Obama Administration pays off George Soros and Move.org to the tune of 2 BILLION dollars

S. Lindsey's picture

The pay offs and pay backs continue.. Petrobras a Brazilian oil company who reported 8 Billion in profits last year..”BORROWED” 2 BILLION DOLLARS for off-shore oil drilling.
You know that little thing the Democrats promised we were going to do until right after the elections then the Democrats all collectively yelled “SIKE”.
Soros has put in a little over $800 Million into Petrobras surprisingly we are now using Tax Dollars to shore up the Soros deal..
Why are the American People “lending” anything to a Government which is NOT friendly to America and who has just agreed to Sell their OIL TO CHINA. Hmmmm. China again..
We are borrowing our Grandkids future from them.. Seems to me we are helping China get ahead every way possible.. Even propping up their suppliers for them.
I guess it’s a good thing I like Chinese Food so much. I wonder how hard is it to learn Mandarin Chinese?

Bankrupt?! Obama Administration Invests 2 Billion in Drilling off the Coast of Brazil…

We can't drill our own oil here in America off shore, but Obama is happy to lend $2 billion to Brazil to finance their national oil company

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