Iraq - How to Walk Away?

Michael Duffy of Time Magazine has written a thought provoking article “How To Walk Away’. He incorporated the thinking of some of the top officials in the world – which motivates one to think about this situation based on facts and experienced knowledge of respected military, political, and diplomatic leaders. The title of his article elicits a gut wrenching reaction to those of us who are not accustomed to our country ‘losing’. But after reading the article – his summation makes sense.

1. Pull back slowly
2. Rethink the mission
3. Broaden the focus.

The article gives a balanced view of this controversy.

“The Goal here is damage limitation, not the kind of success envisioned when the operation began: (Michael Mandelbaum, Professor of US Foreign Policy, John Hopkins University)

“It would be ugly. People would say, “We can either throw rose petals or shoot at ‘em,” and they’d shoot at us. (Retired General Barry McCaffrey, on what departing US troops could face.)

“Some elements (would try) to impose their own agenda. It would be not only Shi’ite versus Sunni but war within each community itself. (A Senior Arab Diplomat)

“If we withdraw from Iraq. . .it’s not going to be some sort of easy sanctuary for al-Qaeda.’ (Anthony Cordesman, Center for Strategic and International Studies)

The article can be found here. How To Walk Away

The military personnel in this discussion probably have a better idea of what 'walking away' looks like. The stark realization of what it would entail in personnel and equipment is mind boggling. There would still be loss of our young men and women in any type of pull out - but can we afford to stay using the current strategy?

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Submitted by Davids mom on Mon, 07/23/2007 - 7:14am.

It looks like the article has been archived. Try this.,9171,1645164,00.html

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