experiences locally too.

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Sniffles's picture
Submitted by Sniffles on Sun, 12/09/2007 - 5:58am.

Many major sites that permit blogging permit a user to make just one blog entry per day. Unlimited number of comments in blogs, but just one entry.

Submitted by Nitpickers on Sun, 12/09/2007 - 6:20am.

Why? For what reason? Space isn't limited!

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sat, 12/08/2007 - 7:47pm.

Great points and great suggestions.

Hey Richard... Can you keep a secret?

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