Yes We Can

Richard Hobbs's picture

If only we had a man of this vision, of this integrity, of this beacon of hope.

You won't hear a single candidate say what he said so eloquently. Freedom from Government. A Government of the People, not a People of the Government.

Click here for a message of substance, rather than one of symbolism.
Given by President Ronald Reagan, played with the background music used in Barack's youtube videos.

Take a listen and learn the difference between substance and sybolism.

YES, We Can!

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Richard Hobbs's picture
Submitted by Richard Hobbs on Mon, 03/03/2008 - 6:23pm.

I thought I'd share this comment from a colleague and friend, Guy Davis. Guy was the Republican Nominee for Governor in 1986, I believe, and ran against Joe Frank Harris.

Guy and I are part of a group of trial lawyers who debate other trial lawyers on politics, and I shared with him this video, that apparently is either not being noticed, or is not enjoyed as much as I would like.

Nonetheless, this is Guy's response to this video.

Thank you, Richard. I did very much enjoy and appreciate that positive review of a portion of American history.

During the Reagan presidency he kept to the visitor’s right front corner of his desk in the Oval Office an approximately 8 x10 inch, red leather, gold bordered plaque bearing the following words embossed in white capital letters: "IT CAN BE DONE" The clip you selected repeatedly flashed the words "Yes, we can!" How typically descriptive of him, upbeat, positive and trust engendering.

I recall no occasion in which Ronald Reagan ever voiced a single negative about American resolve or doubt as to the potential of the American people to preserve against all odds their freedom for themselves and future generations and their will and ability to constrain the efforts of their government to subject its citizens to its authority rather than the other way around. That political philosophy has been noticeably absent from every administration since he left that office 20 years ago.

So what tangible or intangible led the party of Reagan to overwhelmingly reject Romney, Rudy, Huckabee and Thompson in favor of McCain despite the early alignment of the state and national Republican establishments behind everyone but him and who now must submit to daily helpings of rubber chicken that must taste decidedly like crow? I suspect that the concept of freedom, national defense and individual rights were found to be a greater subliminal portion of the message than that which was directly expressed.

Kindest regards,

Guy E. Davis, Jr.

Denise Conner's picture
Submitted by Denise Conner on Fri, 03/07/2008 - 7:36am.

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. ~ George Santayana


8-week fetus ("young one") -- Only 30-32 more weeks to go!

“Women who are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy also deserve unplanned joy.”
(Feminists for Life)

JeffC's picture
Submitted by JeffC on Mon, 03/03/2008 - 7:29pm.

All of the Democratic candidates have signed the American Freedom Pledge and, predictably, none of the Republicans have.

So can we count on your support? If not, which specific freedom do you disagree with?


"President Bush talked about our staying in Iraq for 50 years. Maybe a hundred, that's fine with me. I don't think Americans are concerned if we're there for a hundred years, or a thousand years, or ten thousand years." John McCain

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