Drive By-Blogging and Bloggers
You ever noticed that recently few of the “Progressive” brand of Liberalism bloggers actually stay around long enough for a “debate” about their “points”.
They jump in on any subject they totally disagree with lay their spoor all over any and all comments made.. then traipse on never coming back to argue their often times silly and innocuous point they made.
Why is that? (Andy Rooney) moment there…
This is not unique to this Blogging community. It is happening over several of the Political blogospheres.
Many here are not posting anymore.. Why? Is it because as I have heard it said, the atmosphere has become too heated?
Or is it something else..? For 8 long years the Right has suffered the foolish arguments from them.
The Bush stole the election arguments.. The WMD Bush lied arguments.. It did not matter how many times we pointed out that their fellow Liberals where all briefed on the same intelligence and still voted for it.. Nor did it matter that their 1st Black President Bill Clinton said they had WMDs. No facts where to be over looked and ignored.
Just like the argument over the Bush Deficit. Some of the most vile arguments where over that.. Many here completely ignored the fact that The President cannot spend a dime unless Congress approves.. There is no Presidential CHECKBOOK that President Bush could whip out and write a big ole fat check.
BTW is case you have forgotten.. The Democrats controlled Congress for the last 2 years of the Bush administration. Now don’t get me wrong Bush could have vetoed the spending and the Republicans could have been fiscally responsible as well.. Did they …uhh NO.
So.. why no post from these same Liberals over the Obama Deficits.. The Obama administration just came out and said.. Whoops we missed the deficit projection by 2 TRILLION dollars
so the projected deficit is going to be 9 TRILLION dollars.
Obama and Congress (again controlled by Democrats) has already projected to far surpass anything President Bush did.. in the realm of deficit spending.
So my guess on why we are seeing the drive bys occur.. What else do they have.. They know in their hearts this is wrong.. That the massive under taken that Obama is proposing.. trying to ram all this down our throats is inherently wrong for America.
They just can’t seem to come out and say it though. That’s the difference between ignorance and informed.. That is the difference between Democrats and Conservatives and the difference as well between us and the Republicans
Conservatives can see the light at the end of the tunnel.. We just know it is a train and chose to get off the tracks.
The rest of you.. Stick with the Party.. Back your side.. Spout those talking points.. and get run right over.
We will pick up the pieces and soldier on. 2010 is going to be the most important and hard fought over elections you can imagine. You can count on every fringe group out there to come out of hiding. You can count on ABC, NBC and CBS to air every rumor they can about any challenger to the incumbent.
Talk radio already is under attack.. and will be further. If you want to keep your Freedoms you had better man up and take a stand now.
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