Have Kids is School.. What they are learning

S. Lindsey's picture

See the video..

Learn how Capitalism is destroying the World and sharing the wealth is good.

Learn how America is bad “again” and we are sucking the life out of the rest of the World..

This is being “taught” in schools along with a “worksheet” to reinforce the message.

Are you ok with this?

The Story of STUFF how Capitalism is BAD for the WORLD

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dawn69's picture
Submitted by dawn69 on Sat, 09/26/2009 - 1:06am.

Consumption does seem to have replaced many of the values we as a people once had. This is evident with increasing credit card debt carried by most households in this country. Ms. Leonard is right in that we consume more than ever. Collectively, we buy more house than we can afford and buy more "stuff" than we can afford - so we charge it.

In 1990, the average credit card debt per household was just under $3,000, according to the Federal Reserve Bureau for Economic Analysis. By 2004 that average had more than tripled to $9,300. Michael Hodges, author and journalist, says that "Since 1990 it is clear the economy was 'driven' almost entirely by the biggest injection of new debt in history, which produced a much diminished lower return in national income per dollar.". We have continued to borrow from Peter to pay Paul so that we can continue to pursue "stuff" the most of which we don't even need. We do so expecting that life will always be grand and rosy without realizing that a truly free market is supposed to have booms and busts. That is the beauty of its design - to keep things in balance - but we, as consumers, have not been keeping ourselves or our consumption balanced.

Where Annie Leonard is wrong is that it is not capitalism that is the devil. Somewhere along the way, we have lost perspective and the ability to prioritize. The free market is still, in my opinion, the best system in place. It fosters creativity, innovation, inventiveness, opportunity, and freedom. It embodies all that has made this country great for centuries. How else could a boy from south Georgia go from peanut farmer to Governor, to President, to humanitarian? President Carter is a fine example of the American dream and I believe that he gives back as much as he receives - he is a "closed loop".

In summary, many of the points that "The Story of Stuff" are in and of themselves valid points. But they are not indicative of a failed free market system. They are the product of our own irresponsibility and inability to apply the values I know we have to our own finance and economy. While we shout for accountability from our politicians, and we should, we should also call for more accountability from ourselves. We need to realize that if we wish to preserve capitalism and all the greatness that comes from the free market, we need to tackle our outrageous debt problem. We can not do that until we become responsible consumers.

"I place saving among the first and most important virtues, and debt as the greatest of dangers to be feared." - Thomas Jefferson

S. Lindsey's picture
Submitted by S. Lindsey on Thu, 09/24/2009 - 8:10pm.

It starts in Kindergarden and NEVER stops..

School kids taught to praise Obama... Link to video

"When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny." The strongest reason to keep and "Bear" arms.. Thomas Jefferson

Submitted by kitkat on Thu, 09/24/2009 - 12:30pm.

Was this actually shown in a school? Her language is pretty blatantly biased. By all means, kids should learn where "stuff" comes from, but the bit about military spending and trashing Earth really had no place there. I'm sure there are more neutral videos about "stuff." Teachers sneaking in their political views...tsk tsk.

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Fri, 09/25/2009 - 4:06am.

At the very least there would be a demand for equal time for an opposing view - at worst they'd start talking about impeachment.

Being very restrained and mature, I'll go with a simple presentation of an opposing opinion. Ann Coulter would be a good choice for the kindergarten class - she could read things from her book about liberals and get little Johnny to go home and spout conservative viewpoints. Think that would be ok with the liberal teacher's union?

S. Lindsey's picture
Submitted by S. Lindsey on Thu, 09/24/2009 - 4:14pm.

Schools both Elementary and High School..and more signing up for the video everyday.. as well as Churches(???)… and other public forums..

"When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny." The strongest reason to keep and "Bear" arms.. Thomas Jefferson

Submitted by AtHomeGym on Thu, 09/24/2009 - 4:45pm.

What drivel, loaded with unsubstantiated claims, like "The textbook says"---textbook? Responsible parents should be enraged--but perhaps it's in New Jersey where they're busy doing the "Barack Hussein Obama, Boom Boom Boom" chant!

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