Commissioner Horgan and the audacity of dope

Tue, 11/17/2009 - 4:03pm
By: Letters to the ...

Last week, Robert Horgan, the Fayette County commissioner, filed an appeal to overturn the findings of the ethics panel, which found him in violation of the Fayette County ethics ordinance.

In fact, they found that by driving around town smoking pot, our esteemed commissioner had violated the portion of the code that requires elected officials to obey Georgia law, and another portion that requires elected officials to avoid behavior that would be unbecoming an elected official. Duh.

Many of us expected Mr. Horgan to resign after his highfalutin episode, but, alas, there is no shame.

Rather, another audacious recoil, which will cost taxpayers even more in wasted time, effort and funds.

Does he think that he can restore his good name by filing an ethics appeal to un-slap the very hands that were caught smoking? Robert, are you high?

Is it any wonder why our kids are so confused with life choices when our so-called “leaders” are such pitiful examples? Robert, need I say more? (Hint, hint: Resign!)

Pat Hinchey

Fayetteville, Ga.

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Submitted by PTC Observer on Mon, 11/23/2009 - 12:43pm.

Mr. Horgan has no intention to resign; he has no conscience or moral compass to guide him. Oddly, he somehow wants the judicial system that just convicted him to restore the integrity that he so sorely wants to recover. A flawed thought process to go along with his equally flawed character.

Alas, we can only wait for the election to unseat him and I am sure he is hoping beyond hope that you, Mr. Cree and others like you simply go away beforehand.

I would suggest that he shouldn't get too used to his county commission pay and plan to do something else with his time past the election.

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