Davids mom: Dr. Sams

The Blended History of Fayette County. God bless Dr. Sams. What a wonderful 'healing' event!!

Davids mom: Obama: Against all odds!

The Democrats in Fayette County aren't alone!

From the New York Times:

Only slothful thinkers still view Democrats in the West as Prius-driving latte-sippers along the Left Coast. The larger story is about home-grown identity. Eight of the 11 Western States have Democratic governors. The Democrats picked up two Senate seats in the West in the last two national elections, and are poised to pick up two more this year, in Colorado and New Mexico.


I know that the majority of the bloggers on The Citizen are Republican - and conservative. But tonight a black candidate for President won the primary in South Carolina by building a coalition of Americans of all races, gender, and economic status.

Davids mom: Only in Georgia

Today I was the recipient of a random act of kindness. While in the post office - and a bit hassled because of an inordinate amount of packages to mail - I inadvertently left my credit card in the lobby when I went to stand in line to mail my packages and buy stamps. A gentleman came in and gave a 'credit card' to a lady behind the counter. I checked my wallet - and sure enough - my credit card was missing. I stood in line to retrieve my credit card - and fortunately the man who turned it in was still in the lobby. I was able to thank him! What a great way to start the New Year!! I'm so glad we decided to settle here.

Davids mom: Chief - the War on Terror

At your suggestion, I read Kessler's book, "The Terrorist Watch". Kessler is obviously a believer in the Bush administration. (He reverently calls Bush the CEO of the War on Terror.) Most of what this administration has 'accomplished' is under investigation. History will be the judge of the Bush administration. 70% of the American public today does not agree with Kessler's assessment of this administration. Kessler reports what other authors have reported regarding the CIA and FBI. As the CEO of the War on Terror, Bush's record is questionable. The book is an interesting read. Americans need to get beyond partisan loyalty and politics - and elect leaders who are knowledgeable, honest, and respected. . . REGARDLESS OF THEIR PARTY AFFIILIATION.

Davids mom: ROMNEY


Davids mom: The Legacy of the Little Rock Nine

Juan Williams comments make sense.

The Little Rock Nine

Davids mom: A tree grows . . .discontent

A year ago, your child was involved in a conflict at their high school. The conflict was centered around who could sit under a tree on the school grounds. This conflict was allowed to fester because of inept school leadership and community lack of interest. The community is a small community – where people appear to get along reasonably well. The students at the school have not had any intervention or guidance for resolution regarding this conflict about the ‘tree’. The conflict continues to fester – and a fight breaks out on the playground. The fight is serious. One student received serious injuries. Your child is reportedly involved in the fight – and is charged with attempted murder. There are conflicting stories from the witnesses. Some say your child was not even in the area – but he is charged with attempted murder at a trial that many considered unjust. A higher court finds the charges unjust – and lowers the charges. There are citizens in the community who agree with the injustice of the original charges. However, the DA in this instance stands by his charges – even though a higher legal authority has reduced the charges. Many citizens in the country acknowledge the injustice that this local criminal system tried to enforce, and feel that your small town is not the only place where justice is not distributed equally. How would you feel?

Davids mom: Thanks!

. . to those of you who joined me in a conversation regarding the sensitive topic of 'race' - without trying to twist my words or intentions.

Davids mom: Git;Denise;loveptc

Now that we have, I hope, established some credibility with one another regarding the sensitive topic of ‘race’ - I have a question.

Davids mom: Deliberate acts of kindness

• A little girl lost in one of the stores in the Pavilion, and several people comforting her until her 'lost' mommy was found.

Davids mom: Iraq - How to Walk Away?

Michael Duffy of Time Magazine has written a thought provoking article “How To Walk Away’. He incorporated the thinking of some of the top officials in the world – which motivates one to think about this situation based on facts and experienced knowledge of respected military, political, and diplomatic leaders. The title of his article elicits a gut wrenching reaction to those of us who are not accustomed to our country ‘losing’. But after reading the article – his summation makes sense.

Davids mom: Where do we go from here?

Many on this site have posted facts regarding the current and past administrations role and involvement in Iraq, the Middle East and the 'war on terror'.

Davids mom: Waffle House/Fayetteville

What a relief! I am so glad to hear from posters that our experience in 2003 was not about race! It was the only negative experience that we have had from retailers in Georgia - and being new to the south - we thought it was about race.


Did I miss the comments on the wonderful weekend that we had in Fayetteville? We had guests from California and Washington D.C.

Davids mom: Challenge to Fayette County

Let's have a seminar for the entire community given by law enforcement entitled: "How citizens can help prevent crime and identify criminals in Fayette County." It is disingenuous to challenge the NAACP, when organizations supposedly representing the Christian community, the 'white' community, the 'male' community - are not being challenged with the same issue when their 'members' are involved in criminal actions.

Davids mom: Thank You Citizens and Law Enforement of Fayette County

Peachtree City and Fayetteville have been listed as among the safest cities in our country. I feel this is due to a citizenry that cares - and outstanding law enforcement practices. I shuddered the other day when I saw on the news a lady being robbed in a public parking lot while patrons appeared to calmly walk by. (They may not have realized what was happening.) Today a friend and I were talking in a parking lot in Fayette County. We may have looked distressed since one of us was on the cell phone trying to contact another friend. A gentleman looked over and politely asked if everything was all right. We smiled and answered in the affirmative. We were so impressed that he even was concerned!


After watching the Plame-Wilson hearings this morning on CSPAN - I just want to know what are the opinions of those who the Congressman represents regarding his questions and contribution during the Federal Committees' hearings.

Davids mom: Another perspective

The same 'history' and 'symbols' can have different meaning and bring up different emotions in citizens of the South. The Confederate Flag was the flag of the South during the Civil War.

Davids mom: Wake up Fayette County! Supply and Demand

If no one was buying drugs in Fayette County - drug dealers would not come here. The writer who wisely acknowledged that our students/adults are buying drugs is 'right on'.


I'm glad to see that there are thinking citizens in Fayetteville who wonder at the sincerity of those who speak of 'family values' - and then take their children to 'play' at casinos. The act of 'playing' is used in education as a 'learning' experience. What are parents 'teaching' their children when they 'play' at casinos?

Davids mom: Libby's Indictment

Both Libby and Clinton lied to the grand jury. A lie is a lie. I look at the reason for the lie. Clinton lied to cover up a marital indiscretion which was injurious to Monica, Hillary, Chelsea and himself.

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