bladderq: Army Maj & 'Nam

Before the Maj. gits us all weepy about the last civil war our mis-guided ferign policy got us involved in might I suggest a little reading material for our bloggers. We have been lucky the last 20 years that our mis-adventures haven't cost us much more. Lest we fergit what FIFTY-THREE THOUSAND names look like on a WALL.

bladderq: Army Maj & 'Nam

Before the Maj. gits us all weepy about the last civil war our mis-guided ferign policy got us involved in might I suggest a little reading material for our bloggers. We have been lucky the last 20 years that our mis-adventures haven't cost us much more. Lest we fergit what FIFTY-THREE THOUSAND names look like on a WALL.

bladderq: Full Circle on Iraq

1st the Nov Elections & now the Dixie Chicks are sweeping the Grammy's. My how times change. Oh, the Doors are getting something .. I'm hearing "The War is Over." Where is Country Joe & the FISH Cheer?

dollaradayandfound: Eccliaastical doctrinal schisms

I have come to believe that all religion would have died out many, many years ago had it not been for doctrinal schisms that have and are occuring.

cjsarge: U.S.-Mexico Social Security Totalization Agreement

I sent the following e-mails to both Georgia senators and Congressman Westmoreland from the 3d District. If you are smart and you are on Social Security (or ever hope to be) I would advise sending this e-mail to our two Senators and your Congressman.

oldbeachbear: Fat City in Peachtree city

Does anyone know why its closed? I have something exspensive left there for repair. Their phone recording says they hope to re-open soon and tell you to email them or leave a message.

Hi There: St. Andrew's Twisted Vestry and the Tales They Tell

Hi There's picture

St. Andrew's will remain property of the Diocese of Atlanta. Unlike other denominations, the governing body over all Episcopal churches, dioceses, owns the property and assets to which the church belongs. St. Andrew's belongs to the Diocese of Atlanta. It is my understanding the vote was "tainted". There were people who voted, yet are not members. TO BE ELIGIBLE TO VOTE ONE MUST BE CONFIRMED AS AN EPISCOPALIAN. Confirmation classes MUST have been taken and a formal ceremony performed for the candidates. During this ceremony, many candidates usually are confirmed at the same time. It would be offically joining a church. To be a voting member within the Episcopal Church, one must be in good standing. This means attendance is regular and pledge is up to date. Many showed up to vote, yet are not in regular attendance and have no pledge (tithe).

PTCGA1: St. Andrews Parish: Have you considered Anglican Use Rite?

As a Catholic of the Roman rite, I don't mean to butt into the internal decisions of another Christian church, but since your parish has decided to leave the Episcopal Church in the USA (ECUSA) and is considering joining with the Nigerians, maybe you should investigate the Anglican Use rite of the Catholic Church.

AF A-10: Greetings from Dublin, Ireland

AF A-10's picture

Man these folks can drink! Quick hello aqnd interesting tidbit from 9 February USA Today. The KKK has seen an explosive growth in their ranks over the last three years. Their rallying cry: Anti immigrant. Not attacking the problem, but the people themselves. Think about the strange bedfellows you make when you make the attack on the illegal families and not the problem as a whole. I encourage you all to read the Tucson, Az massacre story from 8 Feb, and try to find a compassionate way to address the issue. Cheers! Guiness calls!!!!

people4u: High School lacrosse season underway

Catching little fanfare, high school lacrosse kicked off the current season last weekend. Starr’s Mill, McIntosh and Whitewater have fielded teams along with the Fayette County Lacrosse Association.( They will be playing many teams that field teams in their respective regions in other sports, the big difference being that many schools are playing at the club level, hoping to be recognized as varsity programs next year.

Richard Hobbs: The Poles understood Reagan more than the Liberal Left ever could

Richard Hobbs's picture

Reagan Statue proposed in Former Soviet Bloc Nation

SouthernBelle: OH MY GOSH!

SouthernBelle's picture

Can you believe that those boys, Joshua and Justin Moulder who killed the puppy by BAKING IT IN AN OVEN only got TEN YEARS?!?! I don't care what some high powered African American man says, those boys deserved to go to prison for 90 years.

fdcotten: Saddened by St. Andrews News

I am saddened to learn about the decision of the leadership of Saint Andrews in the Pines to disassociate themselves from The Episcopal Church of the United States. I have often longed to return to Peachtree City and resume my support for the PTC community and for Saint Andrews.

SouthernBelle: So, this is what the end feels like

SouthernBelle's picture

It has been so hard with all the Workmans' Comp stuff, without an attorney, I've had to figure stuff out on my own by reading all the laws, then looking up the legal terms in the laws, and filing all the right papers, and negotiating a settlement that's fair not only for us, but for the insurance company as well, we don't think they should be "taken" for all they're worth.

dollaradayandfound: More military promotions and rewards for Iraq

We now have a new Army Chief of Staff. The top army job.
The General just spent about three years in Iraq, saying that he didn't want to send ONE more soldier into war than he had to send. A noble gesture.

CCB: Fools never learn ...

CCB's picture

They are doing it again, Steve Brown is being converted into a populous symbol. The more the Direct PAC, Bob Lenox and others go after Brown, the stronger he becomes. The bunch of simpletons didn’t learn a thing from the old city attorney's failed attempt at trying to shut Brown up with a lawsuit geared at intimidation. Mayor Logsdon’s stab at trying to save face over TDK was pathetic. TDK will be beneficial to our community because it will generate economic growth and it will make our region stronger. All this business about getting employees to work on time is just a deplorable way to fool the public. Describe it for what it is, TDK is a chance to make something out of East Coweta County. Sure, there will be drawbacks like traffic and some sales tax evaporation, but it will make us stronger.

dollaradayandfound: When will we stop

From the 1800s til about the 1950s we had names for immigrants--legal or illegal. ("we" being: anyone who had assimilated fully).

John Munford: Brooks Little League registration Saturday

John Munford's picture

I know it's been cold and baseball isn't on your minds yet, but ...

If you haven't registered your little darlings for Little League yet, the Brooks Area Little League is having one more registration this Saturday (Feb. 10) at 10 a.m.

bladderq: El AnBar

Watching ABC News tonite they showed how this big "province" of this "country" in the center of the turmoil and homeland of the Sunni uprising. Has anyone thought to just GIVE this province to our buddies in Saudi? Iraq is not a country and has never been a country...It is a WW ONE amalgamation of a bunch of places.

masked08: Medical info. Bracelets and Charms

masked08's picture

A little background... My Grandmother recently began taking a blood thinner. I looked into getting her one of those very popular bracelets to wear so that everyone would know that she is on the thinner if something should happen. Well, I didn't like the idea of paying @ $50 for an i.d. bracelet. If it was the only alternative, I would gladly pay it, don't get me wrong.

dollaradayandfound: Influence of power

The following explanation also occurs within corporate echelons also, but in this instance it is an explanation for why so many senior officers saw no problems in Iraq for four years.

Young Lover O F...: Emergency press conference in PTC

This is a transcript from the special press conference called by Peachtree City Mayor Harold Logsdon. The purpose of this last-minute press conference is to clarify his positions on the controversial TDK extension, the controversial big box issue and the controversial poor people from Coweta County.

carolinagal: Reading with Interest Maypr Logsdon's article

This morning, I read articles written bt Pfifer, Logsdon and Steve Brown. All of this time when discussing the extension of TDK blvd> I have said to my husband money must be changing hands.

yousaidwhat: Exclusive Fayette County trash

Seems like the County is so lax on upholding all their silly little rules and making only a hand full abide by them. If you are Hispanic--be proud. I don't care about the color, the race, or the religion. IF YOU CAN'T SCAVAGE AT THE DUMP, YOU CAN'T SCAVAGE AT THE DUMP. Now, how simple is that?????

Jones: New comer's guide to Steve Brown/Direct PAC

Several bloggers who are new to town are wondering about Direct PAC and Steve Brown. This archive column might be helpful.

Jones: Beverly/ Logsdon/ Brown/ Pfeifer

Here is a blow-to-blow summary on Beverly, Logsdon, Brown and Pfeifer from the column entitled “OPINION: Point-Counterpoint on TDK, annexation, big boxes in PTC.”

dollaradayandfound: Our Economy

We now have a 13.2 Trillion dollar domestic product (product also inclues money spent for services, 80%).

The breakdown: Services 80%, Industry 19%, Agriculture, misc., 1%.

ArmyMAJretired: Is PTC a Sanctuary City

ArmyMAJretired's picture

I was a little shocked yesterday as I left the PTC Library at 2 signs near the fountain. One stated in English, Please do not sit on the fountain. On the other side, the same was posted IN SPANISH!

bad_ptc: Who's funding the Terrorists?

bad_ptc's picture

The U.S. Govt sends $12,000,000,000 in cash to Iraq, and then looses $8,800,000,000, some 73%, and they want to monitor my bank account for "irregular" activity?

Robert W. Morgan: Direct PAC vs. Chicago Bears

Robert W. Morgan's picture

Yes Steve, everyone knows you are Spear Road Guy.

Direct PAC asked me to their first meeting and after all the emotional crap they adopted a mission statement which was to defeat you/Steve Brown in the next election.

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