S. Lindsey: Paying Taxes.. Not us.. says Government Employees

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The IRS reported that 276,300 current and retired federal employees owed $3,042,200,000 in 2008, down from $3,586,784,725 in unpaid taxes in 2007.

S. Lindsey: Want to talk about Race.. We can’t and here is why..

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If you have seen the Video (Link Here for Video) it is more than obvious what they were doing..

S. Lindsey: Salt does a body good

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That is unless you are part of the Government. Seems like New York is now going the way of England in trying to FORCE you and I off salt.. You know that free stuff that sits on every restaurant table in America.

S. Lindsey: Global Warming is destroying the World

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Or at least that is what the Alarmist wants you to believe.

This winter is shaping up to be one of the Coldest since the 1977-78 winters. That winter, nearly all of the United States east of the Rockies had a cold October followed by a warm November, with the cold returning in December. Which was what we had..

S. Lindsey: Fed set to borrow 159 BILLION Dollars

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That's just 1 week.
1.4 Trillion Dollar Deficit..
104 Trillion Dollars in unfunded liabilities.


S. Lindsey: State Dept acts.. on Bomber

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The State Department acted today to revoke the VISA of the "Underware Bomber" Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab.

Ok what's wrong with this picture?

S. Lindsey: Damn those dastardly BIG OIL Companies and their BIG PROFITS

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A field that could hold 3 BILLION barrels + of oil is now being exploited finally after 10 years of research and 2.7 BILLION DOLLARS of GASP… PROFITS.

S. Lindsey: The Future of America’s Healthcare

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The Mayo organization had 3,700 staff physicians and scientists and treated 526,000 patients in 2008. It lost $840 million last year on Medicare, the government’s health program for the disabled and those 65 and older, Mayo spokeswoman Lynn Closway said.

S. Lindsey: Crayola stocks rise as Terrorist reform

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Seems like Crayola Crayons have found a new use..

"American officials agreed to send the two terrorists from Guantanamo to Saudi Arabia where they entered into an “art therapy rehabilitation program” and were set free, according to U.S. and Saudi officials.

S. Lindsey: Progressives PO’ed at Obama

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Why..? He has not gone far enough left.

On Sirius Left today an entire hour was spent going over the “Grand” promises made by Obama that has not been kept.

S. Lindsey: Liar.. Liar Pants on FIRE..

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That old nursery rhyme comes to mind every time this administration does anything now a days..

Back in August and ALL of last year Obama pledged to cut all Pork Barrel projects from Defense spending.. Threatening to veto any swollen bills that came across his desk.

S. Lindsey: Obama's Latest Executive Order Grants Interpol Immunity From American Laws

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“EO12425 was issued by then-President Ronald Reagan in 1983 which granted the international policing agency INTERPOL diplomatic status in the United States to help conduct global investigations more effectively. However, Reagan specifically made two exceptions to INTERPOL's diplomatic immunities. The first had to do with taxation; the second required INTERPOL to operate under the oversight of US law enforcement agencies, be held accountable according to US laws and produce records when demanded by courts.

S. Lindsey: Recession OVER! Jobs Growth Explode! Pay increases by 40%!

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Where is all this happening?

The Federal Government that’s where.

“Federal employees making salaries of $100,000 or more jumped from 14% to 19% of civil servants during the recession's first 18 months — and that's before overtime pay and bonuses are counted.

S. Lindsey: 24 Million left uninsured at a cost of 2.5 Trillion???

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The US Senate Budget Committee has said the true cost of Healthcare will rise exponentially starting in 2014 to 2.5 Trillion and rise dramatically from there.

S. Lindsey: To steal a phrase from Telly Savalas.. “Who Loves you BABY”

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Well is sure isn’t the Democrats.

The DC School Voucher program is under attack AGAIN.. BY THE DEMOCRATS.... AGAIN.

S. Lindsey: In honor of Mapeleaf..

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“An elderly Clayton County, GA man reportedly used his handgun to fend off a pair of criminals who tried to rob him at gunpoint in his own home.”

S. Lindsey: Muslims outraged Congress serving Pork for Christmas

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"More than 5,000 earmarks were included in the $447 billion omnibus spending bill passed yesterday by the House, funding "pet projects" of key members of Congress from both parties and all regions of the country. The Senate will vote on the bill this weekend." ABC News (Another of my fictional websites)

S. Lindsey: Global Warming, Golden Idols and Icons

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I have been trying to, rather unsuccessfully, figure out the mindset of the Alarmist.

The closest I have come is to liken it to a Religion.

S. Lindsey: Jesus not invited to the Whitehouse

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Well it's that time of year where we get together and hopefully reflect on what we have done and how better we can be.

S. Lindsey: Show me the Money and I will give you Global Warming

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Well on day when we have Snow in Georgia.

I thought it particularly cogent to blog about Global Warming.

The recent revelation on the emails from the CRU (Climatic Research Unit) easily proves that the “Science” is in fact anything but settled. The emails clearly show that the “Scientist” fudged the data.

S. Lindsey: Obamacare at any cost?

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Are you convinced yet? Do you really think that this is all about Health or Care?

They have reached a point where just passing a bill is the point.. What’s in it? Who wrote it? Does not matter.. They just want a win..

S. Lindsey: Obama to send 30k troops

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to Afghanistan. 10,000 less then General McChrystal said he needed at a Minimum.
His report stated that he needed 60,000 troops.. He can do the job with a MINIMUM of 40,000

S. Lindsey: Health Care Reform Support falls to new low

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Just 38% of voters now favor the health care plan proposed by President Obama and congressional Democrats. That’s the lowest level of support measured for the plan in nearly two dozen tracking polls conducted since June.

S. Lindsey: New Taxes in the Senate Healthcare bill

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• 40% excise tax on health coverage in excess of
$8,500/$23,000 indexed for inflation by CPI-U
plus 1% and increased thresholds for over age 55

S. Lindsey: Obama drops to below 50% approval

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In a recent Gallup poll just 49% approve of the job Obama is doing..

Well maybe he should go bow a little more in the Middle East..

S. Lindsey: Let the Medical Rationing begin

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“I mean, let the rationing begin,” said Representative Dave Camp of Michigan, the ranking Republican on the Ways and Means Committee. “This is what happens when bureaucrats make your health care decisions.”

S. Lindsey: Asset Bubble set to burst: Collapse of Economy expected

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“A year after the collapse of home values triggered the financial crisis and Great Recession, another rapid and irrational rise in the price of assets — whether stocks, home values, oil or something else — would seem unlikely. After all, major bubbles through history have been spaced decades, if not centuries, apart.”

S. Lindsey: Obama to make sure Illegals are covered under Health Plan

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Here comes Amnesty 2010.. Obama plans on introducing another Amnesty program for all of the Illegal Aliens/Criminals residing ILLEGALLY in our Country next year.. Once they are "FORGIVEN" then they will be eligible for OBAMACARE.

S. Lindsey: Jobs 'Saved or Created' in Congressional Districts That Don't Exist

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“Here's a stimulus success story: In Arizona's 15th congressional district, 30 jobs have been saved or created with just $761,420 in federal stimulus spending. At least that's what the Web site set up by the Obama administration to track the $787 billion stimulus says. “ ABC News(bogus website)

S. Lindsey: Feel Healthy don't think you need to pay for Health Insurance.. Go to Jail

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Go directly to Jail Do not pass Go Pay tax of $2000.00

Under the House bill those who can afford to buy insurance and don’t’ pay a fine. If the refuse to pay that fine there’s a threat – as with a lot of tax fines – of jail time

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