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Submitted by Davids mom on Mon, 02/22/2010 - 11:46am.

A wise move. I shared this concern with BK corporate headquarters. (Human Resources) If the complaint is valid - and a written concern is received, it will be investigated as Tgarlock said. HOWEVER, if this is false, BK may investigate the person who wrote it - and refer it to their legal department. In today’s economy, no company or franchise owner needs/wants to be accused of poor customer service or treating minors/workers illegally.

The human rights of children, women, and minorities (and those considered 'majoritiy') are valued in our country - and must continue to be protected for ALL AMERICAN CITIZENS.

Racism, including reverse racism, cannot be tolerated. That was the message of MLK.

Submitted by xvalleygirl on Mon, 02/22/2010 - 3:49pm.

Funny how DM took into to her own hands to solve.............. I am sure Ms. JoAnne has handled it as well. Jo Anne you go girl............

matt.barnes's picture
Submitted by matt.barnes on Sun, 02/21/2010 - 10:53pm.

I hope you're not calling a black person a racist. Because if you are that means you're a racist.

Submitted by Jo Anne on Sun, 02/21/2010 - 11:14pm.

Yeah Matt Barnes. I am calling a black person racist. ****** DELETED for violating terms of service******* And yes, I am really upset becasue IF my daughter was black we would have ********. And YES YOU KNOW IT ---- MATT BARNES.

AND No I am not racist --- I HATE EVERYBODY. But you do not mess with my daughter. GOT IT.

matt.barnes's picture
Submitted by matt.barnes on Sun, 02/21/2010 - 11:37pm.

Good for you. Standing up for you're family. Americans only support what is in style and right now white people are not.

Also, I think its great that all these kids care (about Haiti) but how about we teach them to care about there home. If you have 20 to send to Haiti you have 20 to send to your kids schools.

Submitted by Jo Anne on Mon, 02/22/2010 - 12:00am.

Sad it is that you say "not in Style" Since when do we have to be in style. I am part Cherokee Indian. You don't see Cherokee Indian month. I am also Irish and German, still no Irish Month, no German Month.............
As for Haiti (as sad as it was) what about the Children starving here in America... Please Matt Barnes (I agree)don't get me started..............

Submitted by Davids mom on Mon, 02/22/2010 - 12:25am.

Native American celebrations in the US. In schools where diversity is respected, these lessons are taught. There are wonderful reservations right here in the south! The Indian Nations hold celebrations yearly.

German American celebration City Cafe celebrates Octoberfest every year - right here in Fayetteville!

Irish American

Hard to believe you've missed St. Patricks day!!

Enjoy celebrating with those of your heritage. Most Americans are well aware of these celebrations - and participate in them yearly.

Submitted by xvalleygirl on Mon, 02/22/2010 - 3:52pm.

If you could read. She is asking for an Cherokee Indian, Irish, Germon MONTH not just a day.

Submitted by kevin king on Tue, 02/23/2010 - 3:40am.

"Funny how DM took into to her own hands to solve.............. I am sure Ms. JoAnne has handled it as well. Jo Anne you go girl............"

"She is asking for an Cherokee Indian, Irish, Germon MONTH"

As you, for some inexplicable reason, swing at David's Mom, you are bloodying yourself quite severely. Might invest in a spell/syntax checker thingy.

I'm just saying....


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