S. Lindsey: RUSh here,, RUSH there.. RUSH everywhere but for our troops

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Everyday we face a new CRISIS.. at least that is what this Administration keeps telling us... WE had to have Tarp or Unemployment would go over 8%.. now at 9.7%

S. Lindsey: Have Kids is School.. What they are learning

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See the video..

Learn how Capitalism is destroying the World and sharing the wealth is good.

Learn how America is bad “again” and we are sucking the life out of the rest of the World..

S. Lindsey: You don’t agree with me.. Well Sit down and SHUTUP

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or at least that is what the Administration is saying to Humana. It appears that Freedom of Speech does not

S. Lindsey: “With Washington bleeding green, some congressmen -- the princes of pork -- are treating you like a giant ATM"

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In the last two years, the self-described earmark king, Sen. Daniel Inouye, D-Hawaii, has sponsored earmarks totaling $2 billion dollars. This year he's at it again:

S. Lindsey: Socialism.. The Gateway drug to Communism

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It looks like Obama’s friend has decided that the people are better served if no one is able to play Golf.
No matter what well intentioned idealalistic policy this is intended to create.. this is the road Socialist travel.


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How many of you truly believe what the Government tells you. Do you believe all politicians Lie?
If so Why? Why do we allow them to do it?

S. Lindsey: The 912 Project.com

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Yesterday you saw what 1 person can do.. No... not Glenn Beck.. YOU the American people. 60,000 + marched on Washington. Many times that number met around the Country united for 1 reason among many.. To stop Big GOVERNMENT..Regular people.. Not the "Community Organizers" of ACORN but regular Joes.. Like you and I.

S. Lindsey: The fall of an Empire

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The confirmation of Cass Sunstein may well signal this administrations ever quickening pace towards Marxism and the confrontation with Middle America.

S. Lindsey: How will you “REMEMBER” SEPTEMBER 11, 2001?

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How will you “REMEMBER” SEPTEMBER 11, 2001?
I guess that is a study in contradiction.. If you perceive America as being the Greatest Country in the World then you will “REMEMBER” the tragedy .. the 3000+ Americans that died.. the Heroism of the Police, Firefighters and Rescue Personnel. You will “REMEMBER” the SOLIDARITY of Americans on September the 12th.. How we came together.. United in a common cause. Our Charity to the victims family.. the out pouring of support.

S. Lindsey: President Bush and Dick Chaney tied to BIG OIL

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Remember those headlines.. I mean the Left was all over Bush and Chaney about “The Evil Big Oil Companies”. Remember about how Chaney was vilified over the “Secret Energy Meeting”..

S. Lindsey: Rep. Joe Wilson's outburst: "YOU LIE"

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Granted may have been over the top just a little.. But at least he spoke the TRUTH.
I am "SICK AND TIRED" of the games politicians play with us..

S. Lindsey: Swiss topple U.S. as most competitive economy

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"In the case of Zimbabwe, the WEF noted the complete absence of property rights, corruption, basic government inefficiency as well as macroeconomic instability as fundamental flaws."

S. Lindsey: "This ain't America anymore"

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A must see video.. It gives an insight into Obama supporters and their perception of America now.. A Van Jones America..

S. Lindsey: Radicals to the left of us and Jokers to the right and here I am..

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I know .. I know… not quiet the lyrics.. but close enough for me.
I wanted to take a look at the Obama Administration. I am going to try to be as unbiased as possible. I am going to present the facts.. NOT opinion. As Joe Friday said it.. “Just the Facts”.

S. Lindsey: Drive By-Blogging and Bloggers

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You ever noticed that recently few of the “Progressive” brand of Liberalism bloggers actually stay around long enough for a “debate” about their “points”.

S. Lindsey: The Ruling Elite vs. The Rest of us

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This has been bugging me for some time. First.. This Healthcare Bill.. Right , Wrong, Left or Right we all agree Healthcare is important..

S. Lindsey: Obama Administration pays off George Soros and Move.org to the tune of 2 BILLION dollars

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The pay offs and pay backs continue.. Petrobras a Brazilian oil company who reported 8 Billion in profits last year..”BORROWED” 2 BILLION DOLLARS for off-shore oil drilling.

S. Lindsey: Cash for Clunkers another “well” run Government Program

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“After touting the ‘Cash for Clunkers’ program as a "runaway success" and "great for the environment," Friday’s CBS Early Show finally reported on problems with the plan as co-host Maggie Rodriguez declared: "And find out why the ‘Cash for Clunkers’ program could actually end up costing you long term."

S. Lindsey: Another fine example of Government run Healthcare

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The Native American Indian.. The first real Americans.. I know.. I know don’t give me grief over this land was not called America then.. That’s beside the point.

S. Lindsey: You want a CRISIS.. Well you are going to get one.. A Very BIG one..

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We have been debating.. ok ranting about the proposed Nationalization of 1/6 of our Economy called the Universal Healthcare Bill.

S. Lindsey: OBAMA.. Public Option is not a major part of Healthcare reform

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It's not..?!? Then what the heck have we been discussing since he brought this to our table..?

The Complete Life Cycle System (Death Panels)(End of Life Counseling) you name it is out..Looks like the "Public Option" may be going the same way..

S. Lindsey: You disagree with Obama.. Get tattled on by your neighbors

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Why do we have a "Dis-Information" Czar??

Linda Douglass of ABC has put out a video

S. Lindsey: 2nd Admendment under attack is your Freedom to own a firearm slipping away?

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The Weapon HR 25 BLAIR HOLT bill..
The Ammo:
In a Nutshell this would make it illegal to own a firearm-any Rifle with a mag or ANY Pistol unless:

S. Lindsey: Those darned crazy Vermonters

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trying to outdo Texas.. Wanting to secede from the USA.. I guess all those Texas haters can have a new State to spray spittle at..

S. Lindsey: 3 TRILLION DOLLARS to provide Healthcare

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CBO report released today said.. The current estimate of 1 TRILLION will only cover 1/3 of the uninsured... Real cost is 3 TRILLION DOLLARS

S. Lindsey: FBI Told to Back Off Investigating 'Black Muslim Converts'!

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STRATFOR heard from sources that the FBI and other law enforcement organizations had been ordered to “back off” of counterterrorism investigations into the activities of Black Muslim converts. At this point, it is unclear to us if that guidance was given by the White House or the Department of Justice, or if it was promulgated by the agencies themselves, anticipating the wishes of President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder.”

S. Lindsey: American capitalism gone with a whimper

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"It must be said, that like the breaking of a great dam, the American decent into Marxism is happening with breath taking speed, against the back drop of a passive, hapless sheeple, excuse me dear reader, I meant people." "True, the situation has been well prepared on and off for the past century, especially the past twenty years. The initial testing grounds was conducted upon our Holy Russia and a bloody test it was. But we Russians would not just roll over and give up our freedoms and our souls, no matter how much money Wall Street poured into the fists of the Marxists.

S. Lindsey: The Left vs. Right paradigm and America’s Arrogance

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Recently America as a whole has been called arrogant.. To understand the underlying premise of this lets explore the word first..

S. Lindsey: OBAMA says..Ice Cream for all

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”From a teacher in the Nashville area.

We are worried about "the cow" when it is all about the "Ice Cream"

S. Lindsey: 95% of ALL Americans are getting a Tax Break.. Yeah Right

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"Paychecks are being adjusted now to get more money into the economy faster. You'll claim the credit when you file your return next year, so your tax bill should adjust in line with the stimulus money (and you might get some extra money at tax time if your withholding wasn't adjusted enough to account for the extra credit during the year, which may happen for some married people in single-earner households).

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