Dayne Massey: Life’s GPS

Dayne Massey's picture

I recently bought my wife, Lisa, a GPS device for her car. We hooked it up, typed in the destination of our first trip, and off we went. Amazing! It began to direct each turn we needed to make. “In 200 yards, turn left ... Exit left, and then turn right.”

Concerts continue at St. Gabriel’s

The Catholic Church of St. Gabriel in Fayetteville continues its series of summer concerts with one event scheduled for the month of June and two for July. The events are free but donations will be accepted at the door. Artists from Georgia as well as some from outside the state will be featured.

Summer camp fun

Summer camp fun

Christ Our Shepherd Lutheran Church Day Camp was held June 11-15. The children had a “water day” of fun turning their shaving cream hair into some interesting creations. Pictured from left to right are Abby Helvig and Emily Petersen. Photo/Special.

CANA’s Anderson praises All Saints’ development

The Rev. Canon David Anderson, Canon Missionary of the Convocation of Anglicans in North America (CANA), led Peachtree City’s All Saints Anglican Church Sunday in Holy Eucharist, then praised the congregation for its rapid development in several areas.

Priest Emeritus

Priest Emeritus

Father David A. Jones of Newnan, was recently granted the title of “Priest Emeritus” by the congregation of Christ the King Church in Sharpsburg.

Anniversary party goers ...

Anniversary party goers ...

St. Andrew’s in-the-Pines Episcopal Church celebrated its 31st birthday May 27, following the 10 a.m. service with a barbecue picnic on the church grounds. Many old friends returned to celebrate. Shown above are long-time members Bob and Betty Johnson. Johnson may be recognized as the Santa appearing at St. Andrew’s annual Christmas bazaar. Shown below are members of the Franz family, left to right, Emily, Wayne, Bernadette, and Michael. Wayne is the church treasurer and a vestry member. Emily and Michael assist in the nursery. Photo/Special.

Rosenberg, Shemesh to speak at Jonesboro First Baptist July 8

Joel Rosenberg and Av Shemesh will be featured morning and evening guest speakers at Jonesboro First Baptist Church Sunday, July 8.

Vacation Bible School 0627

Inman UMC VBS: July 8-12
Inman United Methodist Church will have Vacation Bible School Sunday, July 8, through Thursday, July 12, with the theme, “Lift Off: Soaring to New Heights With God.” Sunday’s VBS will be from 3:30 - 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday, VBS will be from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Registration will be held now through June 30. For more information, call the church, 770-461-2123.

Gospel concert set for July 7

Campbellton United Methodist Church west of Fairburn will host a Southern Gospel concert Saturday, July 7, at 7 p.m.. featuring The Melody Boys Quartet from Little Rock, Ark. and Tere Ayers, from Douglasville. A love offering for The Melody Boys will be received at the opening of the concert.

Religion Briefs 0627

Men’s cookoff planned for June 30
Release Ministries will sponsor a men’s cookoff/community outreach event Saturday, June 30, from noon until 4 p.m. at 175 Carnegie Place, Suite 105, in Fayetteville. There will be free food and fun. For more information, call the church, 770-461-5547.

Father Paul Massey: Ask Father Paul ...

Father Paul Massey's picture

Answers to your questions about life, religion and the Bible

Father Paul: I have a good friend who dabbles in the occult. He says he sees nothing wrong with this. Does the Bible say anything about the occult?

— Franklin

It sure does. It’s great that your friend is interested in supernatural/spiritual things, but the source of occult practices is Satan (The Deceiver) ... NOT the God of the Bible. Things like Ouija boards, tarot cards, casting spells from “roots,” channeling, witchcraft, black magic and the like ... things some people call “harmless fun,” are all condemned by God in the Bible which calls them, “an abomination unto the Lord,” (Deut. 18: 9 - 12). Some translations of this passage say, “detestable to the Lord.”

Christ Our Shepherd members say ‘farewell’ to Neva Warren

Christ Our Shepherd Lutheran Church will honor Neva Warren for 18 years’ service as church administrator on Sunday, June 24, at 4 p.m.

After a potluck dinner at the church, members of the staff and congregation will pay tribute and “roast” Warren, an Associate in Ministry in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

Huddleston is new senior pastor at Providence UMC

Huddleston is new senior pastor at Providence UMC

Warren Huddleston has been appointed by Bishop Lindsay Davis of the North Georgia Conference of the United Methodist Church to be the new senior minister at Providence UMC.

T.L. Myers installed as new senior pastor at Covenant

T.L. Myers installed as  new senior pastor at Covenant

In a service on the afternoon of June 3, the Rev. Thomas L. Myers was installed at Covenant Presbyterian Church in Fayetteville as its new senior pastor.

The Metro Atlanta Presbytery officially commissioned Myers in a service of special music, congregational readings of Scripture and liturgy, and comments from colleagues.

Confirmed by the bishop ...

Confirmed by the bishop ...

Bishop Neil Alexander confirmed five candidates June 5 at a special service at St.Andrew’s in-the-Pines Episcopal Church in Peachtree City. Holy Eucharist and Reaffimation were celebrated also. The candidates confirmed were, left to right, Michael Baldwin Parry, Trina Marie Bartkowicz, Kent Alan Dunson, Patrica Close Barton, and Melodie Henderson Reed. Alexander stands on the right. A reception for more than 100 guests followed the service. Photo/Special.

Gospel sing set for June 22-23

Monthly gospel sings will return to Grantville for the month of June with events scheduled for Friday, June 22,and Saturday, June 23 at two different locations.

Vacation Bible School 0620

Summit of South Fayette VBS: June 24-26
The Summit of South Fayette Vacation Bible School will be held Sunday through Tuesday, June 24-26, from 6 - 8 p.m. with the theme, “Two by Two.” As Noah filled his huge boat with animals two by two, those attending are asked to bring themselves and two others. VBS is open to the entire family, their friends and neighbors. A meal will be served each night followed by large and small group activities. A nursery will be provided. Groups will be divided into preschool and elementary age children, youth, and adults. VBS will conclude with an ice cream social on Tuesday night. The church is at 1373 Ga. Hwy. 92 South. Visit the website at or email

Religion Briefs 0620

Men’s cookoff planned for June 30
Release Ministries will sponsor a men’s cookoff/community outreach event Saturday, June 30, from noon until 4 p.m. at 175 Carnegie Place, Suite 105, in Fayetteville. There will be free food and fun. For more information, call the church, 770-461-5547.

Dr. David L. Chancey: Building a long haul marriage

Dr. David L. Chancey's picture

George Gilbert said, “Marriage is a three ring circus: engagement ring, wedding ring and suffering!”

Milton Berle said, “Marriage is one of the few institutions that allow a man to do as his wife pleases.

Henny Youngman said, “The secret of a happy marriage is a secret.”

Or is it? We live in a day in which the American family is still plagued by the disappointment of divorce, yet one recent study revealed that the national per capita divorce rate has declined steadily since its peak in 1981 and is now at its lowest level since 1970. One reason? More couples are living together without the commitment of marriage. Another is an intentional effort to strengthen marriages and the determination to make marriages work.

Providence’s Ellison appointed senior pastor at Atlanta First UMC

Providence’s Ellison appointed senior pastor at  Atlanta First UMC

The Rev. Dr. Jim Ellison, founding pastor of Providence United Methodist Church in south Fayette, will be appointed this week by Bishop Lindsey Davis of the North Georgia Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church to become the new senior pastor of Atlanta First UMC, located on the historic site in downtown Atlanta.

Baker selected new youth minister at St. Mary’s church

Baker selected new youth minister at St. Mary’s church

Susan Leigh Baker, daughter of Doug and Judy Baker of Peachtree City, has been selected as the new youth minister for St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church’s Parish Religious Education Program (PREP).

Baker, a McIntosh High School graduate, received her undergraduate degree in political science from the State University of West Georgia in 2000 and is completing a master’s degree in education at Georgia State University. She plans to pursue an additional master’s degree in theology.

Atlanta Archbishop announces new Catholic priest assignments

Atlanta Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory recently announced local priest assignments and changes effective June 21, unless otherwise noted.

Fr. Karl Duggan, pastor of St. Peter the Rock Church, The Rock, has been assigned as pastor of St. Gabriel Church, Fayetteville.

Locals in the spotlight at Lutheran convention here

Locals in the spotlight at Lutheran convention here

The contemporary praise team from Peachtree City’s Christ Our Shepherd Lutheran Church, GraceFlock, was featured at the Assembly of the Southeastern Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, which met June 1-3 in Atlanta.

After presenting a workshop on the opening afternoon, GraceFlock led a morning worship service, which showcased original songs by members Lans Rothfusz and Gary Pederson.

Vacation Bible School 0613

FFUMC VBS: June 18-22
Fayetteville First United Methodist Church has announced its Vacation Bible School with the theme “Lift Off! Soaring to New Heights with God.” From 9 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., Monday through Friday, June 18-22, children ages 4 by June 18 through fifth grade are invited to become Sky Scouts and join in adventures filled with fun, excitement and creative Bible-based activities. Craig Anderson, the mad scientist, will be on site performing Flight Experiments throughout the week. The church is at 175 East Lanier Ave. (right behind the old courthouse). For more information, call 770-461-4313.

Religion Briefs 0613

Uganda choir performs at COS tonight
Christ Our Shepherd Lutheran Church will host the Ugandan Children’s Choir from Kampala, Uganda, tonight, June 13, at 7 p.m. Members of the choir will sing and dance and tell their stories to raise money to build a new school and orphanage. There is no admission charge but an offering will be taken and merchandise will be available for sale. Christ Our Shepherd is at the corner of Ga. Hwy. 54 and Peachtree Parkway.

Judy Fowler Kilgore: Calling all ‘penning’ pastors

Judy Fowler Kilgore's picture

I guess most of you have noticed that John Hatcher is no longer doing the religion column for our Wednesday religion section. John decided to resign a few weeks ago after writing for us for nearly 15 years ... actually since the paper began back in February of 1993.

We hate to see John go and sincerely wish him well. We appreciate all those faithful columns over the years.

Fred Heard returns to Ebenezer for 2007 Homecoming service

Fred Heard returns to Ebenezer for 2007 Homecoming service

The Rev. Fred Heard, who ministered at Ebenezer United Methodist Church from 1983 to 1987, will return for the church’s Homecoming service this Sunday beginning at 11 a.m.

Heard and his wife, Mary Jo, have served at Mize Memorial United Methodist Church in Augusta for the past four years.

Their children are now both married and the Heards have five grandchildren.

Ebenezer United Methodist is at 680 Ebenezer Church Road between Redwine Road and Ebenezer Road, east of Peachtree City.

Ugandan choir to perform at Christ Our Shepherd next Wednesday

Ugandan choir to perform at Christ Our Shepherd next Wednesday

Christ Our Shepherd Lutheran Church in Peachtree City will host the Ugandan Children’s Choir from Kampala, Uganda, on Wednesday, June 13 at 7 p.m.

Members of the choir, 28 children ranging from 6 to 12 years old, will sing and dance and tell their stories.

Discussion group meets Sat.

Community Christian Church in Fayetteville is beginning a discussion group for persons who would like to engage in dialogue and debate regarding matters of faith, organized religion, the role or lack of religious belief in American life and other issues relating to the views of religious believers and skeptics.

Vacation Bible School 0606

Harp’s Crossing VBS: June 11-15
Harp’s Crossing Baptist church will host “Game Day Central” Vacation Bible School June 11-15 from 9 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. Children ages four (by Sept. 1) through completed sixth grade are eligible to participate. Register at the church, 1183 Ga. Hwy. 92 South, or online at

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